Scary Symptoms: Your source for in-depth symptom information since 2012. Thousands of articles covering hundreds of medical, health and fitness topics including the scariest symptoms.

Why Does Muscle Twitching Spread throughout the Body?

This isn’t about why the muscle twitching of ALS spreads throughout the body, but why benign fasciculations quickly spread to other areas of the body. And this quick, so-called spreading typically occurs the moment a [...]

Baby Crawling on Floor at Home Depot, Other Stores: Safe or Not?

There are several ways you’re endangering your baby if you allow him or her to crawl around on the floor of a public building, whether it’s Home Depot or the floor of a medical office. [...]

Do ALL Nail Melanomas Have a Hutchinson’s Sign?

The Hutchinson’s sign is a very tell-tale sign of fingernail or toenail melanoma. Further complicating this issue is that benign pigment in a nail can mimic a true Hutchinson’s sign. […]

Are You About 20 but Have Really High Cholesterol?

Yes, it happens: People in the 20 something age range can have a cholesterol number of 250, even 300. This would be alarming for a 20-year-old to hear from their doctor. But one number alone, [...]