Best All Dumbbell Exercise Routine for Women!
The following dumbbell-only workout is ideal for women who want to shape and sculpt their bodies and/or burn a LOT of fat. […]
The following dumbbell-only workout is ideal for women who want to shape and sculpt their bodies and/or burn a LOT of fat. […]
One of the most overlooked issues with back pain are tight hamstrings, but the stiff-leg deadlift could be your solution. The upper back, spine, glutes, hamstrings, and calf muscles all belong to the posterior chain. [...]
A shapely and round butt is highly desired, but it’s no secret that your body changes when you lose weight. […]
Just how likely can birth control pills cause blood clots in smoking women? You keep hearing about the risk of blood clots in smoking women who use birth control. So here is more detailed information [...]
Why isn’t that last 10 pounds of fat coming off, after you’ve already lost 20, 30 or even 50 or more pounds? There are things you can do to get rid of those last 10 [...]
Have you ever wondered why so many cancer patients eat fast food and other processed foods on a regular basis? Why are only drugs prescribed to treat cancer? […]
You’re pregnant and diabetic and are craving fast food like mad; you do NOT have to cave to your junk food cravings! There’s a way to kill these cravings before they put you in a [...]
A diabetic may think it’s beneficial to exercise right before going to bed, as this will lower blood sugar, and the idea is to prevent a blood sugar spike while asleep. […]
If you’re a senior aged man or woman who wants to take up walking outside for fitness, you may want to know the guidelines for just how fast you should walk. […]
Loud “yoga music” during your yoga class is just as harmful to hearing as is loud pounding-type hip hop or rock music during a step aerobics class. […]
Thin, especially in older age, doesn’t always mean good health & fitness. Of course, obesity in old age is a very serious problem, but “skinny muscle-less” is also a serious problem. […]
If your little girl has expressed an interest in “getting muscles,” what should you do? First off, what you should NEVER do is take this new interest to mean that your young daughter is heading [...]
Where did older men and women get the idea that the proper way to use a treadmill is to hold onto the bar in front and then hunch over as they pseudo-walk? […]
Is having to urinate overnight aggravating or WHAT? But a simple dietary tweak can help this problem. […]
Every week a Facebook or Instagram image of a fat or overweight woman goes viral: The latest is an obese woman in a bikini standing beside her overweight very young daughter. […]
Many patients who suffer from multiple sclerosis want to know if cannabis (marijuana) can cure this autoimmune disease, or at least, effectively treat the condition. “Cannabis would be considered a part of symptomatic management for [...]
If you’re middle aged and keep worrying about getting Alzheimer’s one day, you should drink tea daily. In particular, if one of your parents has or had Alzheimer’s disease, this reveals a genetic predisposition for [...]
A ganglion cyst in the wrist will interfere with practicing yoga — but there’s an ingenious solution that will allow you to do the poses painlessly. I’ve had a ganglion cyst in my wrist for [...]
Weight gain doesn't always mean more belly fat, and new belly fat doesn't always mean weight gain, even in menopause. A woman's scale weight may stay the same, while her body composition changes over time, [...]
If you have sleep apnea, you’re more likely to die from cancer, not to mention other causes of death. In addition to a higher risk of death from cancer, sleep apnea is linked to heart [...]
A single, isolated pore on your face can become clogged due to a number of reasons, but a type of skin cancer can also look like a clogged pore. On your face are pores, and [...]
If your upper arm or shoulder itches only at night especially in bed, the cause might not be related to your skin. First check to see if there’s anything going on with your skin in [...]
As bad as a lack of exercise is to the body, the million-dollar question is if a bad diet causes more disease and illness than being lazy and sedentary. […]
What’s holding you back from getting your child a puppy? Is it REALLY because you think YOU’LL end up caring for it? There’s actually another reason, and you probably know what it is. “But Mama, [...]
An oddball discovery is that older people experience better results from shoulder replacement surgery than do young patients. At first, you’d think that the opposite would be true, that the younger people would have more [...]
Both multiple sclerosis and carpal tunnel syndrome can cause tingling in the fingers. However, the tingling of MS is more likely to occur in the forearm when it’s in an upper extremity. But carpal tunnel [...]
Unfortunately, early symptoms of ALS can masquerade as symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. If you wait long enough and have ALS, you’ll eventually suffer the progressive symptoms of this neurodegenerative disease. […]
If you don’t get treatment for your carpal tunnel syndrome, it may spontaneously improve, OR, you may end up with permanent pain and grip weakness. The tricky thing here is that you can’t tell for [...]
If you have carpal tunnel syndrome you’ll need to follow some guidelines if you want to do weightlifting that involves pulling like deadlifts, rows, pull-downs and pull-ups. […]
A twitching finger makes a person fear they have ALS because this disease causes twitching, so they’re hoping that the real cause is carpal tunnel syndrome. Finger twitching is common. It can come out of [...]
Will enough growth hormone injections cause a short child to grow enough to actually be tall for their age? After all, why stop at just “not as short” when you can achieve “taller than average,” [...]
What if an elderly person refuses to do the prescribed physical therapy following replacement for a hip fracture? Are they doomed to spending the rest of their life hobbling along in a walker or sitting [...]
Pain in both legs that won’t respond to standard treatments or exercise may be a sign of a pending heart attack or one a few years later. It’s quite simple to understand: The process that [...]
There are ways you can tell when a cancer patient in the latest stages of disease is about to die. These signs are an alert that death is very imminent. “Cancer patients who are at [...]
Colon cancer can cause pencil shaped stools. So can irritable bowel syndrome. And therein lies the problem when you see skinny poops coming out of you that resemble a pencil shape or how toothpaste looks [...]
James as a young adult “This is mind boggling why you keep overfeeding him!” Dr. Now scolds an enabler on “My 600 Pound Life.” Finally, Dr. Now lashes out at an enabler! The Lisa [...]
The depression of menopause can swoop in like a vulture, but you can fight back by learning to lift heavy things! Chase away the menopause blues by training your body to lift and carry heavy [...]
There is a way to do seated hamstring curls to burn the most fat. Seated hamstring curls may seem simple enough, but there are specific things you can do to maximize your fat burning results. [...]
There are a few ways you can tweak the way you do hamstring curls, that will yield better and faster results, be they fat burning, stronger legs or rock-hard hams. […]
If you’re a teen girl trying to lose weight, you’ll get the best results from these exercise routines–even if you think you’ve inherited “big genes.” No equipment is needed. […]