Fat and Can Touch Your Toes? Does This Mean You’re Healthy?
Fat acceptance influencers show how “healthy” they are by posting their flexibility. […]
Fat acceptance influencers show how “healthy” they are by posting their flexibility. […]
Some say weight doesn’t determine health. But what if someone’s so heavy they waddle? […]
I finally decided to shred an influencer’s repeated mantra that “the purpose of your body is relationship, not perfection or thinness.” […]
Here’s why using the inner (and outer) thigh machine is a total waste of time if you’re morbidly obese and have a FUPA. […]
Ever wonder if there’s a difference in the belly fat of obese people who exercise and those who don’t? Is it true or false to say that all belly fat is the same, that belly [...]
Are you so overweight that you’re reluctant to take up cardio exercise because you believe your size will interfere with getting any results? […]
While around 800 million people worldwide face chronic hunger from food shortages, just how many people in the world are obese? […]
If you’re at least 100 lbs. overweight (morbidly obese), here are 10 exercises that you should avoid, because gravity is a real thing. […]
Wondering if lifting weights will make you bigger especially if you’re morbidly obese? […]
Not every morbidly obese person “belongs in the pool” or “should be swimming,” as some weight loss coaches insist. […]
What are the pros and cons of sled workouts for obese, even morbidly, individuals? […]
If aerobic exercise is too uncomfortable due to your size, you can still effectively lose weight with another form of exercise that’s much easier on your joints. […]
Have you seen a morbidly obese woman doing the splits and were amazed? […]
Here's how to track calories if your weight is in the obese range. Calorie tracking can be your best friend if you're ready to lose a lot of weight and keep it off. For whom [...]
Perhaps you already know that three big risk factors for a stroke are obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. […]
When a superstar influencer gets an Instagram comment of “Obesity isn’t healthy,” defensive followers post back, “Thin people die of heart attacks all the time.” […]
The latest in the fact-denying movement is that “obesity” is an insulting word and should not even be used by doctors as a medical term. […]
If obese people can be fit and healthy, then why don’t doctors ever advise their normal-weight patients to pack on some pounds? […]
Many obese women in the “healthy at any size” camp claim to be healthy and feel great. But is this actually an issue of being habituated to aches and pains and not really knowing what [...]
If we can’t tell a person’s health by their size, does this mean a 600 pound person can be healthy? Does it mean a 75 pound woman can be healthy? […]
Just when you thought Jeanne took the cake (no pun intended) for the Nasty Award on “My 600 Pound Life,” Angie J. comes along & makes mincemeat out of her. Poor Daisy, Angie Johns’ granddaughter. [...]
There’s a simple reason why many thin people have high blood pressure, but this reason is no excuse for obese people to deny the dangers of excess weight. […]
If you consider yourself healthy despite obesit ... high blood pressure and a thickened heart muscle may be lurking around the corner – EVEN if you have normal blood pressure and blood sugar now. Obese [...]
If you’re overweight even by 30 pounds and think you’re healthy due to normal blood work, you still should lose weight because down the road, your excess fat may catch up to you and cause [...]
If you think you’re too fat to work out at the gym, you’re so wrong, as there are 10 REAL exercises that very big people can do as well as thin people. […]
At some point obesity has to be unhealthy despite claims by plus-size people that they are healthy. At what weight, then, does obesity go from being potentially healthy to always harmful? When very overweight people [...]
Fat SHOULD be something to fear -- when there's too much of it in your body. This isn't phobia. It's medicine. It's facts. Do not be "Factphobic." Plus size women who campaign for body positivity [...]
Why do some people assume that when an overweight woman works out, it’s ONLY because she wants to lose weight? I’m a former personal trainer and group fitness instructor who was inspired to write this [...]
Which is unhealthier and more likely to kill you: having a normal BMI but most of your fat in your middle or being obese evenly all over? […]
Why are most women in water fitness classes always obese? I’ve always noted this phenomenon, but finally decided it would make for an interesting article after I caught this exact question in a fitness forum. [...]
If you feel too fat & clumsy to exercise & have NO idea where to start, there are several kinds of exercise where you won’t have to worry about falling or stumbling. […]
Exercise is great for any body, thin or obese. But an obese person is NOT healthy just because she or he exercises. One day on the “Dr. Drew” show, Jeannette DePatie, a NAAFA member who [...]
Wow, could it be true, that something called "pleasure receptors" could be a leading cause of eating too much, of downing a whole box of donuts or quart of ice cream in one sitting? So [...]
High intensity interval training (HIIT) isn’t reserved for just thinner people; obese or very overweight women and men are much capable of employing this method of exercise. […]
How can religion lead to obesity? Or is it that very overweight people are drawn to organized religion? What's truly going on here? The link between middle age obesity and religion has already been established. What researchers [...]
Yes, you can do it–lose over 150 pounds if you’re 300 pounds or more–without risky surgery, starving yourself or hating on yourself. […]
If you’re obese or overweight and are wondering which is better, barbells or machines for fat loss, fitness and toning, I have the perfect answer for you. […]
When an obese person starts working out with barbells, something magical happens: dramatic weight loss and a change in body shape. And isn’t that what you want? […]
Don’t blame “fat genes” if you’ve “tried everything” & still can’t lose weight. There’s a humbling reason for your chronic weight loss failure. The good news is that you can solve this problem! [...]
Not just any ordinary walking can reverse the effect of an obesity predisposition, because the walking must be done with rhyme and reason. A person may have a tendency to become overweight under certain circumstances, [...]