How Long Can Brain Aneurysm Leak or Bleed Before Bursting?
Could a brain aneurysm slowly leak or bleed for a few weeks before rupturing? To find out if a brain aneurysm could slowly bleed or leak over a period of up to three weeks before [...]
Could a brain aneurysm slowly leak or bleed for a few weeks before rupturing? To find out if a brain aneurysm could slowly bleed or leak over a period of up to three weeks before [...]
Despite how common total knee replacement is, many patients end up with failed or loosened hardware that causes pain and crashes their hopes of regaining mobility. Approximately 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with [...]
If you have a failed or loosened knee replacement, wouldn't it be fantastic if this could be fixed without surgery -- a conservative treatment that can resolve this problem? To go through another invasive surgery, [...]
Did you get one fasting glucose reading over 100 and under 126 and are now panicking that diabetes will soon be a part of your life? “One individual reading of a fasting glucose over 100, [...]
Here are several simple things you can do to help prevent or eliminate shoulder pain from barbell squats. “Shoulder pain while barbell squatting is a common problem in people with shoulder pathology,” says Joseph Ciccone, [...]
Top 5 Causes of a Burning Type of Pain in the Heels “Burning pain in the heel can be an array of problems,” says Joseph Ciccone DPT, CSCS, a doctor of physical therapy and certified [...]
A dermatologist weighs in about what a blue mole most likely means and if this can signal melanoma. “Yes, some moles will appear blue in a clinical exam and they are called blue nevus moles,” [...]
“In a small number of cases, melanoma can start out as an age spot, but typically a melanoma looks darker, is more asymmetrical, has more variation in brown color, making it look darker, and is [...]
Here is a really simple way to tell if one of your moles is getting bigger -- even a very tiny dot of a mole. No apps required! You need only two simple items. The [...]
“Plantar fasciitis is also commonly called ‘heel spur.’ but the two conditions are not the same,” says Bob Thompson, certified pedorthist, executive director of the Institute for Preventive Foot Health. A pedorthist is a medical [...]
That heel pain that's been bothering you lately just may indeed be caused by a stress fracture. “Fractures and bruises can create pain in the heel,” says Bob Thompson, certified pedorthist, executive director of the [...]
Do you dread getting out of bed every morning due to really nasty heel pain? Does it almost feel like you're stepping on hot coals? “A sharp burning pain in the heel area is one [...]
There is a cause of hurting feet after sitting that may surprise you. Are your feet in pain or sore after you've been sitting for a while, such as while using a computer, at the [...]
Don’t dismiss arthritis or fibromyalgia as possible reasons your feet hurt after sitting, even though you may have read that a likely cause is plantar fasciitis. Here is what Bob Thompson, certified pedorthist, executive director [...]
There are three very likely causes of burning pain in the arch of one’s foot. “If the burning pain in the arch is toward the heel area on the plantar surface (underside) of the foot, [...]
Don't blow off that burning in your feet. This can mean a life-threatening condition. Don't assume that feet don't show symptoms of serious disease. “Burning feeling in the feet can be an indication of neuropathy [...]
Here are reliable strength tests for the quadriceps if twitching muscles have you scared. As a former personal trainer, I’ve come up with excellent ways to test the strength of your quadriceps muscles. Strength test [...]
The cause of sudden weakness of an arm and leg on one side of the body isn’t necessarily a stroke. If unexplained arm and leg weakness are happening to you, ask yourself if, in the [...]
Ripping, Stabbing Chest Pain that Suddenly Occurs: Get to ER, Stat A stabbing, severe kind of chest pain that suddenly comes on isn't necessarily caused by a heart attack. But this doesn't mean it can't be [...]
Persistent and especially severe chest pain usually gets people worrying about their heart, but this symptom can also be caused by cancer. “Chest pain is abnormal and important and must be reported to a doctor,” [...]
Have you been experiencing a hoarse voice and chest pain? If your chest pain and hoarse voice seem to be connected to each other, and even if they don’t seem related, this can indicate a [...]
How can the coronary bypass patient know which are normal postoperative symptoms and which ones warrant a trip to the emergency room? Is the line fuzzy here? My mother had quintuple bypass surgery, and there [...]
The chest pain from GERD can feel just like the chest pain that occurs during a heart attack or one that's about to occur. GERD is a very common condition. Unfortunately, the chest pain that [...]
Bleeding in the brain, namely a subdural hematoma, can result from getting hit in the head or hitting your head in a fall. “Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can produce hemorrhages (including subdural, epidural and subarachnoid) [...]
There are quite a few causes of different urine color—including cancer. This is why you should regularly inspect your pee. Guidelines for Checking Your Urine Get in the habit of checking your urine. This does [...]
This site contains DOZENS of articles that answer questions about twitching muscles and benign fasciculations. On this site you will find a WEALTH of information that addresses just about every conceivable question about twitching muscles, [...]
This muscle (yes, the tongue is a muscle) has caused unspeakable anxiety in many men and women -- -- to the point where they’ll spend huge amounts of time every day examining their tongue in [...]
What your panicky self really needs right now are some strength tests to see if your muscles are truly weak or to see if your problem is the so-called perceived weakness. Here are strength tests [...]
Stools – no, I don’t mean the high circular chairs in bars – but poops. How well do you know your poops? If you’re reading this, chances are pretty good that you’ve examined your poops [...]
Mouth symptoms can have tons of causes, and yes, some include cancer. The mouth can experience a wide range of issues, some benign and others potentially life-threatening. While many people worry about oral cancer, particularly [...]
Sometimes, menstrual problems make women wish they were born a man. Can a baby ever really be worth all this trouble? Well of course, for those whose maternal instincts are driving at them. But it's [...]
What can be scarier than a heart that suddenly flutters or feels like its rapidly quivering? This makes you feel like a heart attack is seconds away. Not too many things are more frightening than a [...]
Pain in the head or a sudden bad headache or even a medium one that won't go away is one of the most frightening symptoms. That's because the head contains the brain! And anything involving [...]
Diarrhea has so many causes including parasitic worms living inside your intestines. Ewwww! But that's highly preferable to cancer, right? Should you fear cancer every time you have diarrhea? Below are links to information about [...]
Chest pain with sudden nausea leading to vomiting, along with sudden sweating and/or shortness of breath can mean a heart attack either in progress or soon about to happen. “The vagus nerve provides connection between [...]
Cancer is so ruthless that its symptoms can fake a person, even a doctor, into thinking that its symptoms are being caused by a harmless condition--especially when the symptoms come on very small and gradually. [...]
People with chronic GERD may know this can cause Barrett's esophagus leading to esophageal cancer. “Risk of GERD developing into esophageal cancer is very low,” says Dr. Maxwell Chait, MD, gastroenterologist at ColumbiaDoctors Medical Group in Westchester [...]
Have you been experiencing mysterious calf pain only when you walk? Perhaps it’s in one calf, or maybe it’s in both. Nevertheless, this area never hurts while you are seated or sleeping. It’s only when [...]
Running with a DVT? Risky or safe? “Since running would significantly increase arterial flow to the lower extremities, and therefore venous return is also increased, it may be safer to avoid running in the ACUTE [...]
Can working out with weights harm that DVT in your calf or possibly help dissolve it? Being that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the many risk factors for a deep vein thrombosis, it's fair [...]