Hit Your Head & Scared of Brain Bleed? What You Should Know
Did you recently get hit in the head and are now panicky that there might be bleeding in your brain? Knowledge is power! Here’s how to know if you should go to the ER. [...]
Did you recently get hit in the head and are now panicky that there might be bleeding in your brain? Knowledge is power! Here’s how to know if you should go to the ER. [...]
OW! Did you just get another one of those sudden sharp stabbing pains in a specific area of your head? Was it enough to make you stop whatever it was you were doing? [...]
Is your elderly parent very delirious following surgery and you’re scared this means the onset of dementia? Have you read that this is the first phase of permanent cognitive decline? […]
What is it with the increase in pancreatic cancer among adults younger than 50? Have you noticed that the people you read about with pancreatic cancer are almost always under 50, even 40? [...]
It’s time to see how a treadmill desk stacks up to the traditional 10,000 steps a day pedometer plan to offset prolonged sitting. […]
Are walking dumbbell lunges great for building a man’s legs or is this exercise only good for toning a woman’s legs? Men shouldn’t write off an exercise just because women are often seen doing it [...]
Can cancer or melanoma actually develop in a fingernail, of all places? Perhaps you’ve seen photos of what appears to be melanoma in a nail—either a toenail or fingernail. You may wonder, how can a [...]
What are men who use the hip abductor machine hoping to achieve? I doubt it’s fat loss in the legs because none of the men I’ve ever seen on this apparatus had saddlebags or chunky [...]
A predictable percentage of the elderly population (over age 65) has a potentially life threatening condition called aortic stenosis. Aortic valve stenosis means narrowing of this vessel, which branches out into smaller and smaller arteries to [...]
A German shepherd has perhaps the most luxurious coat of all dog breeds–but it’s not immune to becoming dull and losing its luster. […]
Is a certain personality type more likely to develop Stockholm syndrome if that person is abducted and held hostage? […]
High intensity interval training (HIIT) isn’t reserved for just thinner people; obese or very overweight women and men are much capable of employing this method of exercise. […]
Which should the elderly do to prevent muscle loss: rely on strength training (weightlifting) or fish oil supplements? Most elderly people have significant muscle loss, and omega 3 fish oil can actually help -- according [...]
German Shepherds that are not stimulated will find their own entertainment, such as shredding shoes or consuming cupboards. […]
If you’re struggling to accumulate 10,000 steps a day, no matter how many times you get up during TV commercials, leave your computer station or pace around every time you’re on the phone, I have [...]
If your teen is involved in sports, don’t be surprised if sooner or later, he or she gets injured and needs surgery. There is one specific part of the body that when injured, requires more [...]
How can religion lead to obesity? Or is it that very overweight people are drawn to organized religion? What's truly going on here? The link between middle age obesity and religion has already been established. What researchers [...]
Young women shouldn’t have to worry about heart disease, right? Well, they should definitely be aware of it, especially since it’s linked to depression in this very age group. […]
When a fitness enthusiast or athlete suffers a hamstring injury, this really blows, but if you know the causes and the solutions, this will put you way ahead of the game. Hamstring injuries can interfere [...]
Watch even just a little sports on TV, and sooner or later you’ll hear something about an athlete’s groin injury. Sports that commonly result in groin injuries: running (or sports that require a lot of [...]
BAD news: The adductor and abductor machines will not slim your chubby thighs or any other “fat” area of your legs and hips. […]
You do not have a built-in exercise regimen just because you use your home’s staircase to get from one floor to another. This is transportation, not real exercise in the true sense. Before I proceed [...]
Are the number of steps on the treadmill desk more important than the amount of time spent on it to offset the “sitting disease”? […]
You don’t need to lose weight in order for a treadmill desk to protect you from the “sitting disease.” And being thin is no reason to avoid using a treadmill desk either. […]
If you want to use up a lot of energy during exercise, there are certain muscles to focus on that burn the most calories. […]
Do people often comment on how skinny you are, including strangers, some even asking if you’re anorexic? This include that age-old joke: “If you swallowed a marble, you’d look nine months pregnant.” […]
If you’re a thin woman who thinks training with weights will bulk you up in a masculine way, you have been totally led astray. […]
Yes, you can do it–lose over 150 pounds if you’re 300 pounds or more–without risky surgery, starving yourself or hating on yourself. […]
You can instantly add up to 20 pounds to your struggling deadlift–without wrist straps or gloves. […]
Ever wonder why, when men offer female pedestrians a ride, the woman is never middle aged, let alone senior aged? She almost always is under 30. […]
If you have the classic thunder thighs, don't count on mere dance classes to slash off this unsightly fat; there are much better ways to accomplish this! Unfortunately, the dancing approach is one that many [...]
If insomnia plagues you–and you happen to have a fatty belly–losing some of that fat can help you sleep more like a baby. Say so-long to your trouble sleeping. […]
A woman with a strong pair of hands that can grip tightly will have so much more confidence–not just in everyday tasks, but if she should ever find herself in a threatening situation. [...]
No matter how much walking you do as a server & how tired your feet ache at the end of a shift, your body still needs aerobic workout sessions–structured time set aside specifically for this. [...]
Ever wonder what that fine line is when a walking speed on a treadmill should transition to jogging? Just HOW fast should someone walk on a treadmill? Walking, either on a treadmill or outdoors, is [...]
Don't chalk your stalled weight loss up to body type or genes. There are several dietary reasons why the scale is now stuck at that still-too-big number. When I was a personal trainer at a gym some [...]
You no longer have to avoid doing aerobic exercise in the name of preserving the muscle you’ve worked so hard to build. […]
Men with big muscles will want to burn lots of fat to show off those giant muscles as much as possible. Here is how. Additionally, those with big muscles will also want to slash their [...]
The most important thing an obese woman can do is stop believing that training with weights will make her body even bigger. NOT TRUE! Stop thinking like this! The thought that lifting weights makes obese [...]
You probably already know that lots of sitting every day raises calcium score, but here are some clever yet easy solutions to avoid “the sitting disease.” […]