Acoustic Neuroma Endoscopic Surgery: Removed thru Ear Canal
Finally, endoscopic surgery for the removal of an acoustic neuroma has arrived, in which the tumor is removed through the ear canal using an endoscope. […]
Finally, endoscopic surgery for the removal of an acoustic neuroma has arrived, in which the tumor is removed through the ear canal using an endoscope. […]
Congestive heart failure does not mean you cannot or should not exercise. In fact, it's just what the doctor ordered. You should know what the best kind of exercise there is for your condition. One [...]
There are different kinds of surgeries for acoustic neuroma treatment, and overall, the prognosis for preserving hearing is poor. You may be wondering what is the best of these procedures – “best” being a relative [...]
The possibility that a common over the counter drug can stop or slow down the growth of an acoustic neuroma is very promising. If you’ve been diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma, and your doctor has [...]
Higher radiation doses for acoustic neuroma can actually damage hearing, but are lower doses enough to destroy this tumor or at least stop it from growing more? When radiation is used, the vast majority of [...]
In plain English which is better for acoustic neuroma treatment: radiosurgery (pinpointed radiation on the tumor) or “under the knife” surgery in which the tumor is cut out? If you’ve been diagnosed with an acoustic [...]
Women who are new to strength training — lifting weights — may wonder just how much they should lift for their gym workouts. The rule of thumb for women is the same as for men, [...]
Ever notice that “Dr. Now” on “My 600 Pound Life” has a hunchback? Are thousands of hours hunched over during surgery the cause of Dr. Nowzaradan’s hunched back? Or is Dr. Now's perpetual hunching over [...]
More attention must be given to the disenchanted souls on “My 600 Pound Life”: the enablers! One of the recurring themes among the people who enable (bring huge amounts of food to) a person with [...]
For tighter and stronger abs, do the following core exercise routines for these muscles. Not only are these great ab routines, but it’s very important to follow these instructions so that you have the correct [...]
Numbness on one side of your nose is an alarming symptom if you have no idea why it’s there, such as a recent blow to the nose or cosmetic surgery (rhinoplasty). This post doesn’t focus [...]
Don’t people realize that sitting on the deck of some bar & grill to listen to the live band music will damage their hearing? The people who do this tend to do it on a [...]
All that time pedaling on a stationary bike, your butt pressing hard into the seat, makes you wonder if over time this can flatter your booty. It certainly seems that way, based on just how [...]
Don’t think for a second that just because you’re a man that it’s safe for you to meet that online hot babe in person! You may end up as dead as a door nail. [...]
Ever get a sudden ringing tone in one ear, along with temporary hearing loss, and wonder if this is a transient ischemic attack? A TIA can cause numerous sudden-onset symptoms. […]
Hearing loss typically begins at frequencies that are much higher than what a hearing test detects. You could be losing hearing at higher frequencies without this being detected on a routine test. […]
Does the “incredible edible egg” beat out cereal when it comes to a heart healthy breakfast? After all, cereal has been relentlessly marketed as a healthy breakfast food since the 1950s. Millions of stay-at-home mothers [...]
No, this is not a suspicion of melanoma based on looking at the skin with a dermatoscope, but actual DIAGNOSIS via a special laser microscope. This groundbreaking technology is called multiphoton microscopy. […]
It’s beginning to sound a lot more like myth rather than truth that lemon in your water can actually cause negative side effects. One online article on lemon water actually suggests that you consult with [...]
A tumor on the hypothalamus, when removed, can cause unimaginable permanent hunger in the patient leading to extreme obesity. Their hunger is so intense that food must be locked up, and the patient often requires [...]
Causes of MILD swelling or edema in both ankles are usually not as worrisome as the causes of severe edema in the ankles. Have you noticed only mild swelling in your ankles? Certainly, serious medical [...]
I’m a 50-something woman and can shovel heavy wet snow like a beast and never feel back pain thanks to 3 exercises. Not only have I been a personal trainer, but I've been lifting weights [...]
Many tinnitus sufferers are aware that the noise is louder in one ear than the other, and/or is of a different frequency. […]
Intermittent tinnitus is the typical tinnitus that affects millions, but instead of being continuous, it comes and goes, present on some days and absent on others. This isn’t about that sudden, “brief piercing high frequency [...]
Can a person hear a tinnitus (sine wave tone) at a higher frequency than what he can hear in real life? So let’s look at it this way: Suppose a hearing test determines that you [...]
You may have diabetes and the numb feeling in your big toe can be caused by diabetes, but it may also have other causes unrelated to blood sugar levels. Neuropathy has causes other than diabetes, [...]
Do your ears always get cold outside even in 75 degree weather, especially if you’re hiking, jogging or even walking? For some people, wearing a cap of some sort to keep the ears warm is [...]
So your heart pounds like a demon every time you walk up a flight of stairs? First of all, make sure that a cardiologist finds nothing wrong with your heart. The doctor must clear you [...]
You aren’t imagining it: There may very well be a link between perimenopause and more frequent urinating than usual, including those overnight trips to the bathroom. How many voids per 24 hours define urinary frequency? [...]
Did your Pap smear make your bladder feel full enough to burst, like you had to pee a whole gallon? So after the doctor is finished with the Pap smear, having removed the speculum and [...]
The high blood sugar of type 1 diabetes doesn’t interfere with GETTING pregnant, but instead causes another problem once a woman IS pregnant. […]
“This condition is known as diabetic dermopathy, characterized by thinning, shiny, friable skin due to microvascular changes in the small blood vessels in the skin,” says Jenepher Piper, a family practice nurse practitioner for Maryland [...]
Discovering you may have edema, thanks to worrisome indentations in your skin caused by socks, is pretty unnerving. That’s because edema can be caused by problems with the heart or kidneys. […]
The term “cloudy urine” comes up often on medical sites, but there’s no description of just what this is. It’s open to subjective interpretation. To some people it can mean a milky colored urine. To [...]
Ever awaken with watery eyes? There are three basic causes to this annoying problem. The first cause of both eyes being watery in the morning will surprise you. […]
If you’re wondering if a 24/7 headache can be caused by a brain tumor, the answer is yes, but there are four other leading causes of a headache that just won’t go away. If you’ve [...]
If both of your legs begin aching after you’ve been standing for only a few minutes, and this keeps happening, there are four likely causes, and one is serious. […]
Many people actually wonder if drinking large amounts of water on a recurring basis can cause you to gain fat. Certainly, drinking a lot of water over a short period of time can make you [...]
The fat cells in your belly will not get bigger from bad sitting posture. In order for the fat cells in your belly to increase in size and give you a bigger stomach, you would [...]
Those clusters of colorless moles on your face can also occur elsewhere on your body and have people worried that they’re a fast spreading cancer. They can definitely appear to be colorless moles – the [...]