Can You Build Muscle without Exercise? No, No and No
When people write articles titled “How to build muscle without exercise,” they’re playing with semantics to trick you into thinking you can build muscle without exercise. […]
When people write articles titled “How to build muscle without exercise,” they’re playing with semantics to trick you into thinking you can build muscle without exercise. […]
According to a study, loneliness kills more than obesity. But what about the health effects of rejection? There are those who, by others’ standards, are lonely (because they are alone). But these alone-people may be [...]
In the dream you’re bit by a small animal, usually a raccoon, squirrel, etc., and the wound begins drawing blood. Then you’re in a mad rush to find an ER but never get to see [...]
Pain under the right ribcage has a ton of causes, and 11 are cancer. A nagging pain under the right ribcage that won’t go away can be a symptom of cancer; do not take a [...]
Some cancers can cause anemia when they cause internal bleeding or disrupt red blood cell production and function. Anemia is the inadequate supply of healthy red blood cells. Anemia can be caused by many factors, [...]
These exercises will strengthen the oldest of bones, no matter how “out of shape” or old you feel. Fact is, most people do not do the very exercises that strengthen bones. Perhaps the most important [...]
You will kick yourself for not having thought of this brilliant solution to reducing LASIK starbursts when you drive at night. I had a Eureka! moment when I was staring out my kitchen window at [...]
When you see someone with apparent chronic venous insufficiency (swollen red or purple portion on their lower legs), what seems to be the leading causes of this condition? […]
Venous insufficiency can lead to noticeable varicose veins and sometimes only discoloration and swelling. Being overweight and under-exercised, according to my lifelong observation of the red/purple and swollen legs of venous insufficiency, seem to be [...]
Ever wonder if intense exercise is protective against the development of gnarly varicose veins? This does NOT refer to the “vascularity” that bodybuilders and physique athletes work so hard to achieve. […]
The bruises from a catheter angiogram will certainly heal; the question is just how long does this normally take and is this something that the patient should worry about? It’s actually more out of the [...]
If you’re suffering from sciatic butt pain, especially if it’s accompanied by tingling or numbness, this is probably caused by the sciatic nerve getting compressed by the piriformis muscle. […]
If you can see tiny brown specks or freckles in the iris portion of your eyes, these can increase the risk of two serious eye diseases. […]
When it comes to trapezius pain, few people actually consider cancer and automatically assume it’s just a strained muscle from working too hard or a sore muscle from a gym routine. But cancer can actually [...]
Many women carry their toddlers and preschoolers around, usually only with their dominant arm, yet that arm isn’t big with muscles, even though a child of two to three years may weigh 28 to 35 [...]
Do you know an elderly person who’s complaining of an “inner tube” of pain around the trunk, mostly in the back, a little in the stomach, + constipation? […]
You may be struggling to build chest muscle despite all your bench presses and dumbbell presses. But maybe the one-arm pushup can do something for you. Why don’t you give it a try and find [...]
If you’re about to have a prophylactic double mastectomy without reconstruction or just had it, here's a bunch of information that applies specifically to you. The Internet is filled with information about double mastectomies as [...]
There are benign and dangerous causes of a bump on the roof of your mouth. What makes this situation vexing is that often, you cannot see the bump but can only feel it. If you’re [...]
The cause of waking with stiff painless fingers in the morning isn’t always arthritis or disease. This is for people who awaken with stiff but painless fingers that, within half a minute of fist clenching, [...]
Anyone who’s had a heparin injection will tell you it’s no walk in the park. It hurts. There’s just something about the heparin injection that makes it hurt more than a more typical shot that [...]
You cannot be physically fit in the absence of exercise, even if you're naturally on the thin side. Physical health is synonymous with exercise. Having an efficient cardiovascular system and strong joints come only with [...]
There are several things you can do to help prevent height loss as you get older. “The best treatment for height loss prevention are these things: Stay active with weight bearing exercises,” begins Susan L. [...]
As a personal trainer, I’ve advised clients on how to design a boot camp right in their home for workouts. But you need to also know how to make the most of the equipment and [...]
Do you think you’re “short waisted” (or “long waisted”)? What you really mean is a short torso! As in, "short torsoed," (though there’s no such word as “torsoed,” but at least “torsoed” makes anatomical sense. When someone [...]
Improper lat pull-downs are done by both men and women. Here is the wrong way to do the lat pull-down: […]
Really, how much of a difference is there between a 23 year old man and a 26 year old woman? A woman age 26 had posted in a social anxiety forum that no matter what [...]
Peeuuugh! Weightlifting gloves will eventually stink if they’ve been getting good use at the gym. The stench of sweat, grime and old leather just don’t mix well. […]
Have you ever wondered why so many cancer patients eat fast food and other processed foods on a regular basis? Why are only drugs prescribed to treat cancer? […]
There are ways you can tell when a cancer patient in the latest stages of disease is about to die. These signs are an alert that death is very imminent. “Cancer patients who are at [...]
It amazes me how prevalent the recommendation for Olympic weightlifting shoes is in the online muscle building and fitness forums for people struggling with the back squat, when a so very cheap alternative is right [...]
How can a change of just one hour disrupt the sleep of so many people and cause anxiety? It’s just ONE HOUR, yet throngs of people are thrown into a tizzy over such a seemingly [...]
MUST a woman take Taxotere in order to beat breast cancer? Some women wonder if there are studies showing that chemo treatment without Taxotere results in much lower survival rates or higher recurrence rates of [...]
First of all, it depends on if the one hour of cardio exercise is done three times per week versus every day. So let’s just start with several times a week. One hour of cardio [...]
For tighter and stronger abs, do the following core exercise routines for these muscles. Not only are these great ab routines, but it’s very important to follow these instructions so that you have the correct [...]
All that time pedaling on a stationary bike, your butt pressing hard into the seat, makes you wonder if over time this can flatter your booty. It certainly seems that way, based on just how [...]
If both of your legs begin aching after you’ve been standing for only a few minutes, and this keeps happening, there are four likely causes, and one is serious. […]
The fat cells in your belly will not get bigger from bad sitting posture. In order for the fat cells in your belly to increase in size and give you a bigger stomach, you would [...]
Why does the driver in a car pool think nothing of honking the horn as early as 6 am for their passenger, waking up neighbors? No. 1 rule of car pool etiquette: Don’t toot the [...]
Finding hard lumps around the collarbone are always frightening, but what about ON the collarbone (also known as the clavicle)? Do you regularly feel your collarbone – smack on it with your probing fingertips as [...]