Bodies Don’t Change; Eating and Exercise Habits Do
“Bodies change” is a popular excuse for adopting eating habits that lead to obesity and avoiding or stopping exercise which contributes to excess weight. […]
“Bodies change” is a popular excuse for adopting eating habits that lead to obesity and avoiding or stopping exercise which contributes to excess weight. […]
The terms “dad bod” and “skinny fat” have been used to refer to a particular kind of physique in men – though skinny fat can also be applied to women. […]
The term “skinny fat” has gained traction to describe a body composition where one appears trim but with a higher percentage of body fat. […]
A man who’s 6’2 and weighs 150 may appear “too skinny,” but does this mean he’s too thin to be healthy and fit? […]
There are specific ways that women with anorexia nervosa can help protect their daughters from developing this eating disorder. […]
It’s okay to want to lose excess fat, but think again if you believe that tracking the calorie burn of all your daily activities will help you lose weight. Do you often refer to “calories [...]
Have you been hearing about “flat belly foods” lately? Can certain kinds of food really help flatten out the pudge in your stomach? […]
Obesity advocates defend their stance by pointing out they have low blood pressure while many thin people have high blood pressure. […]
Here are 12 facts you should know about your body fat. These facts are particularly important to those with obesity, especially morbid. No matter how "positive" you may feel about your "today" body, this will [...]
What yo-yo dieting may do to a woman’s heart health should be incentive to stop this “weight cycling” and fight very hard to permanently maintain a healthy body weight. Yo-yo dieting, also called weight cycling, [...]
“Fit Mom” Maria Kang apologizes for promoting an “unnatural body standard,” yet if anything’s unnatural, it’s obesity, and this IS being promoted by many body positive influencers. The human body was not meant to carry [...]
Body image influencers want you to believe that daily weigh-ins mean poor body confidence, no self-love and toxic diet culture. They are wrong. […]
Are you plus size and feeling pressure to wear a bikini or other "daring" clothes due to the body positivity movement? Have influencers convinced you that this is the only way to show the world [...]
Have you been struggling to lose weight but it just won’t come off? There are reasons for this – explanations you’d never even think could be responsible. […]
If you’ve been unable to lose your belly fat, check this list of 10 useless things many people do to shrink their gut but will never work. […]
Is there a difference between the bulging veins of a bodybuilder and varicose veins? Though varicose veins mean there’s a problem with the vessels’ valves, does the vascularity of a bodybuilder point to anything amiss? [...]
If you have a thin upper body but a plump or fat lower body, you need to know which works better for busting fat: cardio or strength training? The issue of having a skinny upper [...]
It’s now been shown that being “skinny fat” puts a woman at a higher risk of invasive breast cancer. This in part explains why “thin” women can get just as sick as full figured women. [...]
If you’re plus size and want a slim body, there's nothing wrong with this. It's a myth that the only road to fat loss is to starve or develop an eating disorder. Now before I [...]
Fat SHOULD be something to fear -- when there's too much of it in your body. This isn't phobia. It's medicine. It's facts. Do not be "Factphobic." Plus size women who campaign for body positivity [...]
Just what exactly makes a woman skinny? Some say small bones, particularly the thin woman herself, while others would argue it has everything to do with calories in vs. calories out. Calories in vs. Calories [...]
"Skinny Fat" isn't a fad name that's caught on wildfire for nothing. Skinny-fat is actually a state of health -- a poor state of health that afflicts both women and men. When body positive obese [...]
Does the size of a woman’s bones have anything to do with whether she’s “scary skinny,” fashionably trim or overweight? Do small bones always mean thin body? Actress Tara Reid, whom many think is scary [...]
The eating-disorders police have branded visible ribs above the breasts a sign of an eating disorder, but nowhere in medical literature does it state that this is a tell-tale sign of anorexia nervosa or bulimia [...]
A woman does not have an eating disorder just because her hip bones show; visible bones should not be the gold standard for malnourishment. Though the hip bones on all women with anorexia nervosa are [...]
Just what does “low body fat” mean, if there’s a such thing as “skinny fat,” and is a person with low body fat necessarily what we’d consider as thin or skinny? […]
Prominent clavicles are beautiful and in many women indicate a healthy body fat percentage, not an eating disorder! I was inspired to write this article (finally) after seeing quite a few episodes of “The Golden [...]
Never mind elite marathon runners, cardio exercise will NOT make you too thin. The question has come up by fitness enthusiasts if a lot of cardio exercise can make a person too thin. I’m a [...]
Here is why you shouldn’t assume a woman is unhealthy or too skinny just because her ribs show. Many women have ribs that show. Some are undernourished, weak and unhealthy, while others can deadlift 250 [...]