Can Bra Strap Irritation Turn a Mole into Melanoma?
If your bra strap keeps irritating a mole, can this make it turn into a deadly melanoma? Many women are worried that continuous irritation from a bra strap can cause a mole to develop into [...]
If your bra strap keeps irritating a mole, can this make it turn into a deadly melanoma? Many women are worried that continuous irritation from a bra strap can cause a mole to develop into [...]
There’s a way that just might induce a period two weeks sooner than when you're expecting it. It worked for me, though at the time, I didn’t know it was going to happen. Normally, my [...]
Isn’t that the oddest thing: Your knee hurts climbing stairs but you can run all day long without any pain. There’s a condition that can explain this. "Chondromalacia, a degeneration of the underside of the [...]
Catheter removal after prostate cancer surgery can cause painful urination as well as pain even when sitting. “Most of the time, bladder pain after catheter removal goes away relatively quickly, on the order of a [...]
Where’s the publicity for prostate cancer? It’s a myth it’s a “good” cancer; it’s expected to kill 26,700 U.S. men this year despite 161,360 new diagnoses. […]
After prostate removal, the sperm has to go somewhere – but where? Men who are facing prostate removal due to cancer will surely wonder where their sperm will go after removal of the prostate gland. [...]
You’re scared that prostate cancer—which you don’t know if you have—will spread by a needle biopsy. But if you don’t have the needle biopsy, then you can’t be diagnosed with prostate cancer – and thus [...]
Should you panic about prostate cancer if you learn that your PSA is shockingly high? […]
Some men suffer with bladder pain following catheter removal after prostate cancer treatment—for several weeks. What are the causes of this and what can be done about it? […]
Squamous cell carcinoma is a potentially fatal skin cancer that can arise in multiple locations in a rather short period of time. Most deaths are believed to occur in the elderly, who are more likely [...]
Some women love the look of freckles but don’t want the higher risk of skin cancer that comes with sun exposure. […]
If you have a new mole or “spot” between your toes, do NOT blow it off as possible melanoma just because no sun gets between your toes. “Yes, melanomas can grow in areas that typically [...]
There are differences between melanomas that arise from existing moles and those that appear as brand new spots on skin where there’s no original mole. […]
Sleep apnea not only is one of the most misdiagnosed conditions. But many undiagnosed people are in denial that they might actually have it. Though the stereotypical patient is an overweight middle aged man with [...]
The forearm muscles are a unique muscle group, so when they start twitching, this is easily felt and even sometimes seen, raising the issue of ALS. The forearm muscles are primarily responsible for wrist and [...]
If minoxidil is causing your scalp to be itchy and flaky with white specks in your hair, there is a simple remedy for this problem. An itching and/or flaking scalp, when caused by minoxidil, is [...]
If you go to the ER fully conscious but report having hit your head hard, here’s exactly what to expect. […]
If you’re complaining of shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, here is what will be done for you in an emergency room. […]
If your child got hit in the head, you need to make sure they don’t get unnecessary CT scans. Here’s questions to ask the ER doctor if you’re worried about radiation exposure. CT scans take [...]
Hyperhidrosis is a very bothersome condition that can impede the quality of one’s social life. It can bring on enough embarassment to make the sufferer want to stay home. “Hyperhidrosis is a condition that in [...]
Hyperhidrosis of the armpits, groin or feet--it can be bad enough to impair social life. But is there hope as the sufferer gets older? Can you “age out” of hyperhidrosis? Hyperhidrosis is the medical term [...]
Be on the lookout for specific things that should be done in the ER when an elderly woman complains of chest pain. If an elderly family member is having chest pain, don’t delay getting them [...]
Is a “quirky” child possibly autistic even though they seem to be very socially interactive and uncomfortable being alone? Of course, not all introverted children meet the diagnostic criteria for autism. […]
A form of exercise called HIIT may be much more effective at treating depression than is more typical exercise and antidepressant drugs. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. […]
There’s a reason why most of the medical establishment still does not take seriously high breast density as a major risk for breast cancer. […]
A doctor may suspect ovarian cancer based on symptoms, a blood test & an image of a suspicious mass. But is surgery always necessary for a formal diagnosis of this ruthless disease? […]
Have you read somewhere that stress can directly cause vaginal discharge? “There’s no direct mechanism for stress and vaginal discharge; however, chronic stress can cause hormone imbalances which can lead to abnormal discharge,” says Mylaine [...]
Ovarian cancer is one of the most misdiagnosed diseases because its symptoms are so similar to many benign conditions. The time it takes to correctly diagnose ovarian cancer, from the time a woman first sees [...]
Discovering black specks or dots on your nipple in the absence of pregnancy (which can cause this appearance) can be quite alarming. […]
Your teen daughter comes to you worried about a lump in her breast. What’s this most likely to be? The concept of “lump” has nearly become synonymous with cancer, so that’s why even when a [...]
Unfortunately, the presence of a complex fibroadenoma in breast tissue means an increased risk of breast cancer. However, the risk is influenced by this benign tumor’s cellular features. “Simple fibroadenomas do not seem to increase [...]
What if you had a very tiny mole and one day, realized it was no longer tiny – yet everything else about it looked perfectly normal? As you probably already know, one of the guidelines [...]
It’s tough to get a three-year-old to stop biting his or her nails. Parents will use many tactics in an attempt to get their older child to stop this form of self-mutilation, including bribes with [...]
Many adults want to know if ADHD is actually a child’s disorder or if, indeed, adults can have it. If we look at what “ADHD” stands for – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – certainly we [...]
It’s been said that the workplace bully must have been quite the tyrant during their young school years, but it’s entirely possible that many workplace bullies were victimized by their peers. And they couldn’t fight [...]
Bad news for those who’re trying to convince themselves that their pounding heartbeat is caused by GERD and GERD alone: It very most probably isn’t. […]
Jaw pain can have many causes including cancer, but GERD or acid reflux, as well as clogged heart arteries, can cause pain in the jaw. If you’re experiencing pain in the jaw, you need to [...]
What are the causes and prevention of vomiting a thick mucus after eating foods like beef, rice and sauces? […]
Ewww, you awaken having to “throw up” foamy gunk (bile? acid? mucus?) and it tastes as bad as it looks. Is this acid reflux? […]
Sometimes a person will experience chest pain they describe as feeling “electrical” or “like electricity running through” and think it’s GERD at work. However, there is no condition that literally causes electric currents to run [...]