Yellow Foamy Loose Stools: Causes Include Cancer
But it’s not colon cancer that can make bowel movements yellow and foamy looking. It’s another kind – one with a 5 year survival rate of only 19 percent. […]
But it’s not colon cancer that can make bowel movements yellow and foamy looking. It’s another kind – one with a 5 year survival rate of only 19 percent. […]
Loose stools CAN be caused by colon cancer. Though the symptom lists for colon cancer mention the two polar opposites of diarrhea and constipation – that midway point of loosely formed stools is also a [...]
Has a 5 cm tumor been found in your sigmoid colon? If so, you should know that this is a tumor of considerable size. A 5 cm mass is nearly two inches. That is pretty [...]
A young woman wanted a nose job. During the initial examination of her nose, the plastic surgeon discovered cancer in her sinus cavity. […]
The causes of diarrhea after eating are multiple, and one of them is cancer. […]
Leg pain has a ton of causes, and sure enough, colon cancer is one of them. But how is this possible? And if you have unexplained leg pain, should you worry about colon cancer? [...]
Have you been nearly knocked off your feet by poops that stink like rotting flesh or meat? […]
What ARE those things in your poops that look like sesame seeds, even though you don’t eat sesame seeds?! Are they parasites or some other sign of a serious disease? […]
Do your poops seem to have a lot of stickiness or goopy mucus in them? Do you wonder if colon cancer can cause sticky slimy stools in addition to the more commonly publicized bloody or [...]
You probably already know that nail melanoma is often a dark line or stripe under the nail, but it can also be pink or a pinkish flesh color. […]
If pimples are supposed to be some shade of pink or flesh colored, then what causes a pimple to be purple? […]
Did you know that nail melanoma doesn’t always present as a line, streak, stripe or band? […]
This isn’t about reducing the formation of freckles in a preschooler, but outright preventing the little spots from developing anywhere, especially on their face. […]
Just how fast can the symptoms of GERD present themselves once the acid starts making its way up the esophagus? • Does GERD unfold slowly and with stealth? • Or can its symptoms suddenly come [...]
GERD can rear its ugly head while a person is asleep, affecting the throat and causing coughing. But what about a strange breathing noise? This odd overnight noise from acid reflux has nothing to do [...]
If you’ve been suffering a long time from acid reflux, you may want to ask your doctor about a barium swallow test to screen for Barrett’s esophagus, a precancerous condition. The damage that the acidic [...]
Ever notice that your acid reflux or gas worsens right before your period begins? There several reasons for this. It’s not in your head. “Reflux and gas may be worse right before menstruation for several [...]
Here’s what to do if your child has a black or grey hard lump inside the mouth on the bottom lip. […]
It’s alarming when changing your infant’s diaper you see specks or drops of blood in the stools. […]
An atypical mole is also known as a precancerous mole. These such lesions can undergo a regression. “Regression is a term applied to lesions that our immune system attacks or treats,” says Erum Ilyas, MD, [...]
Yes, melanoma can affect a fingernail or toenail, and there are two major warning signs that what you see is a potentially deadly tumor — also known as subungual melanoma. […]
Very tiny, bright red dots popping up over time on the breast can make a woman think this is a sign of breast cancer. Breast cancer awareness is very important and has ongoing and strong [...]
Here’s what you need to know about removing a mole from your butt crack: if it’s painful and how the recovery goes. The idea of any procedure that involves the butt crack can cause anxiety [...]
Skin tags are common and depending on their location are prone to irritation including bleeding. Can an irritated skin tag, however, actually transform into cancer such as melanoma? […]
It is extremely dangerous to fly if you’ve been diagnosed with a DVT in any part of your leg or pelvic area. […]
Before you head to the tattoo parlor, you should know how long the AIDS virus can live in a tattoo needle. Remember, tattoo parlors are not medical clinics, so don’t just automatically assume that the [...]
If you’ve ever held a cup of urine after providing a sample in it for your doctor, you will have noticed that the cup was warm. Or, if your urine has ever streamed down a [...]
Do you exercise a lot and have a fast resting heart rate, while family members or friends who never work out have a low heart rate? Though a normal resting pulse is 60 to 100 [...]
High blood pressure, not just brain tumors and sinus infections, can cause headaches. Hypertension can also cause an aneurysm in the brain – a bulging blood vessel that can burst and cause life-threatening bleeding. First [...]
An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a bulge in the aortic extension that goes down the abdomen. […]
Are you worried you have a blood clot or deep vein thrombosis in your finger? This question pertains to the finger itself, rather than a bruise under the nail from bleeding. You probably already know [...]
Those who fear having ALS may notice that one calf has less muscle than the other and worry this means atrophy and the beginning of a fatal journey. […]
Returning to school can be a source of stress and anxiety for autistic children, as their relaxing summer schedule suddenly changes. […]
For more than three decades, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) has propelled public education on the causes and risks of breast cancer, the importance of early screening and diagnosis, and the growing number of treatment options available today. […]
Chronic heart failure in the elderly has a poor prognosis, but is this made worse if one is subjected to chronic stress vs. if they weren’t? We surely know that chronic stress can contribute to [...]
What does it mean when an ultrasound shows blood in a breast cyst? Is this likely cancer or more likely a benign finding? What prompts women to have an ultrasound of their breasts in the [...]
Do you ever get a brief pulling or tugging feeling in your chest and wonder if this can be caused by GERD or momentary acid reflux? A variety of sensations can affect the chest. • [...]
You wake in the middle of the night or early morning to find that your arm feels like a lifeless log: numb and asleep. You also have MS and wonder if there’s a connection. To [...]
The reason your elderly loved-one eats with their eyes closed and otherwise can’t keep their eyes open during the day may have nothing to do with lack of sleep. Take a look at the following [...]
Multiple sclerosis definitely causes fatigue. But so do many other conditions including cancer and heart disease. “Fatigue is a very well-described symptom in the MS literature,” says Mitzi J. Williams, MD, clinical neurologist with Morehouse [...]