Safe Summer Hiking Preparation for Obese People
Obese people can begin their hiking preparation safely inside a gym or even their home, but if they want to venture outdoors from the start, that’s fine too. […]
Obese people can begin their hiking preparation safely inside a gym or even their home, but if they want to venture outdoors from the start, that’s fine too. […]
If you like using a manual (foot powered) treadmill but hold onto the rails, this is very wrong and defeats the purpose of this kind of machine. Holding on cancels out or undoes the benefit [...]
A person of any height can have disproportionately long femurs. These will interfere with deadlift mechanics, but there are ways to make the most of this genetic disadvantage. The long femur problem is not a [...]
If you have sudden-onset one-eye epiphora, don’t panic, as this may pass after only several days like a light being switched off. “Epiphora can be from either an occlusion somewhere along the nasolacrimal passageway (easy [...]
Before you feel that you’ve been bullied at the gym, consider that the “bully” really isn’t, and that there’s just some misinterpretation going on. […]
What happens when the latest mole image looks strikingly different than last year’s picture in a serial digital dermoscopy procedure? I’ve been taking advantage of the technology of serial digital dermoscopy since 2011. Recently an [...]
Skinny active beats fat active hands-down. Oddly, the comparison typically is sedentary-thin vs. fat-active. This isn’t a fair comparison; it’s an apples to oranges comparison. […]
So just how effective IS protection (ear plugs, muffs) against hearing loss to loud noise? People need to take seriously the idea of protecting their ears from hearing loss as vigilantly as they protect other [...]
Don’t underestimate the efficiency of tension bands for getting in a great chest workout in which you can actually build lean muscle mass and strength. […]
Let’s get fun & creative with all the pedaling variations you can do backwards on the elliptical trainer–for burning fat and for improving your cardio fitness. […]
If you’re obese or overweight and are wondering which is better, barbells or machines for fat loss, fitness and toning, I have the perfect answer for you. […]
An obese child does NOT need to sit on the sidelines while thinner kids participate in sports. There are plenty of exciting sports that fat children can excel in or just plain gain loads of [...]
I’ll admit, I’ve never flipped a tire up a hill. However, I’ve run up hills of all grades, and I’ve flipped a tire across a gymnasium. […]
“Fat acceptance” does not undo the fact that fat thighs are harmful to your health — as research now shows. But you can get rid of the excess fat in your upper legs. Get Rid [...]
Ever wonder if the tens of thousands of steps that a nurse walks every day should count as an aerobic workout, that she doesn’t need to train on a treadmill, take step classes or jog [...]
Ever wonder why some elderly women are frightfully thin, when old age is supposed to slow metabolism and make fat gain easier? Is there some magic reversal of this process? If a woman has not [...]
Intense exercise is one of the best things an older person can do for his or her "aging" body. "Taking it easy" and sitting around all day will cause far more harm to the aged [...]
Slow walking does your brain bad. Though you may think that a “relaxed” walk is healthy, it can damage your brain in the long run. […]
Want to prevent stroke? Include olive oil in your diet; dip bread in it and enjoy, and so many other ways to use this versatile "healthy fat." Stroke can leave your body permanently maimed; do [...]
Just because the rails are there doesn’t mean you should hold onto the treadmill when walking. Holding on defeats the purpose and will prevent you from reaching your fitness or weight loss goals. So why, [...]
What kinds of seated exercises are best for COPD? People with COPD should definitely exercise, and if you have COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), you’re most likely wondering if certain types of exercise, including seated, [...]
Now you have more motivation than ever to get rid of your dangerous belly fat: colon cancer. Even if you take other measures to prevent this disease, a big belly is bad news. [...]
Women stay in abusive relationships for several reasons, but Stockholm syndrome is far from the only reason. Stockholm syndrome means you bond with your captor after he abducts you; usually a hostage-taker is a stranger [...]
If you hold onto the treadmill while using the incline, you’re burning far fewer calories than what the display says. Holding on cancels out the incline and causes many other problems. […]
Giving injections to big dogs can be a major hassle, so here are guidelines for giving injections to large dogs without assistance. I had been giving injections to a large dog for several weeks, and that’s [...]
If you had to choose between walking and napping to re-energize, which should it be? Forget the power nap; do the power WALK. Everything points to the walking. “Walking is generally considered the better choice [...]
If you make your kids hug people against their will, you’ll want to know at what age you should stop doing this. Parents who force their children to “give hugs” at some point will stop [...]
Feeling too fat to step inside a gym? I have solutions to this conundrum that afflicts so many overweight people. Use my approaches and you will never be afraid to set foot inside a gym [...]
Are you over age 65 and wondering which is better for your body: cardio exercise or weight training? Does it even make a difference if you're over 65 when it comes to these two categories [...]
If a woman lifts weights for fitness only, not for competitive bodybuilding, just how manly might her muscles end up looking? This is about the typical woman who trains with weights, rather than a woman [...]
How many pounds must a woman lift before it starts making her look like a man? […]
Is it safe for smokers to do HIIT forms of exercise? There are smokers out there who are wondering if it’s okay to do HIIT, due to its hardship on the cardiovascular system. [...]
No thinking required: Just follow these various HIIT treadmill programs and watch that fat drip off your thighs, belly and elsewhere. These high intensity interval training workouts are designed to smoke off body fat like never [...]
Some cardio forms of exercise are better at fat-burning, even if you’re obese, than are others. Avoid the mistake of doing cardio the wrong way that won’t burn off much fat. […]
YES, you can do HIIT inside your home without cardio equipment, all while the babies are asleep. You can get just as much a crushing fat-burning effect as you would on a machine. [...]
Stop doubting in your ability to walk sideways on a treadmill without holding on; this is so much simpler than you think. I’ll have you walking hands-free next time you step onto a treadmill. [...]
If you hold on while walking sideways on a treadmill, you totally defeat the purpose. An able-bodied person has no excuse for this. Here’s why it’s wrong. […]
You’re heard of “belly flattening foods,” right? While LESS food can shrink fat cells in your stomach, what about a particular food that actually shrinks fat cells? […]
Hands off the treadmill is the first rule for men 65+ who are new to exercise. This destructive habit is worse for seniors than young people. It could strain the hips and shoulders. [...]
Hormonal exercise is the best way to blast off body fat, no matter how much you have. Anyone can do hormonal exercise: beginners, old, obese. It saves time too! […]