Can a Person Live with just Half of One Lung?
We know that people can live with only one lung. But what if half of that remaining lung were removed, reducing total lung mass to 25%? […]
We know that people can live with only one lung. But what if half of that remaining lung were removed, reducing total lung mass to 25%? […]
Do you know someone who shovels only an inch of snow or barely any slush right down to the concrete even though the sun is already melting it? […]
If you fear you might have esophageal cancer, can you always expect eventual food impaction? […]
Has your voice been hoarse recently, you googled this and discovered that it can be a symptom of esophageal cancer? […]
Have you read symptom lists for esophageal cancer that include a sore or burning throat? […]
Does the fact that even thin women can get gestational diabetes mean that low body weight is a risk factor? […]
Struggling as a personal trainer? Perhaps you're committing one of these five mistakes. If you're thinking of becoming a PT, make sure you never make these five common errors. Every industry has standards that professionals [...]
What percentage of people with esophageal cancer developed this deadly disease from untreated GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)? […]
Ever wonder why ALL cases of Barrett’s esophagus aren’t just ablated away? After all, wouldn’t this eliminate surveillance endoscopies and anxiety? […]
Do you have chronic GERD and are wondering if any of your symptoms are being caused by Barrett’s esophagus? […]
It’s a real raw deal that the symptoms of GERD can be similar to those of the very deadly esophageal cancer. But there’s also a big difference between these two conditions. […]
It’s frightening: You begin feeling chest pain a few seconds after swallowing food. Is it GERD or esophageal cancer? […]
How long does it take for esophageal cancer symptoms to get severe after the onset of the first symptom? […]
If you’re anticipating eating a lot on Thanksgiving or Christmas and want to offset those extra calories the day before, here are guidelines on how to do that. […]
Are you fretting because you don’t have a driver for your colonoscopy or other outpatient procedure? Don’t worry; there IS a solution. […]
Do you suffer from sudden chills when you have an IBS attack? […]
Have you noticed your irritable bowel syndrome is worse in the morning, that you’re having more diarrhea at that time than at any other time of the day? […]
Strength training is safe during typical pregnancies. Here are five resistance exercises that even beginners can safely do while pregnant. […]
Here’s what it’s like to undergo a back to back or combined upper endoscopy with a colonoscopy, a step by step first-person account. […]
Has the behind neck military press been hurting your shoulders? Here are much safer alternatives that will get you the muscle growth, shape and strength you want. […]
Can swallowing a pill with a camera to screen for Barrett’s esophagus replace the standard upper endoscopy? […]
These five exercises are very effective at busting up stubborn postmenopausal fat. You do not have to keep this fat. It's yours to LOSE. Even if you've failed before. Having excess fat is no breeze. [...]
If you think your small child can’t possibly be a bully because his or her accuser is bigger, then think again. If adults can be scared of spiders, then it’s certainly believable that the smallest [...]
If you think teaching your young child stranger danger might make them fearful of people, this article explains why you’re mistaken. […]
How well can strength training prevent a teen girl from developing an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa? […]
There are specific ways that women with anorexia nervosa can help protect their daughters from developing this eating disorder. […]
If your new boyfriend’s father beat or abused his mother, you’ll want to reconsider getting involved with him. He may repeat this pattern with YOU. […]
It’s outright mind-blowing: that so many women will accept a ride from a man she’s never seen before, doesn’t know from Adam — a total stranger behind the wheel. […]
Is it really true that when kids do “bad” things, it’s to test their so-called boundaries? […]
What’s going on when you’re coughing all throughout the night while asleep or being awakened by it, but then your throat’s as clear as a bell while awake? […]
Do you get pain in your upper right abdomen ONLY when you burp, lasting only a second or two with the burp? […]
Do you have long leftover pain pills lying around such as Percocet, Vicodin and Norco? Do you feel it’d be a waste to trash them even though they may have expired? Since narcotic pain pills [...]
Just why can reading sometimes cause you to suffer a headache? Can it be an aneurysm, brain bleed or tumor that just happens to occur when reading? […]
Here’s exactly how to prevent prediabetes from ever becoming type 2 diabetes. You do NOT have to ever become a diabetic. […]
You may not know as much as you think you do when it comes to melanoma screening and just what to look for during your self-skin exams. Here are guidelines. […]
If you want daily but brief sun exposure to get vitamin D, can this ever cause melanoma — even if you don’t burn? […]
You know that menopause increases LDL cholesterol, but find out what bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can do. The rise in LDL (bad) cholesterol, as a result of menopause, is significant for some women. “The loss [...]
The technique of inch reps when strength training will help burn stubborn fat. […]
If you just learned your child has been bullying a classmate, should you punish him or her? If so, what kind of punishment? Should you give him a taste of his own medicine? [...]
Don’t assume that the school bully is spoiled and entitled at home; instead assume that he or she is being bullied by a parent or older sibling. […]