Headache Pain When Moving Both Eyes: Can Be Emergency Condition
Do you feel headache pain whether you move your eyes right, left, up or down? Under certain circumstances this can mean an emergency situation. […]
Do you feel headache pain whether you move your eyes right, left, up or down? Under certain circumstances this can mean an emergency situation. […]
If one pupil is noticeably dilated, especially if your cheek is tingling, this is a medical emergency. […]
There’s the woman who thought the reason her young child’s eye was turning inward was “cross eyes” but it turned out to be a brain tumor. […]
Do you hear a clicking sound with every blink of your eyes? Maybe it happens only sometimes or with nearly every blink – and it’s not only impossible to ignore. But it brings to mind [...]
In acute liver failure (hypoxic or ischemic liver) that’s caused by chronic heart failure, the damage to the liver is not intrinsic to the organ but rather, the result of chronically poor blood flow. An [...]
Do NOT buy the Sigvaris Comprefit compression sock with wraps or you will totally waste your money. This product was a sorry disappointment for an elderly man with edema in both legs. […]
The 10 year survival rate for stage 0 melanoma (in situ) is 99 percent. So what happens with that one percent? Do they die from their melanoma in situ? • How does anyone die from [...]
If the biggest goal in life is to wear a bikini to the beach or for Instagram despite being plus size — you need to rethink your priorities. It’s just flabbergasting how many women in [...]
Every time you awaken in the morning, you’re rudely greeted with groin pain – no matter how many times you’ve tried new sleeping positions, pillows or different mattresses. Just what is causing this morning groin [...]
If your shoulder hurts and your thumb or other fingers are numb and tingling, is this more likely multiple sclerosis, ALS or a more benign condition? […]
A root canal is unpleasant enough without a runny nose to go with it. Sometimes a root canal can cause a runny nose. But this does not reflect an inadequate job by the doctor who [...]
An assortment of benign conditions can lead to TMJ problems, but so can a variety of cancers. This is why if your TMJ pain hasn’t resolved despite dental-based treatment, you should request an MRI of [...]
You know that TMJ disorder can cause obstructive sleep apnea… But what about the other way around: Can temporomandibular joint problems lead to obstructive sleep apnea? […]
Many symptoms can be caused by TMJ disorder overnight. In fact, you may not have even made the connection between these nighttime issues and temporomandibular joint disorder. […]
If your wisdom teeth appear normal on an X-ray and are not causing pain, do you still need to have them removed? Of course, if there’s pain, you shouldn’t put off extraction. […]
Can TMJ disorder occur in young children? And if so, what is the youngest age that temporomandibular joint disorder can develop? “TMJ disorders mainly occur in adults but can occur in very young children as [...]
Having sharp stabbing ear pains lately? Many conditions including cancer can cause ear pain, but the causes get narrower when the pain is sharp or stabbing in nature, vs. dull or achy. A piercing brief [...]
Excess saliva with no apparent explanation can make some people think of ALS, but before you fear a death sentence, consider TMJ disorder. […]
If you have TMJ disorder (TMD), it would definitely be in your best interest to avoid loud music, as this can aggravate the condition. “Regardless of the underlying mechanism behind TMJ disorders, the symptoms are [...]
Ear pain can have many causes including a brain tumor and sinus cancer. But what about wisdom teeth growing in the wrong way? […]
Those burning gums, like they’re on fire; what can be causing this? It’s possible that temporomandibular joint disorder is the culprit. […]
Causes of intermittent or occasional double vision are varied including very benign to cancer. […]
Before you undergo LASIK, your surgeon will inform you that one of the immediate effects is feeling you have an eyelash in the eye. This is a persistent sensation that can border on feeling as [...]
Unfortunately, a possible cause of making your eyes feel like bugs or gnats are crawling on them is a worm infestation: tiny worms literally crawling around on the surface of your eye. “There are nerves [...]
You begin walking and within minutes notice that you have blurry vision, or vision that is more blurred than usual. What is the cause of this worrisome response to walking? […]
It’s one thing to see brown or tan floaters and spots in one’s vision, but just what does it mean when these spots and dots are BLUE? “Floaters are seen as dots (sometimes appearing blue) [...]
If you suddenly realize that one pupil is noticeably larger than the other and does not respond to light, take this matter seriously. It could mean a problem with your brain. […]
Have you just learned you need your wisdom teeth removed, and the thought of general anesthesia has you worried you’ll never awaken? […]
If you’ve been diagnosed with bladder cancer, by when should you have surgery? What is the absolute longest that you can wait? “There are no perfect guidelines for how quickly surgery should be done after [...]
When a CT scan shows “something” in the bladder, even what’s labeled an air pocket, the first thing that comes to mind is cancer. […]
Maybe you know that a cancer cell can have monstrous fingerlike protrusions, and if such a shape is found inside your bladder, this can induce untold anxiety. […]
If an abdominal CT scan shows a normal bladder, don’t celebrate yet. But if it comes back indicating cancer, don’t panic yet, either. About 80,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with bladder cancer every [...]
Did you recently get someone else’s or even your own pee splashed in your eye? This not only has a very high “yuck factor,” but the urine could also cause a stinging if it makes [...]
“Blurry vision is listed a possible side effect of Adderall which is the reason so many people are concerned,” says Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, MD, eye surgeon and founder of The Boxer Wachler Vision Institute, [...]
Rather than fear something really bad causing your eyes to make a cracking sound with nearly every blink, there are a few facts that are important to know first. It’s not uncommon for someone to [...]
Does a dislike for loud noise—even a hatred for it—always have to mean that you have hyperacusis or an abnormal sensitivity to sound? What if someone hates loudness because they are very vigilant about preventing [...]
If one of your eyes has been sticking out or bulging lately, this could be a sign of a brain tumor, eye tumor or sinus tumor. When an eye protrudes, this is called proptosis. [...]
Seems that a mandibular advancement device (MAD) would keep the airway open continuously, yet this oral appliance is no match for CPAP when it comes to obstructive sleep apnea of moderate to severe degree. [...]
You should never assume that you can’t possibly have obstructive sleep apnea just because you’re lean, buff and compete in triathlons or CrossFit. […]
Do you sometimes have a leak of poop spurt out when you fart? If gooey poop leaks out only very occasionally when you pass gas, this is nothing to worry about and is probably one [...]