Does a “Chest MRI” Always Include the Heart?
Did your doctor order a “chest MRI” for something other than your heart, and you’re wondering if it’ll still show your heart and even cardiac function? […]
Did your doctor order a “chest MRI” for something other than your heart, and you’re wondering if it’ll still show your heart and even cardiac function? […]
Has a psychologist or other related practitioner told you that you can’t be autistic because (fill in the blank)? […]
The simplest, no-nonsense approach is the best approach for parents when their child wonders what gender they are. […]
This isn’t about autistic people learning how to avoid a meltdown. […]
A woman with EDS, MCAS and dysautonomia suffered for years because one doctor after another kept telling her that her severe symptoms were all in her head. […]
A reader commented on my post that autism is the latest fad diagnosis, engineered by Big Pharma to make money, like ADHD is. […]
You’ve recently noticed that one foot is smaller than the other, and the same-size shoe is looser on that smaller foot. […]
Have you been told your toddler or preschooler can’t possibly be autistic because they have good eye contact? Are you aware that this is outdated thinking? It’s a thing: Parents being told that their young [...]
There’s plenty of joy in having two autistic children. […]
Mark’s autistic daughter is six and finds eye contact very uncomfortable. […]
The mole was 3 millimeters and, under magnification had a dark solid spot that was NOT there two years ago. […]
I’m an autistic woman who’s had jobs well-suited for my ASD. If you’re on the Autism Spectrum you’ll want to strongly consider these jobs! […]
Just because shoveling snow burns more calories than walking doesn’t mean it effectively replaces conventional exercise. […]
Or perhaps gym workouts mean you ARE comfortable in your skin. […]
Lidocaine injected into my face at multiple points caused a side effect of feeling lightheaded and faint, likely a vasovagal response. […]
Have you discovered a small hard lump just below your sternum and between the ribs in that area? Are you wondering why you never noticed this before? […]
If you can accommodate your sensory issues in the privacy of your home, are you less autistic than the Autist who struggles with sensory issues in public? […]
Yes, there is a such thing as “good” and “bad” food. Why wouldn’t ingesting toxins be a bad thing? […]
Feeling “old” because you’re retired? Here’s how to reverse that. This goes for those who’ve retired early as well. […]
It’s not a hernia, so what on earth IS that small, hard lump below your sternum that has no “give” when you press into it? […]
Many black men proudly sport a bald head, which means a lot of sun exposure. […]
You’re straining for the last few reps of your heavy bench dips when suddenly, you leak urine. You feel the wetness in your underwear but must do the last rep. […]
Can a wart on your hand or finger ever transform into melanoma, a deadly skin cancer? To put this another way, does the mere existence of wart tissue make it more likely that the pigment [...]
Simply glancing at your feet and toes for melanoma isn’t enough. […]
Do you wrinkle up your face while lifting heavy weights or straining for those last few reps? You’re trading smooth skin for a sculpted physique. […]
Do you do exercises with a thick, taut band around your upper legs with the idea of slimming your heavy outer thighs? […]
If all you can do is upper body strength training, how effective will this be for abdominal weight loss and a smaller waistline? […]
Many adults are getting diagnosed with autism. Something is making them seek an assessment. […]
Headache, feeling tired, achy, joint pain, bleeding gums, dizziness, nausea – have you been where ticks live recently? You could have RMSF. […]
Bike riding is a fun way to exercise or just get out there and be active, but what if you have a DVT in your leg? Is it safe to ride your bicycle or even [...]
My parents first noticed that something was wrong with my skin when I was three years old. Ichthyosis […]
When I was four years old, my mother noticed that I didn’t sweat. Fabry disease […]
A morbidly obese woman couldn’t understand why she got fat despite pushing her baby “tons and tons” in a stroller. […]
I’m a prolific illustrator and never knew that my autism – which would not even be diagnosed until many years later – influenced my artwork in college. So there I was, in college art class, [...]
Do you feel a periodic chill that lasts a while but your thyroid’s normal and the temperature in your home is 73 or 74? Chills can be a sign of lymphoma. […]
Why might a woman’s middle increase with age but her legs and arms stay thin? What can thin younger women do to prevent this imbalance down the road? […]
Can’t find a simple definition of “discrete nodule”? Here, a physician explains precisely what a discrete nodule is. […]
They ARE intelligent, but people have no idea these traits are also driven by autism. This can lead to a delayed autism assessment. […]
Burnout among medical professionals and other frontline workers is an epidemic in and of itself. […]
It’s so bizarre how I’d always identify someone ELSE as being autistic, while having no idea that one day I myself would be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. […]