Walking vs. Medication for Type 2 Diabetes to Lower Sugar
Wow, it’s now been shown that walking, in the form of a daily step count, is at least as good as medication for lowering blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. This happens when a doctor [...]
Wow, it’s now been shown that walking, in the form of a daily step count, is at least as good as medication for lowering blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. This happens when a doctor [...]
There’s basically one reason why you feel off balance after stepping off the treadmill, but there’s more than one solution to this benign problem. First of all, when I was a personal trainer at a [...]
It’s entirely possible to do a blistering HIIT workout on a treadmill without having to worry about time being used to switch the speed settings. Having to switch the speed settings will NOT interfere with [...]
The question isn’t just if HIIT is safe for congestive heart failure patients, but does it improve the function of their heart better than steady state cardio. […]
If the MRI is so sensitive to picking up cancer in very dense breasts, why shouldn’t women with non-dense or fatty breasts ALSO benefit from annual MRIs? After all, MRIs can pick up a lot [...]
If your hand falls asleep at night from a wrist brace for your carpal tunnel syndrome, there’s a cause & solution, straight from a carpal tunnel doctor. […]
Sudden carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands is also referred to as “acute bilateral” carpal tunnel syndrome. And yes, this can happen: A person can develop sudden-onset carpel tunnel syndrome affecting both hands in a [...]
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause pain in your entire arm, but not without the help of another neurological disorder. To relieve the whole arm pain, you must have both conditions treated. […]
The question of “Which burns more fat, walking hills or running on level land?” is too broad a question to say one or the other burns more fat. […]
The idea of starting an exercise program after suffering from a transient ischemic attack can be daunting to some patients. People who've had a TIA will often wonder if it's safe to exercise. A TIA [...]
First of all, it depends on if the one hour of cardio exercise is done three times per week versus every day. So let’s just start with several times a week. One hour of cardio [...]
If you compare the treadmill to track running or walking at the same speeds, then yes, there is some compromise. In other words, 7 mph on a treadmill is a bit easier than 7 mph [...]
Have your HIIT workouts lost steam at causing weight loss, and now you're stuck in the mud in a plateau, unable to budge off more fat? So here you are, watching those pounds drop, and [...]
“Most tendon related pain is due to degeneration,” says Nathan Wei, MD, board-certified rheumatologist specializing in regenerative medicine like platelet rich plasma injections to treat conditions including tendonitis. […]
"So can you guarantee that I'll lose weight?" You were probably caught off guard, and searched for the right words, while this new client watched you struggle. You just told your new or about-to-be client [...]
You hear a lot about the dangers of HIGH blood pressure, but guess what: LOW blood pressure can kill you. Do you know the symptoms of low blood pressure and how to safely raise it? [...]
Bad form stunts results, wastes time, and can cause injury or strain to joints and muscles, especially in senior age people who are new to strength training machines. Senior Strength Training Safety Guidelines Seated cable [...]
It can be alarming to notice that your underwear leaves pronounced indentations in the skin about your waistline. Congestive heart failure often causes edema. Even not-so-tight panties can cause this, and the more patterned the [...]
Do you keep reading that an acoustic neuroma “can be fatal”? Is this scaring the daylights out of you, especially since your tinnitus has not yet been evaluated? It’s true that an acoustic neuroma can [...]
When an acoustic neuroma encroaches on the brainstem, this is when things start getting really dangerous, and symptoms can be quite variable. Anything that presses on the brainstem is a very serious matter. An acoustic neuroma [...]
Tinnitus is a common symptom of an acoustic neuroma and is far more likely to be unilateral than in both ears. The question to worried tinnitus sufferers is if an acoustic neuroma can cause an [...]
There are two common food ingredients that can cause heart palpitations in some people. But this doesn’t mean that everyone’s skipped heartbeat is caused by these ingredients. […]
Flipping tires is a great strength training and fat burning exercise for women; why should only men flip tires? And we’re talking the big tractor tires, too, not the little car tires! In the grand [...]
Yes, there are five strength training exercises that many consider to be overrated…but they aren’t. […]
Have you noticed that your watchband or bracelet leaves indentations in your skin after you remove it? Does this alarm you because you think it’s edema – the same kind of edema that can be [...]
Believe it or not, it’s very possible for a naturally thin teen girl or woman to develop anorexia nervosa; this disorder doesn’t just affect overweight people. Maybe you’ve read stories of teens who developed anorexia [...]
I hope you aren’t unwise enough to don the weighted backpack, jack up the treadmill incline, then HOLD ON as you “walk,” thinking you’re preparing yourself for a backcountry hike! I couldn’t believe what I [...]
Are there any benefits or training effect if you death grip a treadmill while “walking” 5 mph at 15 percent incline? First off, you’re setting your hips up for injury. When I was a personal [...]
Finally, endoscopic surgery for the removal of an acoustic neuroma has arrived, in which the tumor is removed through the ear canal using an endoscope. […]
Congestive heart failure does not mean you cannot or should not exercise. In fact, it's just what the doctor ordered. You should know what the best kind of exercise there is for your condition. One [...]
There are different kinds of surgeries for acoustic neuroma treatment, and overall, the prognosis for preserving hearing is poor. You may be wondering what is the best of these procedures – “best” being a relative [...]
The possibility that a common over the counter drug can stop or slow down the growth of an acoustic neuroma is very promising. If you’ve been diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma, and your doctor has [...]
Higher radiation doses for acoustic neuroma can actually damage hearing, but are lower doses enough to destroy this tumor or at least stop it from growing more? When radiation is used, the vast majority of [...]
In plain English which is better for acoustic neuroma treatment: radiosurgery (pinpointed radiation on the tumor) or “under the knife” surgery in which the tumor is cut out? If you’ve been diagnosed with an acoustic [...]
Women who are new to strength training — lifting weights — may wonder just how much they should lift for their gym workouts. The rule of thumb for women is the same as for men, [...]
Ever notice that “Dr. Now” on “My 600 Pound Life” has a hunchback? Are thousands of hours hunched over during surgery the cause of Dr. Nowzaradan’s hunched back? Or is Dr. Now's perpetual hunching over [...]
More attention must be given to the disenchanted souls on “My 600 Pound Life”: the enablers! One of the recurring themes among the people who enable (bring huge amounts of food to) a person with [...]
For tighter and stronger abs, do the following core exercise routines for these muscles. Not only are these great ab routines, but it’s very important to follow these instructions so that you have the correct [...]
Numbness on one side of your nose is an alarming symptom if you have no idea why it’s there, such as a recent blow to the nose or cosmetic surgery (rhinoplasty). This post doesn’t focus [...]
Don’t people realize that sitting on the deck of some bar & grill to listen to the live band music will damage their hearing? The people who do this tend to do it on a [...]