Does Upper Arm Size Affect Blood Pressure Reading?
If you think that your big arm is affecting your blood pressure readings, you’re correct. The size of your upper arm affects the blood pressure reading. […]
If you think that your big arm is affecting your blood pressure readings, you’re correct. The size of your upper arm affects the blood pressure reading. […]
If you’ve been treated for a deep vein thrombosis, is it possible that it could come back in its original location? “Yes, if there is some residual blood clot in the vessel or irritation of [...]
Do you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and realize that the cause is twitching muscles? Big twitches in a major muscle group are most likely to snap someone out of a [...]
We always hear how a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can cause pain, swelling and/or redness in the affected area, which is commonly the calf. The blood clot may also form in the upper leg or [...]
Do your sneezes smell so bad that even YOU can’t stand them? Are your sneezes so stinky that you do all you can to muffle them even if you’re the only one in the room? [...]
There are distinct differences between the symptoms from a salivary gland infection and those from cancer. First off, an infection of the salivary glands is far more common than is a malignancy. […]
That lump feeling in your throat sometimes isn’t just a feeling; it could be cancer, acid reflux, anxiety and not so surprisingly, low or underactive thyroid. “When the thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid [...]
There are certain parts of the body that melanoma is more likely to grow in blacks and other dark skinned individuals. People with dark skin are not immune to melanoma, especially since this skin cancer [...]
Though melanoma is very rare in children, and rare in dark skinned adults, just how rare is it in a person who’s both dark and under age 20? […]
Barrett’s esophagus is a risk factor for esophageal cancer. GERD causes Barrett’s esophagus. But what else might cause this precancerous condition? “The lining (epithelium) of the esophagus is normally what is called a squamous epithelium, [...]
Even though basal cell carcinoma is a skin cancer heavily associated with sun exposure among Caucasians, those with dark skin can still get this disease. […]
The good news about burping from the esophagus is that you don’t have to fear that this means cancer. However, one of the causes, if left untreated, can lead to a condition that’s a risk [...]
If you’ve been smelling things that aren’t there (phantosmia), you’re in good company: lots of it. Phantosmia is also far more common in people over the age of 40, says a study. […]
The answer is “Yes” to the question, Can a teen get melanoma of the mouth. The most highly publicized presentation of melanoma is that of a “mole” on the skin. […]
GERD and costochondritis (“costo”) both cause pain in the chest. Both can cause enough chest pain to make a person think they’re having a heart attack. But there are also differences between the chest pain [...]
Are the ends of your poops shaped like a spear or pointy? Usually, when stools come out, they have bulbous or clumpy ends when they are well-formed. But every so often, you may find that [...]
All it takes is one persistent symptom to make a 25 year old fear throat cancer – which actually CAN strike young adults, even though most newly diagnosed cases in the U.S. occur in people [...]
Though black adults are more likely to get nail melanoma, white and olive skinned children CAN get nail melanoma — which is deadly if not caught in time. […]
Have you ever been awakened by a sudden burping up of yucky tasting liquid that even may have dripped out of your mouth? This is acid reflux that comes from the stomach. It can be [...]
A popping or clicking jaw is a classic sign of the common TMJ disorder... But cancer can also affect the jaw and cause popping, mimicking a benign TMJ problem. Since cancer can grow just about [...]
It’s definitely important to apply sunscreen on your very dark skinned child, says a dermatologist who specializes in patients of color. Sunscreen advertisements always show fair skinned people putting it on. Advertising is very powerful, [...]
Is there a distinction with the way the blood would look if it’s from a hemorrhoid vs. rectal fresh blood from colon cancer? Both hemorrhoid blood and colon cancer bleeding from the lower rectum is [...]
A nosebleed especially at night in a person with health anxiety will bring to mind cancer as a cause, especially since cancer CAN arise inside the nose. […]
Just exactly what would fresh blood in “bloody stools” look like? Could they appear as random red bits or specks of food? Would there be a reddish film covering the stools? […]
Many men notice a bad odor coming from their penis. Cancer can affect the penis and has a high mortality rate. If a man begins detecting a smell from his penis, the first thing that [...]
For people with ALS anxiety, foot drop is often at the top of their worries. They may imagine foot drop and wonder if it’s ALS or a brain tumor causing it. […]
What is the likelihood that when someone has a persistently clogged single nostril that it’s cancer? When a bothersome symptom occurs on only one side, this can cause a lot of anxiety, bringing to mind [...]
It’s frightening as heck to have a vocal cord spasm, but what are the chances that the muscles won’t relax in time and you then die of asphyxiation? […]
Laryngeal cancer often causes throat pain, but what are the odds that both throat and ear pain at the same time are caused by a malignant tumor of the larynx? Throat pain or discomfort without [...]
Does your mouth taste like cardboard or sawdust after doing intense cardio, particularly of an agitated nature such as jumping? This is likely caused by exercise-induced acid reflux. […]
Has your eye doctor said your choroidal nevus is bigger? Though it’s uncommon for a choroidal nevus to become a melanoma, all eye melanomas were once a choroidal nevus. What is a choroidal nevus? A [...]
You know that aerobics is beneficial for diabetic neuropathy, but what about cardio exercise to prevent this condition in the first place? Diabetic neuropathy is a painful condition of the lower extremities. […]
A vocal cord spasm is insanely frightening because it prevents you from getting adequate oxygen as you struggle to breathe. The question is if acid reflux can shoot up high enough to the throat to [...]
Have you seen the term “benign melanoma” or “non-malignant melanoma” and thus wonder what the difference is between malignant and benign melanoma? • “Mela” refers to pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) • “Oma” refers to mass or [...]
Squats are an excellent strength training exercise for people with diabetes including older individuals. There are many variations of the squat, and which variation the diabetic should do is dependent upon which version he or [...]
An unexpected risk factor for later development of ALS has been found: low muscle strength. […]
If you consider yourself healthy despite obesit ... high blood pressure and a thickened heart muscle may be lurking around the corner – EVEN if you have normal blood pressure and blood sugar now. Obese [...]
Seems that during an angina attack, the heart rate would always speed up and never slow down, being that oxygen supply to the heart during an anginal episode is shorted. An elevated heart rate means [...]
If your ankles seem to be cold on a frequent basis, the cause may be disease. Not disease of the skin, but conditions such as peripheral vascular disease. It is not normal to have chilly [...]
Is “restless arm syndrome” a real condition? Why would restlessness occur only in the legs? […]