Excess Sitting Is Independent Risk Factor for Shortened Life
Even if you do vigorous exercise, excessive sitting raises mortality risk significantly, says a study on older women. […]
Even if you do vigorous exercise, excessive sitting raises mortality risk significantly, says a study on older women. […]
The “sitting disease” is real; you should make every effort to avoid this harbinger of ill health when at your computer. […]
If you sit a lot every day, this not only can have very bad effects on your physical health, but also mental health. But there’s something you can do. […]
If you get in a hardcore workout every day but then sit for many hours at work or home, you’re still prone to the harm of excessive sitting -- "the sitting disease." Exercise, even if [...]
There’s clever ways to use your treadmill desk to fight off the “sitting disease,” which if left free to harm, can have serious consequences to your health. […]
If you’re a middle age woman who sits many hours a day, you’re at risk for becoming frail and weak later on, yet this is just SO preventable. […]
Since the sitting disease is so bad for the heart and blood vessels, it’s no surprise that it’s also bad for the brain. There is just no escaping the harmful effects of sitting on your [...]
The “sitting disease” is back in the news: Excessive sitting is linked to issues with voiding: lower urinary tract symptoms. Problems with peeing in the case of extended sitting time refer to issues with urinating [...]
Bad news for workout enthusiasts who watch a lot of TV: Your gym exercise may not cancel out the blood clot risk of sitting a lot in front of the TV. Now if you walk [...]
Excessive sitting is strongly associated with how much fat surrounds your organs. This is the most dangerous kind of fat, called visceral fat, and is waiting for anybody who spends a lot of time sitting. [...]
Excess sitting is dangerous in so many ways, but so is untreated sleep apnea. Which is worse for the body? Both can lead to heart disease and other ailments. Excessive sitting, which has been defined [...]
If you want to trim down that thick waist, you’ll need to spend less time sitting on the job. Not only are desk jobs linked to bigger stomachs, but they’re linked to a bigger risk [...]
You can get in 15,000 steps a day even if your boss won’t allow a treadmill desk. There are ingenious ways you can make the step count rack up by the end of the evening. [...]
It’s time to see how a treadmill desk stacks up to the traditional 10,000 steps a day pedometer plan to offset prolonged sitting. […]
Are the number of steps on the treadmill desk more important than the amount of time spent on it to offset the “sitting disease”? […]
You don’t need to lose weight in order for a treadmill desk to protect you from the “sitting disease.” And being thin is no reason to avoid using a treadmill desk either. […]
You probably already know that lots of sitting every day raises calcium score, but here are some clever yet easy solutions to avoid “the sitting disease.” […]
You know that lots of sitting is unhealthy, but what’s the maximum number of hours we should sit per day? The absolute number of hours per day spent sitting might just very well be three [...]
There’s a way to undo some of the harm of prolonged sitting for three hours. If you’re sitting at your computer for three hours, but get up three times during that session and walk for [...]
A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in the lungs, and can be fatal within a minute, and for women who sit a lot on a daily basis, their risk is two to three times [...]
Men who have a desk job have an increased risk of heart failure even if after work they hit the gym like a warrior--not exactly the news you wanted to hear, right? If you work out [...]
There is a cause of hurting feet after sitting that may surprise you. Are your feet in pain or sore after you've been sitting for a while, such as while using a computer, at the [...]