Belly Fat of Active Obese People vs. Sedentary: Comparison
Ever wonder if there’s a difference in the belly fat of obese people who exercise and those who don’t? Is it true or false to say that all belly fat is the same, that belly [...]
Ever wonder if there’s a difference in the belly fat of obese people who exercise and those who don’t? Is it true or false to say that all belly fat is the same, that belly [...]
The best way to get rid of stubborn belly and waist fat is to hit the legs rather than spend time on crunches, sit-ups, side-bends and other “ab targeting” exercises. […]
Weightlifting, often associated with building muscle mass, has sparked concerns among morbidly obese women about the potential for bulking up and getting bigger. […]
What’ve you been doing to lose belly fat even though the pudge won’t budge? […]
If you lost weight on a sensible diet but regained it, the diet didn’t fail; you returned to the very eating that made you overweight in the first place. […]
Why might a woman’s middle increase with age but her legs and arms stay thin? What can thin younger women do to prevent this imbalance down the road? […]
Enough already about the “toxic” diet industry, because the junk food industry is far more toxic and is a $200 billion a year industry, far more than the diet culture which comes in at a [...]
If you’re anticipating eating a lot on Thanksgiving or Christmas and want to offset those extra calories the day before, here are guidelines on how to do that. […]
The technique of inch reps when strength training will help burn stubborn fat. […]
Crunches on a big ball will help strengthen your abs, but for more tone you need to add intensity. […]
Do you need to burn a LOT of fat? Mixing brief intense cardio in between strength training sets burns more fat than a session of strength training followed by cardio exercise. In an effort to [...]
It's okay to hate your love handles; here's how to get rid of them: No gimmicks, nothing fancy; just research-proven approaches that will shrink that unbecoming pudge in your waist. When I was a personal [...]
Have you been hearing about “flat belly foods” lately? Can certain kinds of food really help flatten out the pudge in your stomach? […]
Are you worried that the type of exercising you’re doing will make you gain fat? […]
Want to burn stubborn fat AND save time doing so? You can with half HIIT workouts: a new twist on interval training that will get rid of stomach and thigh blubber. […]
Knowing that a fat belly increases cancer risk is just half the battle won; you now need to know the best ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat. […]
Okay, so housework burns calories. So does sleeping. You're alive, you burn calories, but housework will not lead to significant or even moderate weight loss. In fact, being that you've already been doing housework all [...]
There’s a way to get six-pack abs by springtime without doing a single sit-up or crunch, or Roman chair leg raise for that matter. […]
Which is the winner? 10,000 steps a day on a pedometer or cardio aerobics classes -- even if they're done only a few times a week? Rethink putting all your eggs in that basket called "10,000 [...]
Armpits hurt when doing the ab wheel or roller? You may find that discomfort in the armpits is what ultimately stops you from doing more reps with the ab wheel, versus fatigue in your abdominal [...]
Once you know why long cardio won’t bring out your abs, you’ll be on your way to a much better looking physique — and maybe a six-pack. Lengthy, steady state aerobics will not give you [...]
Here are five exercises to make your waist look thinner without crunches, other ab exercises, sucking in your gut or standing a certain way. […]
If you hate crunches but still want to do core-targeting exercises, here are five that are much more interesting than the same ‘ol crunches over and over. […]
Obesity advocates defend their stance by pointing out they have low blood pressure while many thin people have high blood pressure. […]
Have you read that compound strength training is the best way to bust fat, yet are confused when you see fat people performing heavy lifts? […]
Here are 12 facts you should know about your body fat. These facts are particularly important to those with obesity, especially morbid. No matter how "positive" you may feel about your "today" body, this will [...]
What yo-yo dieting may do to a woman’s heart health should be incentive to stop this “weight cycling” and fight very hard to permanently maintain a healthy body weight. Yo-yo dieting, also called weight cycling, [...]
Pay no attention to fitness headlines claiming that planks can burn belly fat – because they can’t. Never. Planks will not flatten your stomach, either. […]
One of the Chuze Fitness gyms I go to won’t put up a heavy bag because, as a supervisor told me, it might intimidate members or make them feel that their motto of “Less Attitude” [...]
Holding onto the side rails of a treadmill is bad enough, but it’s even worse if your hands are behind you. This totally warps the body’s natural walking gait. […]
Body image influencers want you to believe that daily weigh-ins mean poor body confidence, no self-love and toxic diet culture. They are wrong. […]
If you see everyone in your group treadmill class holding onto the machine, does this mean you should too? The answer is NO. Absolutely NOT. […]
The treadmill is an inviting piece of exercise equipment for plus size men and women, and it can work wonders – but only if it’s used correctly. I’ve been a personal trainer and lifelong fitness [...]
Have you been struggling to lose weight but it just won’t come off? There are reasons for this – explanations you’d never even think could be responsible. […]
If you’ve been unable to lose your belly fat, check this list of 10 useless things many people do to shrink their gut but will never work. […]
There are seven ways you can boost your testosterone levels on your own without having to see a doctor. Maintaining a healthy testosterone level is crucial for optimal health and performance. Many men believe that [...]
Is your metabolism freaking slow and preventing you from losing weight despite your daily efforts? I’ll bet the farm that you have not tried the very exercises that will fire up your lethargic metabolism. [...]
Why isn’t that last 10 pounds of fat coming off, after you’ve already lost 20, 30 or even 50 or more pounds? There are things you can do to get rid of those last 10 [...]
Weight gain doesn't always mean more belly fat, and new belly fat doesn't always mean weight gain, even in menopause. A woman's scale weight may stay the same, while her body composition changes over time, [...]
If you’re a teen girl trying to lose weight, you’ll get the best results from these exercise routines–even if you think you’ve inherited “big genes.” No equipment is needed. […]