How Ugly Can a Tiny Melanoma Look?
Tiny melanoma, 1.6 mm. Source: Dermatol Pract Concept. 2013 Apr. Copyright ©2013 Pellizzari et al. Articles and pamphlets refer to melanoma as the “ugly duckling” or “ugly mole.” But how “ugly” or “different” [...]
Tiny melanoma, 1.6 mm. Source: Dermatol Pract Concept. 2013 Apr. Copyright ©2013 Pellizzari et al. Articles and pamphlets refer to melanoma as the “ugly duckling” or “ugly mole.” But how “ugly” or “different” [...]
A black dot on the top of your toe could be melanoma, but does this mean it’s likely melanoma? […]
Both lung cancer and heart disease can cause chest pain though it’s far more common in heart disease. What are the differences in how the chest pain feels when it’s being caused by lung cancer [...]
If you hold onto the side of a treadmill when walking, are you aware this mimics using a walker? You’re training to use a WALKER when you hold onto a treadmill! […]
A baby can be born with a brown pigment “in” a nail. What are the odds that this can be melanoma? Certainly, if your newborn has a pigmented area under a fingernail, this needs to [...]
A mother of a six year old wanted to know if an elongated mole in her child’s nail could possibly be melanoma. How likely would this just be a harmless mark of pigmentation from birth? [...]
If you have a severely atypical, irregular or dysplastic mole that’s showing signs of regression (new areas of milky-white color), this is very worrisome for melanoma. A white “spot” in a mole isn’t always cancerous, [...]
That one particular mole, or maybe several of them, are generating weird feelings. Could this mean melanoma? This isn’t about itching. It’s about weird sensations that seem to be coming from a mole that’s gotten [...]
Holding onto the side rails of a treadmill is bad enough, but it’s even worse if your hands are behind you. This totally warps the body’s natural walking gait. […]
A small number of patients will get a local recurrence of melanoma very near to the excision site. Do you know what a local recurrence looks like? […]
If you’ve been diagnosed with stage IV or even stage III melanoma, you’ll likely be wondering if you’ll be alive 30 years from now if you’re middle age or younger. “In general, survival rate statistics [...]
How many times have you seen on TV or in the movies a man and woman running away from danger, and he’s holding her hand every step of the way? […]
Body image influencers want you to believe that daily weigh-ins mean poor body confidence, no self-love and toxic diet culture. They are wrong. […]
If we can’t tell a person’s health by their size, does this mean a 600 pound person can be healthy? Does it mean a 75 pound woman can be healthy? […]
Beverages with electrolytes that are targeted towards fitness enthusiasts is a booming business, but does this mean plain water isn’t good enough after your boot camp class or “leg day”? […]
If you’ve been waking up every morning with a headache, this is less likely from a brain tumor and more likely from your brain not getting enough oxygen. […]
Headaches have so many causes, from neck strain and sinus infections to brain tumors and aneurysms. But what about wisdom teeth? […]
You found out you have several cavities and either can’t afford treatment or are scared of a dentist’s drill. […]
Do you hold onto the bar in front when you run on a treadmill? Stop this. It’s giving you a false sense of accomplishment and will never carry over to outdoor or court running. [...]
A dentist points out three reasons why a Novocain injection can cause soreness for weeks after a dental procedure. […]
If you see everyone in your group treadmill class holding onto the machine, does this mean you should too? The answer is NO. Absolutely NOT. […]
If you want the most out of a treadmill workout, then holding it with one hand and switching off with the other is NOT a smart way to walk or jog. […]
Rotten or “bad” teeth need to be fixed. This is far more than an issue of learning to love your imperfections. Bad teeth can harm the body. […]
If you’ve recently suffered from a toothache but then it suddenly went away, this can actually mean something potentially serious. You need to see your dentist promptly. […]
If your tongue is still numb days following dental treatment, this is not normal and you need to contact your dentist. […]
Gradual-onset eye pain, and sudden acute eye pain, have a variety of causes. […]
The pain of an infected tooth or gum can be alarming enough to incapacitate a person. Should you go to an emergency room or dentist? […]
The treadmill is an inviting piece of exercise equipment for plus size men and women, and it can work wonders – but only if it’s used correctly. I’ve been a personal trainer and lifelong fitness [...]
What’s the point of doing a side shuffle on a treadmill if you’re holding onto the rail? Why do able-bodied people feel they must hold on just because they’re walking sideways? […]
Many women want a bigger butt and would rather get one by walking on a treadmill and leaning way forward while holding on than by intense weight training. […]
Those who are tired of their skinny legs will try anything that comes to mind to build up some mass. Holding onto a treadmill allows one to “walk” at a high incline and fast speed [...]
A pulled chest muscle or one that’s suddenly in spasm can hurt a lot or a little – but angina, too, can come in different flavors, ranging from a muffled ache to a sudden severe [...]
Just when you thought Jeanne took the cake (no pun intended) for the Nasty Award on “My 600 Pound Life,” Angie J. comes along & makes mincemeat out of her. Poor Daisy, Angie Johns’ granddaughter. [...]
Lung cancer is one of the most terrifying cancers, one reason being that removing both entire lungs is never an option. It’s hard to treat which is why the five-year survival rate is only 19 [...]
Here is a detailed comparison by a surgeon between trouble swallowing from esophageal cancer compared to ALS. If a person’s health anxiety is tuned more into esophageal cancer, he or she might start suspecting this [...]
If you want to lower your fast resting heart rate without drugs that can cause side effects, there are at least five natural ways to do this. […]
A cardiologist says there are five ways you can stop heart palpitations without drugs. If you continue having heart palpitations despite having given these five treatment methods a chance, then you should work with your [...]
A racing heart isn’t always irregular, and an irregular heartbeat can sometimes be racing. It’s important to know what the exact meaning is of these two terms, as they are often indiscriminately interchanged by writers [...]
One of the first signs of gum disease is bleeding gums. Along with the inflammation and redness can be very bad breath. […]
White gums are not normal. They mean something is wrong. This includes the possibility of cancer. […]