How Much Does a Heparin Injection Hurt?
Anyone who’s had a heparin injection will tell you it’s no walk in the park. It hurts. There’s just something about the heparin injection that makes it hurt more than a more typical shot that [...]
Anyone who’s had a heparin injection will tell you it’s no walk in the park. It hurts. There’s just something about the heparin injection that makes it hurt more than a more typical shot that [...]
You may have a heart attack at any time within 30 days if the following situations apply to you. Some of these situations will surprise you, because you’d never think they could somehow foretell a [...]
Here’s a very simple way to make any brand of whey vanilla protein powder highly tolerable when mixed with water and so easy to drink. There’s no need to make a “shake” every time you [...]
There are ways you can tell when a body positive overweight woman is promoting obesity, even when she’s rather cryptic about it. […]
There is no one-size-fits-all best grip for the bent-over barbell row, whether you’re a woman or a man. But there are guidelines for getting the most out of this back-dominant compound exercise. […]
Yoga is a great way to do strength tests if you’re convinced you have ALS due to twitching muscles. […]
You can live to 100 with controlled diabetes, but uncontrolled diabetes can kill you in a flash and is the leading cause of blindness and amputation in the U.S. There is no reason for diabetes [...]
A former personal trainer who underwent a prophylactic double mastectomy documents her return to heavy strength training; great tips for safely regaining lost strength! The surgeon told me to wait six weeks before resuming upper body [...]
Over the course of just as month, about 50 new moles have appeared on your body. This brings to mind melanoma or the possibility that out of all those moles, at least a few will [...]
What are the actual reasons why a woman is told not to lift her arms overhead for two weeks after a double mastectomy? Here is the answer – as it pertains to a prophylactic double [...]
Even plastic toy barbells are bright red, green, purple and yellow! Toy shovels, brooms, stoves and trucks are red, blue, purple, green and yellow, yet are somehow supposed to make the young child feel as [...]
Beware of “intuitive eating,” despite its funky sounding name; it could make you gain FAT weight. Intuitive eating is essentially a free-for-all when it comes to food. Tenets of Intuitive Eating No foods are forbidden. [...]
Why do metabolic healthy obese people keep comparing themselves to “unhealthy thin” people when they should be comparing themselves to metabolically healthy THIN or straight-size people? “In this situation, one should compare oneself to the [...]
If you’re an animal with deadlifts, don’t think for a second that a single class of yoga won’t give you a sore back after the class or the day after. There are different ways that [...]
How many of the 600,000 knee replacements every year in the U.S. can be prevented with diet and exercise? Or are some people genetically doomed, as many would like to believe? […]
A person is diagnosed with metastatic melanoma but the original “bad mole” cannot be found; why IS this? It’s crucial to find that primary melanoma tumor so that it can be surgically excised. [...]
“Malignant melanoma” vs. “melanoma.” Is there actually a difference in meaning when someone says malignant melanoma as opposed to just “melanoma”? […]
The sometimes rapidly changing growth of a seborrheic keratosis can fool people into thinking they have a melanoma. But not all seborrheic keratoses grow quickly. […]
Okay, we all know that “black and ugly” describes melanoma, and online images show melanoma to be evil-looking, dark, jagged, bumpy, the whole works. But we must also consider that often, by the time a [...]
Unfortunately, among all those blackheads on your nose, chin or cheeks could be a very early melanoma slyly blending in and going unnoticed. If the new “blackhead” begins developing in an isolated area on your [...]
If you’re scared that an upcoming biopsy of what you think is a melanoma might spread the cancer cells, you’ve every reason to be worried. Yes, a melanoma biopsy has the potential to “spread” the [...]
You cannot be physically fit in the absence of exercise, even if you're naturally on the thin side. Physical health is synonymous with exercise. Having an efficient cardiovascular system and strong joints come only with [...]
Is gluten really the monster that celiac disease makes it out to be? Or if you’re normal can you eat gluten without worrying? Do you even KNOW what gluten is? […]
The body positive very overweight women need to stop pointing out that thin people have heart attacks in an attempt to validate obesity. This is like saying that smoking is okay because nonsmokers get lung [...]
A most weak defense by obese people who claim they’re healthy is when they point out deaths from marathon running. Obesity or being significantly overweight is a well-proven health hazard; you cannot be healthy and [...]
Biceps exercises help prevent saggy, crinkly and jiggly skin in the upper arms of women. But few women really know the most effective way to tone the biceps via strength training. The latest fad among personal [...]
Stroke doesn’t strike out of the blue; this condition, in large part, can be prevented by taking a handful of measures and sticking to them, says the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guidelines. Stroke is [...]
So when it comes to preserving mental function in old age, which wins out between physical exercise and mind activities? Brain shrinkage is associated with dementia or declining cognitive abilities, and exercise has been shown [...]
There are several things you can do to help prevent height loss as you get older. “The best treatment for height loss prevention are these things: Stay active with weight bearing exercises,” begins Susan L. [...]
If you make excuses for your sedentary lifestyle, beware, because you’re setting yourself up for very probable osteoarthritis in the future: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint process that most commonly strikes knees, hips and spine. [...]
As a personal trainer, I’ve advised clients on how to design a boot camp right in their home for workouts. But you need to also know how to make the most of the equipment and [...]
Do you think you’re “short waisted” (or “long waisted”)? What you really mean is a short torso! As in, "short torsoed," (though there’s no such word as “torsoed,” but at least “torsoed” makes anatomical sense. When someone [...]
A torn rotator cuff doesn’t always cause pain, and severe pain from the rotator cuff doesn’t necessarily mean a tear. Cortisone vs. surgery is not as absolute as you think. “Rotator cuff tears are extremely [...]
There are several conditions that can cause your knee to hurt only when lying down, and especially overnight after you’ve been in bed for several hours. It seems odd that a knee would hurt mostly [...]
Just what actually is going on when an X-ray for an injured knee shows a tumor? First off, a tumor is a mass of body tissue. It can be malignant or benign. […]
“There are many reasons that both of your knees could be sore for presumably no reason,” explains John-Paul H. Rue, MD, orthopedic sports medicine surgeon with Orthopedics and Joint Replacement at Mercy Medical Center in [...]
Have you found that your rotator cuff pain has really kicked up since you began your after surgery rehabilitation? There are reasons for this. […]
I’m planning on a preventive double mastectomy in about six weeks and am keeping it a secret. In fact I don’t intend on revealing to anyone this procedure even long after I’m fully recovered. [...]
Super thin mannequins have been around for at least 40 years; why NOW are they causing eating disorders? Or is it just easier to blame a prop and ignore the real factors behind anorexia nervosa? [...]
Can breast cancer really go away on its own in some cases — a spontaneous resolution? Or could these cases simply be that of an initial misdiagnosis? […]