Wondering still if Dexedrine can actually help you lose weight?
Don’t just take this drug without first knowing some facts about this drug, because it may not be as effective for your fat loss goals as you believe it to be.
“Dexedrine is a psycho-stimulant and was used for years to promote weight loss,” says Joe Wegmann, psychopharmacologist and licensed clinical social worker, author of Psychopharmacology: Straight Talk on Mental Health Medications.
How does Dexedrine work to help a person lose weight?
Wegmann explains: “Dexedrine increases brain levels of the chemicals norepinephrine and dopamine.
“This produces an excitatory response through ‘fight-or-flight’ activation, leading to a decrease in appetite.
“Very obese people would lose a considerable number of pounds initially, with weight loss eventually tapering off.”
Does this mean that Dexedrine’s weight loss effect is tied to the body’s regulation of appetite?
“Dexedrine does not work on the appetite control center,” says Wegmann. “In fact, no ‘supposed’ weight loss drug ever has successfully without a host of ill effects – mostly cardiovascular.
“The drug is highly linked to abuse potential, and when consumed in large quantities, has that methamphetamine effect — ‘speed’ in other words.
“Very, very unsafe when used for prolonged periods of time outside of acceptable dosing regimens.”
So what’s the bottom line for Dexedrine as a weight loss tool?
Wegmann states: “It’s dead as an acceptable weight loss product except in cases of extreme obesity.”
Why Not Lose Weight Naturally?

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Diet and exercise are tried and true proven approaches to permanent loss of excess body fat.
However, there are effective, and ineffective, ways to go about this.
Many people get it wrong — for instance, going on starvation-type or fad diets that are not sustainable, and thinking that holding onto a treadmill will melt off the fat.
For safe, permanent weight loss, forget the Dexedrine and any pill marketed as a “fat burner,” and instead stick to portion control, lots of fruits and vegetables, a limit on heavily processed foods, and both aerobic and strength training.
Joseph Wegmann is a licensed clinical pharmacist and clinical social worker with more than 30 years of experience in the field of psychopharmacology.
Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.