Back Squat Comparison to Leg Press: Quadriceps Activation
Find out what research says when the back squat is compared to the leg press for activating quadriceps muscles. […]
Find out what research says when the back squat is compared to the leg press for activating quadriceps muscles. […]
How should parents approach daughter’s college weight gain? Has your daughter gained weight while in college and you’re wondering how to approach this topic without offending her? So what’s a parent (usually, the mother) to [...]
Specific exercises will help prevent osteoarthritis of the knees. But which exercises, specifically, just might prevent this common painful condition? A study has some surprising results, and enthusiasts of prolonged running won’t like these results. [...]
Obese women absolutely need to do strength training, especially with free weights! I continue to see a severe shortage of obese women lifting weights, i.e., strength training, especially in the free-weight area. The free weight [...]
Before scheduling surgery for your diagnosed knee osteoarthritis, see what happens when you lose weight. Obesity is a major risk factor for knee osteoarthritis. […]
Do you have belly fat that won’t go away, no matter how much you exercise? There truly is a secret to burning fat, and this fat-loss technique has been proven time and time again with [...]
Counting steps with a pedometer can lose its steam after a while. It can become a boring way to lose weight, and not only that, but relying only on pedometer step counting for weight loss [...]
Tall, long armed women (and young ones at that) are considered the most attractive, according to a study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology. The comprehensive study was conducted by scientists in Australia and Hong [...]
You know you’ll have hell to pay if you injure a tendon. You know there’s no such thing as an injured tendon that heals in five days. Or don’t you? […]
“GERD can cause symptoms of nausea and regurgitation of food,” says Franjo Vladic, MD. Morning nausea can make you vomit…sort of. […]
Don’t get your hopes up that your newly narrow stools are a side effect of Miralax. “The mechanism of action for Miralax causes water retention in stool, producing a laxative effect,” explains Franjo Vladic, MD, [...]
If you see what looks like blood in your poops, this COULD be from the canned beets you ate yesterday. The sight of this in the toilet bowl has been known to freak people out [...]
Does food lately hurt going down your chest and you can’t help but wonder if this means cancer? Cancer can cause chest pain depending on where the tumor is located. For instance, lung cancer can [...]
The causes of a sore stomach when awakening are many, including colon cancer and other organ cancers. […]
Cancer cell Are you seeing clumps of white goop or film with your poops? Cancer may come to mind. As yucky or scary as this white film or goop looks when it’s mixed [...]
Is there a difference in the way nausea feels when it’s caused by cancer vs. IBS? Or is all nausea the same, whether it’s caused by cancer or irritable bowel syndrome? Nausea, regardless of whether it’s [...]
You have that backwards; chronic pancreatitis will increase the risk of cancer! This means that if you have chronic pancreatitis, you probably don’t have cancer, but you DO carry the risk of it down the [...]
Parents should NEVER discourage their very tall teen daughters from wearing high heels. Otherwise this sends a very bad message. If your daughter knows that you feel awkward about her extra height, you’re doing something [...]
At what point are kids too old to be screaming during play? What’s that cutoff where it goes from magical to obnoxious? […]
Two hours may or may not be too much cardio exercise, because it all depends. […]
Find out why it’s a mistake to think that shoveling snow replaces your scheduled cardio or strength training workout for the day. Shoveling snow elevates heart rate and makes one breathe faster, and the more [...]
Many distance runners shun upper body strength training because they fear it will give them too much muscle bulk and thus impede their performance. Distance runners, either competitively or recreationally, really should do some strength [...]
Find out what’s going on when after spending lots of time on a treadmill incline, you get pooped very quickly hiking up hills. […]
EMG Test: What to Expect, What It’s Like... An EMG test will determine if you have a deadly neurological disease as well as many benign conditions. But exactly is involved during an EMG test? And [...]
There’s nothing to fear if you’re retiring in two weeks. I’m retiring in two weeks and here’s my magical, fool-proof plan against depression. […]
Biceps, triceps and forearms … all in one exercise? This is actually possible. There are three ways to hit the biceps, triceps and forearms in one routine. But this does not mean that the biceps, [...]
If you’re obese and pregnant, you need to know what an OBGYN has to say about weight gain. Are you obese and wondering if you should gain weight with your pregnancy? According to the American [...]
Find out how I cured the pain in my hamstring glute tie-in that was caused by running fast on a treadmill. […]
Take away the sports and you take away all the benefits that athletics provide for kids. Instead, ground them from mindless games. “There is a difference between discipline and punishment,” says Dr. Tia Kern-Butler, a [...]
Have you had a recent heart attack and want to either start up a cardio program or resume your previous aerobic exercise? How soon should this be? […]
Are you a teenage girl thinking of taking up smoking so you can lose weight? Stop! Or you'll dearly regret it later on, not to mention be out of a lot of money. If you’re [...]
There's an incredible formula that makes exercise success possible for ANY obese woman. Overweight women cannot fail with this exercise approach. Many plus-size women are reluctant to begin an exercise program due to fear of failure. If you’re [...]
Let’s assume that your child with Down syndrome has been given the okay by his or her physician to exercise. What’s the best exercise for a child with Down syndrome? This is open to debate, [...]
If elderly people could choose just one exercise to maintain fitness and vitality, which would it be, the most important of all? It is lifting weights. […]
Walking sticks will not do a better job of melting off the fat or upgrading your fitness! A better way to burn calories and get fitter is to ditch the sticks and ambulate the way [...]
Here is your simple, no-nonsense guide to WHY a beginner should do compound weightlifting exercises. If the weight being lifted is light enough, any beginner can handle any compound strength training move. Think about that [...]
I was in the ER with impacted feces and will explain how it felt to have the doctor put his fingers “in there” and remove the feces–which just kept coming out and out. [...]
You must read this if you’re fearful or reluctant to run or even slowly jog on a treadmill. […]
This article is about how soon in an elderly patient an epidural steroid injection may take to work. […]
What is the best exercise for the older, obese adult? Being old and obese is no excuse for avoiding exercise. However, considerations must be made in terms of what kind of exercise is best for [...]