When Is Anemia a Symptom of Cancer?

Some cancers can cause anemia when they cause internal bleeding or disrupt red blood cell production and function. Anemia is the inadequate supply of healthy red blood cells. Anemia can be caused by many factors, [...]


Can You Be Physically Fit Without Working Out?

You cannot be physically fit in the absence of exercise, even if you're naturally on the thin side. Physical health is synonymous with exercise. Having an efficient cardiovascular system and strong joints come only with [...]


Why There’s No Such Thing as a Short Waist

Do you think you’re “short waisted” (or “long waisted”)? What you really mean is a short torso!  As in, "short torsoed," (though there’s no such word as “torsoed,” but at least “torsoed” makes anatomical sense. When someone [...]
