Why You Suddenly Can’t Breathe for a Few Seconds
Do you have spells of “I can’t breathe!” that last maybe five or seven seconds? Instead of allowing this to scare the pants off of you, see a doctor to get to the bottom of [...]
Do you have spells of “I can’t breathe!” that last maybe five or seven seconds? Instead of allowing this to scare the pants off of you, see a doctor to get to the bottom of [...]
Here’s the scoop on accidentally taking 300 mg a day of hydralazine (Apresoline) instead of the prescribed 30 mg a day. My mother’s cardiac nurse made a mistake which resulted in the pharmacist preparing her [...]
A doctor explains that there are several possible causes to a pain in the ball of the foot when cycling. This can occur while riding outdoors or while using a stationary bike. There are several [...]
DVT (blood clot) prevention after joint replacement surgery can be done with a portable compression device that straps onto the legs. The standard of care following joint replacement surgery is to send the patient home [...]
Find out the percentage of people with liver disease who have bad body odor. What percentage of patients with liver disease have the bad odor? What's really odd is that when I do a search [...]
Can a bad body stink be caused by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)? Ever wonder if non-alcoholic fatty liver disease cause foul body odor? If so, how? “Yes. If the patient is in liver failure, [...]
Find out if an elevated ALT or AST can ever have a benign cause. Just what does “elevated” mean in reference to the liver enzymes of ALT and AST? The elevation can be mild, moderate [...]
The value of the ALT and AST liver enzymes will vary depending on the type of liver sickness including cancer. In general (numbers vary from one lab to the next), a blood test value of [...]
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease means something is very wrong with your body. Can this condition, which is often brought on by poor diet, actually raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol? “Yes. LDL receptors are located primarily [...]
Below are links to articles about liver disease that answer questions that perhaps you've been struggling to find answers for with extensive online searches--which either turned up nothing or vague, overly-broad information. So I asked [...]
Do you dread walking anywhere thanks to a mysterious pain that's developed in your shins? There are multiple possible explanations for a recurring pain in your shins whenever you go walking. “Shin pain when walking [...]
If running causes a sharp pain in one or both of your knees, don't ignore this or try to "run it out." It is not normal and can have a variety of causes. The human [...]
Do you have a pain where your rear-end meets the back of your upper thigh? This area is also known as the glute-hamstring tie-in or junction. What could be causing pain there? “Pain in the [...]
Though pain in the neck that makes its way down to the left shoulder usually has a benign orthopedic cause, lung cancer can also cause this symptom. “Pain in the neck and shoulder region can be hard [...]
Chondromalacia patella and bursitis are common conditions that involve the kneecap, causing distinct pain. But does one have any unique characteristic that the other one doesn't? “Bursitis usually involves inflammation of the prepatellar bursa,” says [...]
Liver disease can cause a strong body odor, but just what does this mean? What body part does this stink come from? Is it the entire body or some localized area like the armpit? You [...]
A GI doctor addresses the question of can liver disease cause a bleachy odor. Have you ever seen references online stating that liver disease can cause an odor in the patient that’s like bleach or [...]
If you begin noticing your body is starting to smell bad, but you feel fine otherwise, is it possible this can be early liver disease? What if you wash and shower and it doesn't go [...]
At least four hours a day of sitting is dangerous to health, increasing mortality, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, blood clot risks and more. Do YOU have the “sitting disease”? Who would have ever thought that [...]
Don't walk barefoot on your treadmill desk, even if you love to go around your home barefoot. Walking barefoot on a treadmill desk is not a good idea. In fact, there’s really no logical reason [...]
Men who have a desk job have an increased risk of heart failure even if after work they hit the gym like a warrior--not exactly the news you wanted to hear, right? If you work out [...]
Stent graft technology for the repair of an ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm is a marvel of medical advancement. Stent technology continues to evolve; soon, endovascular repair (stent grafting) will be more common with ascending aortic [...]
Why doesn’t the show, “My 600 Pound Life,” corner the enabling spouses and require them to explain their actions? The enabling spouses on “My 600 Pound Life” need to explain why they continue bringing huge [...]
Exercise will NOT make microscopic colitis worse. So don’t use microscopic colitis as an excuse to avoid working out at a gym, even if you’re having diarrhea 20 times a day. “Generally speaking, exercise is [...]
Do you ever wonder if all the good things you eat are being passed out of your system by your microscopic colitis? Does this disease make healthy food come out withthe diarrhea? Let’s say a [...]
Is that low backache you have a part of your microscopic colitis? Or is it just a coincidence? But if it's a coincidence, why does the timeline include diarrhea? “None of my microscopic colitis patients [...]
Did you know that the joint aches of microscopic colitis can occur many days before the first day of a new flareup of diarrhea? A small percentage of people with microscopic colitis experience associated but [...]
Microscopic colitis can be chronic or intermittent. It can also be transient, which isn’t necessarily the same as intermittent. For example, I’ve had only two blatant rounds of a microscopic colitis flare-up over a period [...]
Can the symptoms of a microscopic colitis flare be small enough to appear below the radar? Can the signs be so subtle that they fail to register on your awareness map? Microscopic colitis is not [...]
Ever wonder if the joint aches you get with your microscopic colitis will over time cause damage to your joints, possibly weakening them or making them permanently stiff? “Joint pain” doesn’t always mean damage or [...]
“Microscopic colitis can manifest itself with multiple symptoms or hardly any symptoms at all,” begins Dr. Fine. “Microscopic colitis can manifest itself with multiple symptoms or hardly any symptoms at all,” begins Jeffrey Fine, MD, chief [...]
Celiac disease is much more common than you think, which begs the question if whether or not a bowel movement sample can indicate the presence of this condition. BMs and Celiac Disease Most celiacs are [...]
The mechanism behind microscopic colitis can lead to joint aches in some patients, and this symptom has a distinct characteristic. Not all joint aches feel the same, and this goes for those linked to microscopic [...]
Does every person with microscopic colitis experience fatigue? Fatigue is often included in symptom lists for microscopic colitis. I was diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis in May 2010. I’ve read a lot of patient self-reports of [...]
Here’s a finely detailed description of what a low ab cramp feels like from microscopic colitis. One of the more common symptoms of microscopic colitis is a low abdominal cramp or ache. “Lower abdominal cramp” [...]
Pelvic pains or aches can have numerous causes, including microscopic colitis, but what exactly does this feel like? There are two distinct types of pelvic aches that are brought on by my microscopic colitis, an [...]
Find out from a doctor whether or not the brain really turns to mush if a brain dead person is kept on a ventilator. “No, the brain cells do not turn to mush, any more than [...]
An internal medicine doctor explains what life-like processes continue occurring while a brain dead body is on a ventilator. A person is declared brain dead, but the family insists on keeping that person on a [...]
An internal medicine doctor answers the question of hair and nail growth in a legally dead (brain) body. A person who has been declared brain dead, but is “breathing” due to a ventilator, and being [...]
When one child out of several in a family has been diagnosed with ADHD, it's not uncommon for the parents to suspect that birth order had something to do with it. To some parents, it [...]