Time It Takes for Stage 2 Melanoma to Go to Stage 4?
Stage 4 melanoma has a very grim prognosis, so if you have a stage 2 melanoma, you may be wondering how long it takes for it to progress to a stage 4 status. How well [...]
Stage 4 melanoma has a very grim prognosis, so if you have a stage 2 melanoma, you may be wondering how long it takes for it to progress to a stage 4 status. How well [...]
Why is it that whenever you hear that someone has basal cell carcinoma, it seems that it’s always on their nose? […]
Are you a “Coast” listener who keeps getting bombarded with the ads for Carnivora and Youngevity? Which of the two is more hype? Which of the two should you choose if you could only choose [...]
Ever wonder for how long lung cancer can grow before it’s detected by a doctor or before the patient begins feeling the symptoms? “There are two approaches to think about this,” says Alex Little, MD, [...]
How long can an esophageal cancer be growing inside you before it can be detected? The answer is frightening. […]
Many patients on “My 600 Pound Life” were sexually abused as children, yet most sexually abused children don’t become morbidly obese. Why? […]
Are those anonymous self-love sticky notes in public places overrated? Or can they really undo the source of a woman's poor self-esteem? The person who wrote the “You are worthy” note has never seen you, [...]
You’re nowhere near dehydrated yet your urine is a brilliant amber and leaves salmon-orange stains on the tissue paper when you wipe! There’s a most likely cause. […]
Scheduling your workouts is NOT a sign of poor body image or lack of self-love. Keep scheduling your gym time, treadmill time or fitness video time, whatever your mode of exercise is. Some "self-love" and [...]
Seana’s story on “My 600 Pound Life” ranks as one of the saddest and bleakest for several reasons. At only 22 she was seemingly destined for success with Dr. Now’s program. […]
Joyce on “My 600 Pound Life” was another train wreck, but this disaster contains some unusually interesting components: namely her mother. […]
Did you just collect an orange substance on the tissue paper from wiping yourself after urinating? […]
Followers of obese influencers get furious when someone says “Obesity is not healthy,” but these same followers will call a thin woman unhealthy. […]
Ever notice that nearly every senior age man does lat pull-downs by lifting his butt off the seat before each pull? […]
JUNE 11 Here are serial images of a big toenail subungual hematoma showing how the old blood and bruise heal over an eight month period. In the June 11 image above, a subungual [...]
If you see what appears to be Hutchinson’s sign in a fingernail or toenail, your first thought might be melanoma skin cancer. […]
We keep getting "body positivity" shoved down our throat. What about women with homely faces? When's their ship going to come in? Why don’t we see THEM strutting catwalks and getting on covers of magazines? [...]
Do you worry that your anxiety over your child developing melanoma might be unrealistic, but you just can’t help obsessively inspecting their moles and imagining the worst? Yes, melanoma occurs in children, even those with [...]
The ABCDE rules of melanoma screening for adults don’t apply to children. There are distinct differences in the way melanoma appears in kids than it does in adults. […]
Basal cell carcinoma is typically described as a nodule or bump that may be pearly in color, but also flesh toned or some range of pink. Purple is a color that may come to mind [...]
While gun control dominates the news, thousands of Americans every year die at the hands of trans fats in common foods. Trans fats should be banned. Where is the outcry? Trans fats are a poisonous [...]
A mom who says she's 265 pounds posted on Instagram a video of herself and her obese child hollering “Boooo!” at a diet commercial. The video was posted on Jan. 4, 2020. I recommend you [...]
TLC If Dr. Now’s patients on “My 600 Pound Life” can initially lose weight all on their own, why do they need the surgery then? […]
Have you ever seen people moving the handles only two inches on strength training equipment and wonder, “What the heck are they hoping to achieve?” […]
A song you love is on a workplace radio or public speaker and someone starts singing to it, destroying your listening pleasure! […]
Can there be a delay between when you stop taking pills and when pill esophagitis begins? […]
Have you noticed that often when you get up after sitting for a while, you have to burp? […]
So it goes as follows: You chew, swallow without any problem and then right after there’s an odd pain in your right chest that lasts a few seconds. […]
Many women seem to start gaining abdominal weight within a few years of completing menopause and some will wonder if it could be ovarian cancer. […]
Periods are a pain, and many women want to know if they can be safely stopped, delayed or sped up. This is particularly true for women who travel frequently. “Women using hormonal forms of birth [...]
Untreated cervical cancer kills about 4,200 U.S. women every year. But can cervical cancer ever develop into uterine cancer? Uterine/endometrial cancer takes about 12,100 lives in the U.S. every year. […]
Cigarette smoke is strongly linked to several cancers including gynecological. […]
If you’re lying on your back and start pressing around your lower abdomen and pelvic area, is it possible to feel an ectopic pregnancy? […]
Fainting has many possible causes. Menopause causes many possible symptoms. Is there an overlap? With all the symptoms that menopause can trigger, one has to wonder if fainting – not just feeling faint or lightheaded [...]
A colposcopy enables a doctor to view the inside of the cervix. Would cancer be visible with this procedure? That’s what many women want to know who are scheduled for a colposcopy. This can make [...]
In many cases of a uterine biopsy, bleeding occurs afterwards. Is there a way to tell if this is from cancer or from the procedure itself? A uterine biopsy requires that an instrument be inserted [...]
The onset of abdominal or pelvic cramping after completing menopause can frighten a woman, and certainly, some causes are life-threatening. […]
If you think braces are only for preteens and high schoolers, you are wrong. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists estimates that more than one million of their patients who have come to fix [...]
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Every November, National Diabetes Awareness Month is recognized by organizations, charities and individuals in order to increase visibility of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, [...]
Watch enough ID Channel and you’ll know there’s a reason why the abuser in a relationship can be a woman physically weaker than the victim. […]