Muscle Twitching BELOW the Eye: What this Means
Do you ever get twitches right below the eye, just above the cheek? This kind of twitching can appear out of nowhere and be persistent. […]
Do you ever get twitches right below the eye, just above the cheek? This kind of twitching can appear out of nowhere and be persistent. […]
With all this talk about not being able to tell someone's health by their size, what about children? Can fat kids be healthy too? Is childhood obesity blown out of proportion? It's no secret that [...]
Exercise should not have to be enjoyable. To expect working out to provide fun may backfire. Here are solutions to trying to find an exercise that's fun. I was inspired to write this article after [...]
Since osteoarthritis impairs an elderly person’s walk, why doesn’t total knee replacement surgery usually correct this even though the pain is gone? […]
A loud, noisy crunching knee, especially with pain, definitely means there’s a problem. […]
If you’re obese with knee pain, it’s crucial that you lose weight if you’re wondering if fat loss can make a total knee replacement no longer necessary. […]
Here are ways that a tall teen girl can feel great about her height, even if she feels despair about it. Teen girls cannot change their height. But they can change the way they think. [...]
Vaginal discharge with irritation is the most common gynecological problem in girls before puberty. […]
Do you suffer from kneecap pain – and sharp – when you go up a staircase? […]
You know forcing kids to give hugs is very wrong, but why are women far more than men guilty of this parenting mistake? […]
Why it’s WRONG to expect someone to share their restaurant dessert with you… Have you ever ordered a tantalizing dessert, and once it is placed before you, two, three or more people at your table [...]
Are you really getting up there in age and wondering if exercise – which you’ve hardly ever done – can still benefit your brain health? […]
You’re scared you had a TIA even though you’re young, but a ton of tests came back normal. But SOMETHING happened! Here is what you should do. […]
Many survivors of a small stroke experience symptoms for days after the event. […]
What if the only symptom you have is what appears to be bleeding in an eye? Could this mean a stroke or possibly one in the near future? […]
A sudden heavy feeling in one arm has several possible causes. One of them is a TIA or stroke. […]
It’s not impossible for a brain aneurysm to cause your tongue to twitch. […]
When one suffers a nosebleed without any apparent cause or explanation, they may wonder if the beginning of a stroke or TIA can be causing this. […]
Noticing what appears to be blood in your eye after a sudden bad headache can be quite alarming, as this can make you wonder if an aneurysm in your brain has ruptured or begun leaking. [...]
Perhaps you already know that three big risk factors for a stroke are obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. […]
Are your recurring nosebleeds making you fear that this means either a current or future brain aneurysm? […]
Only one eye waters – not both – whenever you chew food. Sometimes a tear even forms and rolls down your cheek, just in that one eye when eating. […]
Have you read that compound strength training is the best way to bust fat, yet are confused when you see fat people performing heavy lifts? […]
Perhaps if Dawnia Dacosta were able to effortlessly walk a mile nonstop, she would not have been raped and murdered. This is a very fair speculation, being that the young woman accepted a ride from [...]
How can the 60uP “balance board” improve your balance if you’re holding onto its handles? […]
It’s well-known that athletes and those who exercise usually have low resting heart rates. […]
There’s a reason why a troponin test can be negative for quite a while after a heart attack. There’s two ways to ensure a heart attack doesn’t get missed. […]
At least one morbidly obese influencer speeds up her exercise videos – obviously to trick followers into thinking she could move faster than she’s actually capable. […]
Does your hip hurt ONLY when you walk on a treadmill? […]
Do you find that after carrying groceries into your home, your heart is racing and you’re out of breath? […]
Many women gain a lot of body fat during pregnancy and blame this on the pregnancy. But staying at a healthy weight during a pregnancy is certainly not an unrealistic goal – especially among women [...]
What could be the reason your knee is suddenly swollen and oddly painless, but there’s been no acute trauma like twisting it or falling on it? […]
Here are 12 facts you should know about your body fat. These facts are particularly important to those with obesity, especially morbid. No matter how "positive" you may feel about your "today" body, this will [...]
Here’s a time-saving routine of body weight exercises for high intensity circuit training that combines aerobic and strength training in a very brief workout session. One round will last about seven minutes, but if you [...]
Which is better for middle age and elderly people’s health: interval walking or 10,000 casual steps a day? What is interval walking? This involves alternating brief periods of intense or challenging walking with periods of [...]
It’s perfectly okay to worry about gaining weight while staying at home during a pandemic. Some body image influencers want you to believe that you shouldn’t worry about gaining weight while cooped up in your [...]
Keeping track of your daily step count is crucial if you want to reduce the risk of early death and increase your longevity. […]
If you can knock off 20 halfway pull-ups, is this really the same as 10 reps from a dead-hang? Or are you sacrificing muscle recruitment with those cheat reps? You’ve seen it plenty of times [...]
Are you suffering from a cough following your esophageal cancer surgery? […]
Why is it that esophageal cancer can’t just be surgically removed in all cases, and instead, sometimes it’s left in there? […]