Here is a sample of information about plantar fasciitis as well as burning pain in the feet not caused by this condition.

Help! Toe cramp! 

Dang, a toe cramps SURE HURTS! What causes this and what can you do about it? Continue reading…


Plantar fasciitis treatment:  stretching vs. shockwave therapy – 

Ever hear of shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis? Don’t give up hope with this stubborn heel pain condition. Read more about how shockwave therapy can help.


Four simple exercises for plantar fasciitis – 

There are four exercises you can do that will help relieve and heal this sometimes-debilitating condition. Continue reading…


Plantar fasciitis pain vs. heel spur – 

Though plantar fasciitis is often associated with a heel spur, they are not one and the same. More…


Can plantar fasciitis cause pain  on the outer side of the foot?

 Though it’s very uncommon, plantar fasciitis actually can cause pain on the outside of the foot. I know so for sure; it happened to me. Continue reading…


Burning pain in your heels? Don’t just blame plantar fasciitis! 

There are five possible causes of burning pain in your heels. Here they are.


“Why do my heels hurt when I get out of bed in the morning?!”

 Sometimes the pain in the heels when you get out of bed is just awful, almost like your heels are on fire. There is a reason for this, and there are things you can do to correct this problem. More…


Do you have burning pain in the arch of your foot? 

There are three possible causes. You may already know that one is plantar fasciitis. But the two other causes are not related to plantar fasciitis. Read more.


Warning: A burning pain in your feet can mean a life-threatening disease – 

There are many benign causes of burning pain in the feet, but MANY people have the life-threatening condition that can cause burning pain in the feet. If your feet are burning, do not ignore this symptom. Continue reading…


Do your feet begin hurting after you sit? 

There are two conditions that can explain this. Continue reading…


Cause of heel pain: stress fracture? 

Yes, a stress fracture can cause pain in the heel. Continue reading…

Top image: Shutterstock/Africa Studio
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.