Why Your Heart Races and You Feel Anxiety After a Big Meal
It may happen soon after a big meal or a few hours after: a racing heart well over 100 beats per minute and lots of anxiety. You may have connected the dots early on, or [...]
It may happen soon after a big meal or a few hours after: a racing heart well over 100 beats per minute and lots of anxiety. You may have connected the dots early on, or [...]
The spasticity of multiple sclerosis doesn’t come in just one flavor. MS is an autuimmune disease involving the damage of the protective myelin sheath around nerve fibers and cells in the spinal cord and brain. [...]
An ICD is implanted into patients with long QT syndrome to recharge the heart should it go into sudden cardiac arrest. So why aren’t ALL people with long QT syndrome given this implantable cardioverter device? [...]
Do you find that nearly every time you sit down to play a video game on your computer, it isn’t long before you can feel the pounding of your heart? […]
Have you noticed that sometimes, when your index or middle finger is against ANY part of your body, you feel a pulse—and you realize that this heartbeat is emanating from your fingertip? […]
If you’re having chest pain at night in bed, it sure would be more reassuring to know it’s from sleep apnea than a heart attack or heart disease. Those who’ve never been tested for sleep [...]
Can too much of a great thing ever be bad – at least when it comes to HDL cholesterol? This is the “good” cholesterol that’s supposed to be high. But if it’s as high as [...]
Can that pain in your calf that keeps coming and going, on and off, possibly be a DVT? A deep vein thrombosis classically causes calf pain that’s hard to ignore. […]
Can waking nearly every night with left or right temple pain mean an aneurysm or a brain tumor? […]
Both chronic heart failure and ALS cause weakness and fatigue. For both conditions, here is a detailed rundown of the differences and maybe some similarities between fatigue vs. weakness. […]
A person who’s diagnosed with a heart attack in the ER based on an elevated troponin result may not have had a heart attack after all. The European Heart Journal has a 2018 study (Thygesen [...]
Red food clumps or particles in your poops can mimic the appearance of blood smears or clots from a disease. Here’s how to tell whether the red you see is food vs. blood. [...]
Heart disease, not heart attack, is what we’re talking about here, and the symptoms of the disease itself in women are quite different than in men, says Momina Mastoor, MD, a board certified cardiologist in [...]
A surprising study shows that even hardcore exercisers in middle age could have severe degrees of coronary heart disease: very blocked arteries. This is especially true if the athlete has other risk factors for CHD [...]
If you suddenly have tingling and numbness in your fingers and have risk factors for a heart attack, there may be more to what’s going on than just some pinched nerve somewhere. […]
Is it true that if you have only the one symptom of chest tightness, and no other symptoms, that you could still be having a heart attack? You probably already know at least a few [...]
It's not about self-love. Perhaps some plus-size women want to be covered up at the beach to protect against skin cancer. Maybe the next full size woman you see covered up at the beach already [...]
“I wish I had your confidence!” Now wait a minute here. Do you really think you can tell that a plus size woman is confident simply because she posted an Instagram image showing a lot [...]
Is it fair to assume that when a plus size woman wears cover-ups at the beach, that she lacks confidence? Should how much confidence a plus size woman has be measured by how much skin [...]
The kidneys get all the attention as the organ that fails secondary to chronic heart failure. However, the liver, which the heart pumps 25 percent of its blood flow to, will also decline with chronic [...]
BPPV dizziness can strike out of the blue, but so can the dizziness of a looming heart attack. Is there a way to tell the difference? BPPV stands for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It’s caused [...]
If your heart rate is still over 100 even after intense exercise, you need to find out why this is happening, because it shouldn’t be. […]
“Early MS can often cause numbness and tingling below the waist,” says Mitzi J. Williams, MD, clinical neurologist with Morehouse School of Medicine, an MS specialist and clinical advisor for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. [...]
There are so many causes of hip pain, from bursitis to strained muscles to cancer to multiple sclerosis. […]
Numbness in the scalp has quite a few causes, including some very surprising ones – as well as multiple sclerosis. […]
Can ALS be in progress before it starts causing weakness? This question looms before people who are scared that their twitching muscles means the onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – an incurable disease that is [...]
Does the same kind of twitching that occurs in your eyelid ever occur in the muscles of your back? […]
Would any degree of foot drop from ALS or MS be detected when driving and using the gas and brake pedals? […]
Multiple sclerosis is known for causing pain, but can it cause excruciating or severe pain – in one’s back? If back pain isn’t the No. 1 non-fatal health problem in the U.S., then it certainly [...]
If you have multiple sclerosis and toe pain, or if you have unexplained toe pain but have not yet seen a neurologist, there are several important factors that you need to understand. […]
Why does multiple sclerosis seem to develop soon after a car accident? Does the car crash directly cause MS or does it trigger something that’s already there and just make it more noticeable? [...]
There are differences between benign muscle twitching and the twitching muscles of multiple sclerosis. When a twitching muscle evokes fear in a person, that fear is usually over ALS, a fatal motor neuron disease that [...]
A medical report might say that the patient has a “plethoric IVC.” Here is a full description in plain English of what a plethoric IVC is and what causes it. “The heart is a pump,” [...]
If you’re worried that your infant might get SIDS, here’s why you need to keep the blankets and pillows away from your baby’s face during sleep. “A baby can suffocate and die if sleeping with [...]
If your infant does not look at you, this may or may not be a sign of autism. […]
Some babies don’t flinch or seem uncomfortable in loud environments, and parents may think this means their baby’s ears won’t be harmed by the noise, or that perhaps there’s already hearing loss. […]
Here’s what to do if your 13 year old’s chest hurts upon inhaling, and what the possible causes are including a heart problem. […]
Baby poop smells different than that of adults, and there are different kinds of odor that a baby’s bowel movements can have. […]
The color of your baby’s poop says a lot about their health. Certain colors and even textures mean potentially serious conditions that need prompt medical attention. […]
A brain tumor actually can cause a nosebleed. “Tumors starting from the skull base can erode into the sinus cavity causing nosebleeds,” says John M. Abrahams, MD, chief of neurosurgery at Northern Westchester Hospital, and [...]