Treatment for Night Rotator Cuff Pain
Night pain from rotator cuff problems can be ugly, definitely enough to awaken people and keep them awake much of the night. Certainly there has to be something you can do to minimize night pain [...]
Night pain from rotator cuff problems can be ugly, definitely enough to awaken people and keep them awake much of the night. Certainly there has to be something you can do to minimize night pain [...]
Got questions about ovarian cancer you can’t find online the answers for? Ovarian cancer is known as the “stealth killer,” because it silently stalks its victims without even giving the courtesy of an early symptom warning. [...]
Here’s a reason why it seems that the fat people at a gym can lift heavier weights than the thinner people. I was inspired to write this article after reading a question in a fitness [...]
Ever wonder if bodybuilding is bad for the heart? Some people believe that bodybuilding, or getting “too much” muscle, is bad for the heart. But next time you see a man or woman with muscles [...]
I injured the tendon that joins my quadriceps to my kneecap when I was doing ultra-heavy leg extensions. I also figured out how to cure the "pain" at the junction of the tendon and quad [...]
There are different kinds of shoulder pain that can be associated with squatting with a barbell across one's back. The first type is a strained feeling, which may occur in one or both shoulders, soon [...]
A doctor explains all a woman needs to know about knee pain, which affects women differently than it does men. • Do you have a dull but annoying ache just underneath your kneecap? • Does [...]
There are 10 distinct ways to strengthen the ankles -- and the stronger your ankle joint the less likely you'll suffer a sprain or weakened ligaments. As a former personal trainer, I wasn't just helping [...]
Is it reality or myth that in a gym, the hardbodies stare and gawk at fat people? You’d think a gym would be crowded with very overweight people, but just the opposite is true. Many [...]
Never underestimate the power of stationary bike workouts for melting off excess fat in your stomach, thighs or anywhere else -- as long as you do it anaerobically. Because pedaling a stationary bike is so [...]
Are you a woman who hates her broad shoulders? Perhaps you’ve been wondering if there are ways to shrink the size of your broad shoulders. If you hate your broad shoulders because you’re a woman, [...]
Here’s an answer to if the cause of a child’s skin picking is OCD or bad parenting. What mother would ever blame herself for her child’s skin picking? Does your child pick at his or [...]
This article explains why “I’ve tried everything to lose weight” is a myth, and what obese or overweight people CAN do for permanent fat loss without surgery. “‘I’ve tried everything, but nothing works,’ is a [...]
If your child is the youngest in the class and especially entire grade, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t make the following mistakes. I started first grade at age five, and I have [...]
Dropping weights at the gym is almost always done intentionally, and it's no surprise that sooner or later, the men who do this get injured. The whole idea of dropping weights at the gym needs [...]
Before you tell someone, "Don't worry about it," DON'T! In fact, don't even say "Don't worry." Just these two words alone are a mistake to tell someone, even if they are visibly worrying. It’s just [...]
Many obese people insist that they exercise as much as any lean person. About 80 percent of personal-training clients are overweight women. But the truth is, the percentage of clinically obese individuals at health clubs [...]
Obese women indeed strength train differently than thin women, and this is one of the reasons they can’t lose weight. Obese women strength train a lot differently than their lean counterparts, and while this creates [...]
You know that lots of sitting is unhealthy, but what’s the maximum number of hours we should sit per day? The absolute number of hours per day spent sitting might just very well be three [...]
Maybe you’ve heard that a certain temperature is too hot for marathon running, but what’s the lowest temperature that may still be too hot? As a marathon runner, you certainly know that the hotter the [...]
You should retire (if you're able to) rather than continue working because retirement is much better for your health; working is linked to many diseases. It’s not unheard of for mental health experts to endorse [...]
So the leg suddenly swells up four days out from hip replacement; does this mean a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? After my mother’s hip replacement surgery (fracture repair), I thought that the surgical leg looked [...]
Have you been noticing a very gradual onset of mild headache that gets worse into the evening, but never gets past a level 5 on a 1 to 10 pain scale, and in fact, is [...]
Is the 3D (tomosynthesis) mammogram worth it for dense breasts vs. the 2D (regular) mammogram? “3D mammography vs. 2D mammography showed increased cancer detection, clinically significant for women with scattered and heterogeneously dense breast tissue [...]
There are certain exercises and a certain WAY to work out that will give you the best prehab for your body to prepare for major surgery. So let's look at it this way: Even the [...]
Here is your simple explanation for what sarcoplasmic hypertrophy really is. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is the goal of bodybuilders, because bodybuilders want to get as big as possible – in terms of muscle belly size, a [...]
Few people enjoy hearing kids screaming during play, though many parents who don’t like hearing this kind of noise from their own children will claim there’s nothing they can do about it. Parents must ask [...]
Heavy exercise prior to a liver enzyme blood test can elevate the ALT or AST, but just how much exercise are we talking here? “AST and ALT elevation after exercise is related to inflammation of [...]
Constipation alternating with diarrhea is a classic symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, but also can be caused by colon cancer. What if you find that lately, you’re experiencing this troubling symptom? “Alternating constipation with diarrhea [...]
Are symptoms of chronic subdural hematoma in people under 65 more likely to occur sooner within 90 days when compared with elderly patients? Anyone who clicked on this article probably already knows that by definition, [...]
Can it be possible for an advanced elderly person on a blood thinner to escape a chronic subdural hematoma after a hard hit to the head? Well, I don’t know what really constitutes a “hard” [...]
How many millimeters--how big--must a chronic subdural hematoma be before it begins producing symptoms? After all, if a brain bleed beneath the dura mater is small enough, it won't cause any symptoms. I posed this [...]
If your neurological symptoms like headache come and go, does this rule out a chronic subdural hematoma? Let’s say you get hit in the head really hard but don’t experience any immediate neurological symptoms such [...]
Wondering if after hitting your head you should avoid impact exercise like running or box jumping to prevent a brain bleed? After all, the jarring and shaking of such activity might induce bleeding in the [...]
If you get hit in the head hard, should you avoid natural blood thinners like fish oil and garlic to prevent a chronic subdural hematoma? I posed this very interesting question to a neurological surgeon, [...]
In younger adults, how common is it that a chronic subdural hematoma would not cause a headache? A subdural hematoma is bleeding under the dura mater of the brain. This can begin happening several weeks [...]
What you can't see CAN hurt you: trans fats. Do not buy Marie Callender’s chicken pot pies if you don’t want artery-clogging trans fats that are linked to up to 27,000 heart disease [...]
Can lying down to go to sleep actually cause premature ventricular contractions? "Most people are more aware of their heartbeat after they lie down at night, thus triggering the perception, but not the reality, of [...]
Does a TIA headache have any features that distinguish it from migraine head pain, or vice versa? Suppose you’re diagnosed with migraine headaches. And suppose as time goes on, you’re aware that your risk of [...]
A TIA (transient ischemic attack) can cause a really bad—and very brief—headache. And this also describes the so-called ice pick headache. But if you keep getting stabbing, sharp pains in your head (lasting up to [...]