Does Coumadin (Warfarin) Prevent DVT 100% of the Time?
Can Coumadin (Warfarin) prevent DVT’s 100% of the time or can these dangerous blood clots still form and go to the lungs and become life-threatening? […]
Can Coumadin (Warfarin) prevent DVT’s 100% of the time or can these dangerous blood clots still form and go to the lungs and become life-threatening? […]
Children can get blood clots called deep vein thromboses. These are emergencies and need prompt treatment. How are they diagnosed? […]
Can you actually have a large blood clot (DVT) growing inside you yet not have any symptoms at all? When a DVT causes symptoms, they typically are calf pain or cramping, swelling in the affected [...]
Blood clots are life-threatening and can result from using birth control pills. Here is the best way to help prevent these DVT's from forming. A woman who takes estrogen-based birth control needs to be aware [...]
Is it possible for a magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) to miss detecting chronic heart failure? The MR angiogram is typically used to measure the function of one's heart. An MR angiogram is a type of [...]
Have you noticed that depression makes the pains in your body worse? This is especially true if your body often hurts all over. […]
You’ve just learned your calcium score is zero, so now it’s time to learn how to keep it at zero. How long can it last before it might go up? […]
Are you facing surgery for a herniated disc and are fearful of general anesthesia? Can this procedure be done under regional or even local? […]
Physical therapy for a herniated disc can hurt like mad, so here is what you should do if you dread the PT. […]
Have you noticed that when someone wipes down a barbell they just used, they never wipe down the plates? […]
Are you hoping that your unexplained headaches are caused by sore neck muscles rather than something more serious like a pinched nerve or brain tumor? Headaches can be caused by a vast number of conditions [...]
Here's how martial arts tournaments can help your child stand up to bullies and also prevent being targeted by bullies. As with any type of school, parents should do their homework to find the most [...]
What do you say when your friend just had a baby with Down syndrome? Do you congratulate her? IS there a clever response? […]
Can imagining how you’d handle stressful situations, even emergencies, actually make you better at facing them in real life should they ever happen? […]
Does it bug you when one woman takes it upon herself to cut everyone’s piece of cake at a social event? And the more pieces she cuts, the more her fingers get into the cake. [...]
Just how many people are super annoyed at hearing men repeatedly insert “See what I’m saying” or “Know what I mean” when speaking? Just why do they do this? […]
Do you suffer from ear, neck or head pain that many doctors can’t seem to diagnose? There’s a sly condition often missed by doctors that just might be causing your suffering. […]
Pain, numbness and tingling in both hands can easily be misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome. Another, much less known condition can mimic CTS. ***** Sometime in early September 2018, I started feeling pains of tingling [...]
Does that big mole on your child have you worried and wondering if it should be surgically removed to prevent cancer? […]
Have you been feeling tired and sick with muscle cramps, just not feeling right, but your doctor can't figure out what's wrong? Have you had all sorts of tests but they keep coming up normal? [...]
Parents of those with Down syndrome may be very concerned upon discovering a lump behind the ear of their child (or adult with this genetic condition). “I have not specifically heard about an isolated lump [...]
You don’t know what it’s like to wear a mask while working out until you do a 5 x 5 RM deadlift. It’s not pretty, but it's doable. Here are guidelines. I had to try [...]
What happens when a pulmonary embolism forms after joint replacement surgery? A piece of a deep vein thrombosis, postop, can break off, travel to the lungs and suffocate the patient. Joint replacement surgery is a [...]
Doing these five things may very well add an entire decade to your lifespan. Not doing them can take 10 years OFF your life. Which will it be? […]
UTI symptoms in the elderly may only be cognitive, rendering them incapable of knowing they have an infection that can spread to the kidneys and be fatal. […]
Being that interstitial cystitis can be unbearable and crippling, why isn’t bladder removal more common? This disease has rendered many patients disabled and unable to work. […]
Have you read that elevated ketones in a urine sample might mean diabetes or prediabetes? But what about “Trace” ketones in your urinalysis? […]
Were you diagnosed with a UTI but the urinalysis shows only a “Trace” amount of bacteria? […]
What does it mean if your UTI symptoms are getting worse even though you’ve already taken four or six antibiotic pills? […]
Crunches on a big ball will help strengthen your abs, but for more tone you need to add intensity. […]
Is a woman “fat phobic” if she diets to lose weight or makes an effort to avoid junk food? […]
If you’re a smoker or former smoker who’s thinking about taking up strength training, NOW is a great time to start. Here are guidelines. […]
Do you have blockages in your coronary arteries and are wondering if you shouldn’t do any vigorous activity? […]
Are you plus size and struggling to keep working out, now that your personal training sessions have ended? Have you been avoiding the gym? Here's how to get back into the workout groove! It’s nowhere [...]
Heather Von St. James was diagnosed with mesothelioma three and a half months after having her baby. She was only 36. She describes her symptoms. […]
When Jill was 36 and pregnant the problems began: many transient ischemic attacks and a racing heart – all repeatedly misdiagnosed over seven years. […]
TMJ disorder can cause quite a few symptoms – some that you’d never even think were connected to this common condition. […]
Do you have a nagging sensation of fluid buildup in one or both ears or behind them? The sensation of fluid buildup in the ear or behind it can be uncomfortable and sometimes alarming. It [...]
Does your tinnitus persist despite trying all sorts of measures to stop it or at last calm it down? […]
You may already know that in elderly people, UTI’s cause cognitive symptoms rather than physical such as burning with urination. But at what age does this begin? […]