Dog Drinking Tons of Water Could Mean Serious Disease
You'd better be very worried if your dog keeps drinking tons of water and can't seem to get enough. Now, active dogs do normally drink a lot of water, but when this is done way [...]
You'd better be very worried if your dog keeps drinking tons of water and can't seem to get enough. Now, active dogs do normally drink a lot of water, but when this is done way [...]
How rapid is the final decline in a dog with a brain tumor? After my parents' dog passed following a sudden rapid decline from a brain tumor, I consulted with Dr. Peter Gordon, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM [...]
A prominent veterinarian describes the 5 WARNING SIGNS your puppy's vomiting means a medical emergency. Throwing up is common in puppies. "Some of the minor causes of vomiting include intestinal or stomach viruses, parasites, and [...]
Years ago I had nose surgery, a.k.a. rhinoplasty or "nose job," and there was some pain involved. I had a deviated septum and a past mild fracture, so a nose job was in order. It's not [...]
Serious diseases can make you smell cigarette smoke even though nobody is smoking. Smelling cigarette smoke or something burning can be a sign of a major illness. However, phantom smelling (be it cigarette smoke, burning [...]
Is this just a gimmick or is there TRULY a difference between regular vitamins and prenatal vitamins? Isn't a vitamin a vitamin? After all, aren't all supplements the same? I went as far as wondering if the [...]
What causes vaginal itching, and what can be done about this? Vaginal itching is common and very annoying, and it has an assortment of causes. The solutions to vaginal itching, of course, will depend on [...]
If you have IBS, you may be fearing eventual cancer, wondering if irritable bowel syndrome can lead to or increase cancer risk. The symptoms of IBS are nearly identical to the symptoms of colon cancer. [...]
Shirley Webb, 78, from Illinois, can deadlift 225 lbs. for three reps, as of 2016. If you’re elderly (65-plus), you should do deadlifts. Deadlifting is a compound (multi-joint) strength training exercise. When I [...]
When I was a personal trainer I made sure that all my clients learned to walk properly on a treadmill. It’s amazing how many people have this all wrong. But the problem is actually easy [...]
Should people who are symptom-free still be screened for an abdominal aortic aneurysm if they have risk factors such as being a man over age 70 or a smoker with high blood pressure? Whom should [...]
Did you know that holding onto a treadmill while walking is virtually the same as using a walker? If you want to train for the Walker-Assistance-Device Olympics, I recommend that you hold onto the treadmill [...]
Did you know that if you're of senior age you should not hold onto a treadmill during your walks? I once told a senior woman that she should walk without holding onto the treadmill. She [...]
Look at the photo above of the overweight boy on a treadmill. This appears to be a non-posed shot, versus models being told to take specific positions instructed by a photographer. The first boy is [...]
Remember when Madonna was criticized for having an eating disorder because a photo showed her veiny arm? The photo above generated a lot of negative feedback for Madonna, because people thought that the prominent bulging [...]
A tiny waist should not automatically mark a woman as having an eating disorder or anorexia nervosa. Look at the waist of the woman above; it’s what would be considered tiny or “too skinny.” However, [...]
Yes, you CAN get rid of saddlebags; don't let anyone tell you it's genetic or part of being a woman. There are four proven exercise approaches to burn saddlebag fat. Ever notice that a woman [...]
Tired of skinny weak arms? Here are proven strength training routines that will put muscle on your skinny arms and make them a lot stronger. Bench Press. The bench press is usually thought of as [...]
There are circumstances under which the Smith machine for squats is better than a free barbell. The Smith machine is actually better for squats than the free barbell -- if you meet certain criteria. There [...]
Smith machine or dumbbell squats? It’s tough to assert which is better between the smith machine and dumbbell squats. And why would you even want to compare these two, when the free barbell squat ("back [...]
Here are the biggest squat mistakes with the Smith machine. When doing squats with the Smith machine, beware of some common mistakes. Based on my experience as a gym personal trainer, I’ve compiled five of [...]
Fear of the barbell squat can affect men as well as women. When I was a personal trainer at a gym, I had clients who were “afraid” to barbell squat, though “fear” isn’t exactly the [...]
Cable crunches are often done wrong. Instead of actually crunching, people bow to a statue. This will not deliver the results they want. "The abs do not get worked this way," I'd tell people at [...]
Surgical mole removal is not painful at all. At least, it wasn't painful for me, and I have had six moles removed surgically. Yes, the doctor may tell you, "This might hurt a little," before [...]
Itchy bumps on the back of your scalp have a specific cause, and thus, a specific solution. "Itchy bumps on the back of the scalp, called seborrheic folliculitis, are usually a deeper manifestation of ordinary [...]
The questions should be how much melanoma can you pick off, and will picking at a melanoma make it spread? This deadliest of skin cancers doesn't just grow on the skin surface, but below it. "It is [...]
Ever thought of having mole removal? I've had mole removal twice for benign moles. The first mole was on my abdomen and measured four and a half millimeters in diameter. I had surgical mole removal [...]
It’s a myth that you can’t change your apple or pear shaped “body type.” If you’re pear shaped or apple shaped, you can change this “body type.” Even though the pear shape or apple shape “body type” has [...]
“What exercise will bring out tear drops in my quads?” Ahh, tear drops – in the quadriceps muscles, that is! The hallmark of a great pair of legs is the visibility of so-called tear drops, when [...]
Which is better: lying hamstring curl or seated hamstring curl? Lying hamstring curl vs. seated hamstring curl: Is one better than the other? Or does it come down to personal preference? As a former certified personal [...]
It’s a huge mistake when people urge the victim of bullies to “just laugh with them.” This is lousy advice and it rarely works. For the sake of this article, the term “bullying” or “bully” [...]
Is there a logical reason why a teen or adolescent, who gets bullied online, would keep returning to the scene of the crime, the Facebook page of the perpetrator? “Cyberbullied kids might continue to visit [...]
It’s a big mistake to tell a bullied tall teen girl that the mean kids are just jealous of her height. How many times does it occur, in any given school month, that a tall [...]
In the past decade I have seen maybe three woman, besides my clients, doing unassisted parallel bar dips. Why is this? Why don’t women do parallel bar dips without assistance? Can women learn to do [...]
Panaerobics is a fun form of cardio exercise that amplifies fat burning. Panaerobics is a unique and effective way to melt off excess fat while also greatly improving heart health--and anybody can do this fun form [...]
A study from the University of Tennessee investigated whether or not rock climbing put the athletes at a higher risk for developing osteoarthritis. “According to a 2006 study, rock climbers can develop increased bone thickness,” [...]
Housework does not replace structured exercise, and thus, is a poor tool to rely upon for any fitness goal, including weight loss. The BMC Public Health journal (October, 2013) has the latest report on the [...]
Find out the cause and solutions to low back pain from using a treadmill incline. Have you noticed that using an incline on a treadmill triggers low back pain or an ache? There’s a reason [...]
Just take that hand off the front bar or side rail already; otherwise it makes your body work unevenly, plus numerous other problems. Look at the woman above holding onto the treadmill with one hand. [...]
If you think hanging onto a treadmill is an approach mostly committed by elderly walkers, think again. Even big strong bodybuilders commit this sabotaging habit. Many walkers who hold onto a treadmill are muscle-building or [...]