Why Mildly Autistic People Are More Abused than Severely
Why does it seem that those with high functioning autism get the brunt of abuse while those who are low functioning get treated better? […]
Why does it seem that those with high functioning autism get the brunt of abuse while those who are low functioning get treated better? […]
Yet one more reason autistic people make great employees; they’re more likely to speak up about workplace ethical dilemmas. […]
Have you noticed that a ton of Autistics love to play D&D? It’s no illusion. […]
Trying to get your blood pressure down and nothing works? Are you in loud environments a lot and don’t use ear protection? […]
Can a DVT cause only swollen toes with no swelling, redness or pain anywhere else? […]
Do you panic every time you see a new bruise on a leg because you think it could be a DVT? […]
Are you a habitual knuckle cracker and are worried that all the popping will cause a blood clot in a finger or worse, the joint that’s being cracked? […]
For the many people who are worried that all the hiking they do, or even just occasional hiking, might give them a DVT (blood clot), here is in-depth information. […]
Every year, about 100,000 people visit their doctor with abdominal pain, and around 30,000 of these are diagnosed with gallstones. […]
As people age, many notice their senses dulling over time. […]
Watch your consumption of processed meat, even unprocessed meat, if you want to avoid type 2 diabetes. […]
Delaying the correct diagnosis of breast cancer mets in the upper arm bone was that the patient had a history of upper arm pain from a musculoskeletal cause. […]
Cancer doesn’t “come back” as much as distant micro-metastases were always there: too small to be detected – until now. […]
With the increasing prevalence of AI platforms, will AI ever take over human assessments for autism? […]
Protein plays a critical role in muscle recovery after intense weightlifting sessions. […]
What’s the best thing you can do for your kidneys? […]
Are you a dipper when it comes to chips? Have you ever wondered if dipping your chips makes you eat more chips, or less, when compared to having no dip at all? […]
Strength training is an essential component of a well-rounded fitness routine, offering benefits such as increased muscle mass, improved metabolism and enhanced overall strength. […]
It’s now clear just HOW exercise can be a very effective treatment for depression. […]
Is it really true that board games are more popular among autistic people than with neurotypicals? […]
Why is it that the youngest kids in any given grade level are more likely to get an ADHD or autism diagnosis? […]
Why is it that it seems so many autistic people also report a diagnosis of PTSD? […]
If you suffer from painful shin splints that keep interfering with your treadmill workout runs, you’ll want to consider gait training to reduce the pain. […]
A study shows that fear of possible harm of exercise is what stops many people with knee pain from activity, rather than the actual pain. […]
If you suffer from depression, you’ll want to take walks, take up gardening and/or take up golf or golf more if you already know how to play the game. […]
Don’t want chronic pain? Then get more active. […]
Strength training, aka lifting weights or resistance exercise, has been shown in numerous studies to be effective at combating depression and anxiety. […]
Once a woman is diagnosed with only bone mets from breast cancer, does this mean the beginning of the end? […]
Can an autistic person have a “normal” level of interest in a topic? […]
For years I thought these 5 autism traits were normal until I began researching ASD and got my official diagnosis. Or almost normal. […]
Is it worth it to get in 10,000 steps a day? Just exactly how can this benefit your body? And how do you get 10,000 steps a day? […]
Even if you do vigorous exercise, excessive sitting raises mortality risk significantly, says a study on older women. […]
Absolutely ridiculous: the volume level of music at indoor trampoline parks. […]
Breast cancer can spread to the brain; why aren’t brain scans a standard part of lifelong surveillance? […]
Before you reach for that sleeping pill, you may want to add some light exercise in the evening to help you sleep better. […]
HIIT boosts cognitive skills in older adults — and the improvement keeps going even if the exercise stops. […]
Let’s get this straightened out once and for all: Is “learning disability” a part of ASD? Does autism cause learning disabilities? […]
Autistic people have empathy. We just express it differently. It’s the psychopath who lacks empathy. […]
I’ve written extensive content on hands-free treadmill use. Here’s a simple analysis of what went wrong when the woman fell off a treadmill and died. […]
Political correctness has leapt overboard with “developmental delay.” […]