Can You Be too Old to Get Type 1 Diabetes? How Old Is too Old?
If you haven’t gotten type 1 diabetes by a certain age, does this mean you’ll never get this autoimmune disease, that you’re just too old to develop it? […]
If you haven’t gotten type 1 diabetes by a certain age, does this mean you’ll never get this autoimmune disease, that you’re just too old to develop it? […]
All sorts of things can go on in the sinus cavities that can cause headaches, and you guess it: Cancer is one of them. But do not confuse a severe headache with the “pressure” headache [...]
Ear pain has many causes and unfortunately one of them is laryngeal cancer. Ear pain is a very common symptom and can present itself in different ways. How might laryngeal cancer cause ear pain? “The [...]
If you’ve read that epiphora in one eye can be caused by a sinus tumor, you’re certainly hoping that it’s just benign sinusitis causing all the watering in that one eye. Epiphora in just one [...]
Two kinds of cancer can cause the Adam’s apple to appear asymmetrical or uneven. If you’ve noticed this lately, you’ll want to be on the lookout for other symptoms that may develop that are possibly [...]
If medical miracles exist, why don’t they happen with all diseases and types of injury, rather than just a select few such as cancer and coming out of a coma? Why don’t we see amputees [...]
Why do advocates of corporal punishment call it “spanking” when they probably BEAT their children? Because they know that the term “spanking” softens the perception of hitting children. […]
Why’s it so uncommon to see women doing rack pulls? Are women “intimidated” by the rack pull? If anything, women should be flocking to do rack pulls because this exercise, when done intensely with heavy [...]
Rack pulls are an empowering exercise for women who want a simple way to burn fat, tone & strengthen their back and core, and tone their arms & legs. […]
If you avoid lemonade only in wintertime, ask yourself what the logic for this is. Advertising? You drink other cold juices in winter, right? Why not lemonade? […]
You’ll be happy to know that MANY exercises are great for irritable bowel syndrome; you have a lot to choose from. However, it’s the WAY you exercise that will make a difference. […]
Here are forearm strengthening exercises for women that will not bulk up their forearms. You can have stronger forearms and hands without that burly look. The Wrist Roll The wrist roll device is sold online, and [...]
Women need to bench press, but few at any given gym actually do. If you’re a woman, ask yourself why you don’t bench press. Here’s an excellent workout for women who want to start bench [...]
A person who doesn't take excellent chances to escape from their abductor doesn't always have Stockholm syndrome. There's another intriguing reason why the victim continues to stay with their captor despite numerous opportunities to escape. [...]
You can help prevent heart disease with a potent form of exercise called "hormonal." This kind of exercise unleashes hormones that nullify stress hormones that are activated when your body goes into a "fight or [...]
Strength Training and Its Aerobic Effect An intense set of lifting weights will raise heart rate. Though the set may last 10-30 seconds, this is all that’s required to force the cardiovascular system to adapt [...]
Former smokers are still at risk for lung cancer, and there is one particular exercise that's been found to significantly lower the ex-smoker's risk of developing cancerous tumors in the lungs. According to research presented [...]
Hiking & even plain walking do a great job of lowering the risk of pancreatic cancer, but what's important to know is just how much per week of these exercises you should do to optimally [...]
There is strong evidence that walking cuts the risk of developing prostate cancer, which kills about 30,000 U.S. men every year. Walking is an undeniable way to lower the risk of prostate cancer. […]
You'll actually be shocked at the kind of exercise that lowers uterine cancer risk by a whopping 52 percent when compared to less active women. Research shows that physical activity can be very beneficial in [...]
No matter what you’ve tried that’s failed, you CAN get rid of your thunder thighs with the RIGHT exercise program and sensible eating. It doesn’t matter what your age, what your mother’s thighs look like [...]
Shoulder pain is linked to heart disease and might even mean a heart attack in progress. But this doesn’t mean you should panic every time your shoulder aches or you get a twinge of pain [...]
What is it with middle age men and the seated crunch machine? They put the pin at the bottom, then yank with their arms and let the weight stack crash at the bottom, rep after [...]
Any cardio machine can burn a ton of fat, but not because you pressed a certain button. Forget the “programs” and instead use a technique that will ignite a fat-burning effect in your body. [...]
Stop wasting time doing 1,000 crunches a week and camping out by all the abdominal machines; there are non-ab targeting exercises that will shrink your stomach. To lose fat in the abs, you must create [...]
Here’s how to do burst training to get rid of ugly fat in your thighs. Even if the fat in your thighs is super stubborn, burst training will rip it right out of there. [...]
Many personal trainers have their clients stand on one leg while lifting weights. Is there really a point to this? Why don’t we see the trainers themselves doing this? […]
Men with leg muscles too skinny usually wear long pants even on the hottest days, to hide those “chicken legs.” And even women with stick legs may be hesitant to wear short skirts or shorts. If [...]
Should you do cardio before or after your weight workout? This question comes up all the time in gyms, locker rooms and everywhere else. […]
The question of which burns more calories – lower body strength training or upper body strength training – comes up every so often. And the answer is the lower body. […]
Some women actually WANT a bigger butt & think the elliptical will do this, while others fear a bigger rump from the elliptical; both women are wrong. There's good news and bad news. The good news [...]
Plyometrics is a unique approach to burning fat in the thighs. Any woman who’s been doing plyometrics for a while will not have thunder thighs. […]
If you leave out the patterned arm movements in step aerobics classes, will you still get a good workout? […]
The deadlift is a major weight loss exercise that nearly any obese person can do. This is an exercise where you stand in one spot and don’t do any jarring motions like in an aerobics [...]
I've seen more than one man stumble on the stepper in a step aerobics class while the women moved with ease; here is a beginner's guide for men who feel awkward about being the only [...]
Why are most women in water fitness classes always obese? I’ve always noted this phenomenon, but finally decided it would make for an interesting article after I caught this exact question in a fitness forum. [...]
Yes, it IS possible to lose a lot of weight, burn a lot of fat, with fast walking. There is a certain way to make this work--something you've probably never tried before. Fast Walking and [...]
Is there really a purpose in doing 100 pullups in a row other than to show off or train for the CrossFit Games? Does someone who can do 100 pullups look better than someone who [...]
The Smith machine can be used for a blistering shoulder workout; it’s not just for squats. Here is a unique workout with just one exercise using the Smith machine. […]
If you want to burn the fat off your thighs, forget the inner-outer machine and do LEG PRESSES. The leg press machine, when used a certain way, will melt fat right off your legs. Don't [...]