Why Does GERD Cause Pain Between the Shoulder Blades?
GERD does not directly cause pain between your shoulder blades, but the pain between your shoulder blades can be a result of GERD. It can also mean a heart problem. […]
GERD does not directly cause pain between your shoulder blades, but the pain between your shoulder blades can be a result of GERD. It can also mean a heart problem. […]
There certainly is a connection between GERD and “hairy” tongue; this is a real condition that is not imagined. […]
An abnormal QTc interval from computer error? Before you panic when your cardiologist points out that your EKG shows a prolonged QT interval or “borderline QTc interval,” first ask your doctor if the EKG results [...]
Have you ever experienced a bunch of PVCs for literally two minutes nonstop and feared that a heart attack or cardiac arrest was looming? […]
If you’re having so many PVCs that you measure their frequency by the hour, this may have you fearful that you’re afflicted with frequent PVCs. Per hour, per day, how many premature ventricular contractions you [...]
If you’ve accurately taken your pulse in the middle of the night to be 200 beats per minute or even 150, after being awakened by this furious heart rate, you should not just stew over [...]
“It’s a common misconception that angina causes pain to spread to the left arm and shoulder,” explains Charles C. Cummings, MD, Interventional Cardiologist, LifeBridge Health Cardiovascular Institute in Baltimore, MD. […]
You’d think that exercise would benefit the heart and thus improve the angina condition, but the truth is the opposite: Exercise will make angina get worse. […]
Yes, a deep vein thrombosis can occur in the arm, not just in the legs. The risk factors for a DVT occurring in an arm are the same as for the leg -- generally speaking. [...]
Some similarities between ALS and MS symptoms are frightening. But most differences are very reassuring to those who can’t stop worrying that they have the fatal motor neuron disease. A person with health anxiety may [...]
Your worst fear is true: Chest pain and a burp that you can’t get out can mean there’s something wrong with your heart. […]
If every time you go for a walk you feel pain between your shoulders, this actually could be a sign of heart trouble, namely angina. In fact, the odds of this being a musculoskeletal problem [...]
Blocked arteries can cause back pain and so can strained muscles; unfortunately the pain from both can feel very similar. However, there are clues… “It’s not always easy to differentiate between angina back pain and [...]
Muscle knots can cause anxiety over possibly having a serious disease, but it’s a benign condition that has different causes and treatments. Do not panic if the professional who’s massaging your back, shoulders or neck [...]
There’s far more to knowing about the borders of a melanoma than what you think. First of all, a jagged border of a mole doesn’t always mean melanoma. There are many variables to consider when [...]
When people write articles titled “How to build muscle without exercise,” they’re playing with semantics to trick you into thinking you can build muscle without exercise. […]
Lifting and carrying heavy groceries, though difficult for a de-conditioned woman, does not count as strength training. If it did, every mom out there who shops for her kids would have visible muscle development. I [...]
If any penetration, including that from a transvaginal ultrasound, is unbearably painful, it’s likely you have a particular condition that’s often misdiagnosed. […]
Many uterine cancer patients want to know how fast this disease grows, and many women who fear they might have it also want to know its growth rate. So just how fast can uterine cancer [...]
If you’re experiencing unexplained numbness in a leg, this could be caused by ovarian cancer. But is it most likely ovarian cancer? The answer depends on whether or not you’re experiencing other symptoms that are [...]
Many women are eager to return to exercise after LEEP but do not have exercise guidelines. Here are detailed guidelines so that you can feel confident during your recovery. LEEP stands for loop electrosurgical excision [...]
An ovarian cyst often does not produce symptoms, but in other cases may cause symptoms similar to PMS. However, the cause of the ovarian cyst may also be causing PMS-like symptoms. Classic Physical Symptoms of [...]
Maybe you think your smoking will magically escape lung or mouth cancer, but ever consider a brain aneurysm? Smoking is a risk factor for developing an aneurysm. But a study out of the University of [...]
High blood pressure, the so-called silent killer that can lead to a stroke, can be caused by periomenopause – many years before the actual onset of menopause. […]
“Advanced cervical cancer can cause leg pain from the growth of the tumor possibly compressing nearby nerves,” says Mylaine Riobe, MD. Leg pain plus swelling is highly suspect for cervical cancer. The nerves in the [...]
If you need surgery for a brain aneurysm, you should ask about the possibility of avoiding general anesthesia. There is a safer technique that you should ask your surgeon about. […]
Do you have “diabetichondria” & often prick your fingers for blood sugar readings even though you don’t have diabetes and your doctor in fact says you’re healthy? Diabetichondria is out there, and it hurts: all [...]
Just because a plus size woman has normal blood sugar does NOT mean she is healthy. A blood sugar reading is not the only metric for good health in the body. However, many body positivity [...]
There is so much more to the “A” for asymmetry in the ABCDE guidelines for checking moles for melanoma signs. It's crucial to know that the concept of asymmetry can easily be open to a [...]
There are three tricks that will go a long ways in ending your anxiety and obsession over taking your pulse, even if you take it a hundred times a day. […]
According to a study, loneliness kills more than obesity. But what about the health effects of rejection? There are those who, by others’ standards, are lonely (because they are alone). But these alone-people may be [...]
In the dream you’re bit by a small animal, usually a raccoon, squirrel, etc., and the wound begins drawing blood. Then you’re in a mad rush to find an ER but never get to see [...]
Pain under the right ribcage has a ton of causes, and 11 are cancer. A nagging pain under the right ribcage that won’t go away can be a symptom of cancer; do not take a [...]
The DIPG brain tumor is the deadliest – more vicious than glioblastoma multiforme. What makes diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma especially brutal is that most diagnoses occur in children between age five and nine. [...]
You already know acid reflux can sometimes cause problems with breathing, but just how does this happen in otherwise healthy people? There’s more than one way that acid reflux—or the more serious variant, GERD, can [...]
Some cancers can cause anemia when they cause internal bleeding or disrupt red blood cell production and function. Anemia is the inadequate supply of healthy red blood cells. Anemia can be caused by many factors, [...]
Here’s a simple explanation of what exactly “early detection” of melanoma means. Melanoma is actually highly curable when caught early. The problem is that the opportunities for an early detection are often passed over! [...]
Here are two explanations for what can cause angina threshold to change during exercise or physical activity. Angina refers to chest pain, usually from blocked arteries causing impeded blood flow through the heart. [...]
"There are many different types of masses that can occur in the pancreas,” says Jordan Winter, MD, a hepato-pancreatic-biliary and oncology surgeon and Chief of the Division of Surgical Oncology at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. [...]
Pancreatic cancer is usually diagnosed after it starts causing symptoms, but does this mean it necessarily grows faster than “less deadly” cancers? […]