Are Black Bald Men at Risk for Scalp Skin Cancer?
Many black men proudly sport a bald head, which means a lot of sun exposure. […]
Many black men proudly sport a bald head, which means a lot of sun exposure. […]
You’re straining for the last few reps of your heavy bench dips when suddenly, you leak urine. You feel the wetness in your underwear but must do the last rep. […]
Can a wart on your hand or finger ever transform into melanoma, a deadly skin cancer? To put this another way, does the mere existence of wart tissue make it more likely that the pigment [...]
Simply glancing at your feet and toes for melanoma isn’t enough. […]
Do you wrinkle up your face while lifting heavy weights or straining for those last few reps? You’re trading smooth skin for a sculpted physique. […]
Do you do exercises with a thick, taut band around your upper legs with the idea of slimming your heavy outer thighs? […]
If all you can do is upper body strength training, how effective will this be for abdominal weight loss and a smaller waistline? […]
Many adults are getting diagnosed with autism. Something is making them seek an assessment. […]
Headache, feeling tired, achy, joint pain, bleeding gums, dizziness, nausea – have you been where ticks live recently? You could have RMSF. […]
Bike riding is a fun way to exercise or just get out there and be active, but what if you have a DVT in your leg? Is it safe to ride your bicycle or even [...]
My parents first noticed that something was wrong with my skin when I was three years old. Ichthyosis […]
When I was four years old, my mother noticed that I didn’t sweat. Fabry disease […]
A morbidly obese woman couldn’t understand why she got fat despite pushing her baby “tons and tons” in a stroller. […]
I’m a prolific illustrator and never knew that my autism – which would not even be diagnosed until many years later – influenced my artwork in college. So there I was, in college art class, [...]
Do you feel a periodic chill that lasts a while but your thyroid’s normal and the temperature in your home is 73 or 74? Chills can be a sign of lymphoma. […]
Why might a woman’s middle increase with age but her legs and arms stay thin? What can thin younger women do to prevent this imbalance down the road? […]
Can’t find a simple definition of “discrete nodule”? Here, a physician explains precisely what a discrete nodule is. […]
They ARE intelligent, but people have no idea these traits are also driven by autism. This can lead to a delayed autism assessment. […]
Burnout among medical professionals and other frontline workers is an epidemic in and of itself. […]
It’s so bizarre how I’d always identify someone ELSE as being autistic, while having no idea that one day I myself would be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. […]
With Ehlers-Danlos syndromes comes five superpowers. […]
My brother’s fight with hyperinsulinism seemed like it lasted forever. It started when he was just six months old, which that in itself is very rare, but I will get into that later. [...]
Shannyn McCauley explains why her legs feel like worms are inside trying to get out, and the treatment she finally discovered that has dramatic results. […]
Anyone diagnosed with autism in middle age very likely saw this coming, since the assessment is usually preceded by much reflection and research. […]
Are you middle age and wondering if you could be autistic? Are you thinking that middle age is just too old to pursue an assessment for ASD? […]
Addison’s disease can be fatal and also go misdiagnosed for many months. The symptoms are quite varied and can mimic other conditions. […]
The most striking thing about keratoconus and the apparently other congenital eye diseases that greeted me upon, or relatively shortly thereafter, my birth (i.e., amblyopia, alternating vision), is that I’ve never known what it is [...]
According to the National Institutes for Health, 25-30 million people in the U.S. are affected by an estimated 7,000 rare diseases. Many of those diseases are serious or life-threatening. That’s nearly the same number of [...]
How can you tell when exercising three times a day is harmful? Working out three times daily doesn’t necessarily mean an obsession or unhealthy fixation. […]
Here are 10 common workout mistakes that overweight women wanting to lose weight often make. […]
Yes, autism DOES come with superpowers. I can’t split the Red Sea, but I have exceptional abilities that are clearly the result of an autistic brain. […]
Postmenopausal women need to incorporate these 10 immune boosting practices if they want to live their healthiest, longest life. […]
One day you are a regular mom and the next day you are a cancer mom. It happens in an instant. It doesn’t matter if bottle fed or breast fed or if your child ate [...]
A board certified neurologist with a specialty in multiple sclerosis explains five tips for selecting a cane if you have MS. […]
After doing a lot of typing or other heavy keyboard use, do your fingers tremor? Would multiple sclerosis make your fingers tremble after using them? […]
Do migraines increase the risk of multiple sclerosis or, might MS raise the risk of developing migraines? […]
Is there an overlap of symptoms of fatigue from multiple sclerosis vs. heart disease? Can you tell the difference between MS and heart disease fatigue? […]
A big toe cramp without a known cause can be unnerving if it’s bad enough. A common cause is a benign muscle spasm. But what about multiple sclerosis? […]
Do you have an annoying tingling in your butt and are wondering if this means early multiple sclerosis? […]
Is autism the latest “fad diagnosis” or is there validity to why so many adults these days are getting an autism diagnosis? What’s really going on here? […]