Here’s Why Obese Women Must Lose Weight During Pregnancy
Body positivity is what an expectant women does for her body, not how she feels about it. During pregnancy, an obese woman should lose weight. Here’s how. […]
Body positivity is what an expectant women does for her body, not how she feels about it. During pregnancy, an obese woman should lose weight. Here’s how. […]
Have you just been diagnosed with CIN 1? Then you know this is precancerous tissue that might reverse on its own. But what’s the longest this could take? […]
PCOS symptoms vs. perimenopause and aging: And can the onset of PCOS first appear only after menopause? Weight gain, irregular periods, fertility issues… […]
Marcher’s hematuria is bleeding from the lower urinary tract from exercise. […]
Ever feel like you have to go, but you know that your bladder is empty because you just voided? Then you pass gas, and the urgency is gone. […]
Have you had unexplained vaginal bleeding and are wondering if ovarian cancer can be the cause? […]
HPV is a common infection, causing abnormal changes in the cervix plus cervical cancer. […]
Ever wonder why an influencer who embraces her size also exercises? Is she actually trying to lose weight? […]
You’ve just discovered what appears to be blood in your urine. Could this be from a harmless ovarian cyst? […]
No matter what you do, you’re pulled out of your sleep every night at least once, often more, by an overactive bladder telling you to get to a toilet. […]
Find out what you can do to help avoid being one of the 28,000 women a year who die from breast, ovarian, uterine, vaginal and vulvar cancer. Obesity is a factor. […]
Some women have hot flashes years after menopause, but are there factors that influence this? And which ones can you control? […]
Many women experience vaginal burning which usually has benign causes. But can any kind of cancer cause a burning sensation in the vagina? […]
TIA symptoms can be similar to those of a cancer metastasis in the brain. Cancer survivors know that down the road, the disease may return. […]
A brain tumor can mimic BPPV symptoms. In fact, patients with a brain tumor have been misdiagnosed as having benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. […]
What is it about the morning when you wake up that makes the joint aches of microscopic colitis the worst? […]
Menopause can really raise LDL cholesterol, but does it drop after “the change” is complete? Or is this increase permanent? […]
If your liver appears “unremarkable” on an MR angiogram, does this mean it’s healthy? […]
Children have a lower risk of DVT from long plane rides than do adults. They’re not immune to blood clots, but are much less likely to get them. Why is this? […]
Before hastily deciding to have surgery for your newly diagnosed herniated disc, you should take this non-surgical approach. […]
If you’re over age 65 and do jumping exercises, could you end up with a chronic subdural hematoma? […]
Ever wonder just how high blood pressure wreaks havoc on the kidneys and heart? […]
Can all that walking up and down a staircase possibly cause your knees to become arthritic? And what about using a staircase or stepping machine for exercise? […]
Does a normal carotid angiogram mean you’re safe from getting a blood clot that can cause a stroke or TIA? […]
After treatment for melanoma, the patient’s follow-up screenings eventually default to yearly, when initially they are every three to six months for up to two years after diagnosis. […]
Is there anything unique about heart attack chest pain in a woman that she could tell it’s probably a heart attack rather than something benign? […]
Out of 900,000 annual U.S. cases of DVT, how many patients are not on Coumadin, a potent prescription blood thinner? […]
Shouldn't ALL people on an airplane wear compression stockings to prevent a DVT? Sitting cramped in an airplane for many hours can cause a blood clot to form in the leg. If you're familiar with [...]
If you sit a lot every day, this not only can have very bad effects on your physical health, but also mental health. But there’s something you can do. […]
Are you middle aged, worried about heart disease and wondering if it's too late to begin exercising to help protect your heart? If you’re of middle age and have always been sedentary, it is nowhere [...]
Even athletes and gym rats can have a habit of getting too much sleep. It’s already known that excess sleep in general isn’t healthy. […]
Are you past menopause and interested in using exercise as a way to lower your risk of developing atrial fibrillation? […]
Why aren’t more people after coronary bypass surgery given an SVC filter to prevent any blood clots from becoming a pulmonary embolism, since a DVT can suddenly break off and travel to the lungs? [...]
As a caregiver to a challenging elderly family member, you need to have all the energy, stamina and strength you can get. Here is how you can get it all. […]
If you get in a hardcore workout every day but then sit for many hours at work or home, you’re still prone to the harm of excessive sitting -- "the sitting disease." Exercise, even if [...]
Did you know that the symptoms of ADHD greatly overlap the symptoms of sleep apnea? It’s possible your child was misdiagnosed. […]
If you suffer from anxiety, you may already know that exercise will help. But a certain kind of exercise can work wonders. […]
Have whole eggs suffered a bad rap for many years? Or is it really possible they can cause or partially contribute to high levels of “bad” cholesterol? […]
If you’ve been diagnosed with a herniated disc, a second opinion may be in order, because your low back pain may actually have a different cause. […]
What a shock: Your LDL is off the charts, thanks to menopause, even though you’ve been exercising and eating healthy foods. Here’s what to do. […]