Can Angina Last for Only Seconds?
Here’s what a cardiologist says about that sudden chest pain that lasts only seconds: angina or is this somehow related to your heart? Any kind of pain or ache in the heart area (“beneath” the [...]
Here’s what a cardiologist says about that sudden chest pain that lasts only seconds: angina or is this somehow related to your heart? Any kind of pain or ache in the heart area (“beneath” the [...]
If you have an attack of unstable angina while at rest, will the pain get worse if you begin engaging in physical activity? Rest may be in the form of watching TV, standing while doing [...]
When someone says, “You stress me out so much you’re going to give me a heart attack,” maybe they’re onto something. Ever hear someone say, “All this stress is gonna give me a stroke!”? David [...]
So if chest pain lasts under a certain period of time, like really short, would this mean it CAN'T be from angina and thus nothing to worry about? Or can angina cause sudden but very [...]
What is REALLY the truth -- or hype -- about how effective breast thermography is at detecting cancer? Some claims are that thermography can detect breast cancer years before a mammograph would pick it up. [...]
Workplace bullying is a serious problem that can lead to a depressing low mood and/or insomnia. The recipient depends on their job for income -- which throws a real huge kink in the chain. A [...]
What more likely leads to ADHD? Parenting methods or innate brain wiring? If you've ever known someone whose child was diagnosed with ADHD, or, if your own child has received this diagnosis, perhaps you've often [...]
Here's a cardiologist's explanation for how sudden stress can sometimes cause chest pain. It can feel like a heart attack, especially when you remind yourself that there've been cases in which a heart attack indeed [...]
The good news is that chest pain only when breathing probably doesn't mean a heart attack, but the real bad news is that it likely means that there is something else wrong with your heart. [...]
A cardiologist explains which side that chest pain is more likely to mean a heart problem or attack. “Typically, left sided chest pain is more common in patients with angina and/or heart attacks,” says Donna [...]
Sudden stress or anxiety has a specific way of causing angina or chest pain, even in healthy people. A person who does not have heart disease (plaque buildup in the coronary arteries) can still experience [...]
If your doctor finds that the blood pressure in one of your arms is high but not the other, this is serious and needs to be pursued. “Doctors evaluate you based on many factors, not [...]
What can it mean when one arm has higher blood pressure than the other? “Blood pressure readings come from the blood flowing through the vessels in the arm (or leg) which can be heard with [...]
Should your doctor be alarmed if you have high blood pressure in one arm and what does this mean? “High blood pressure in one arm is something that is important to notice and report to [...]
Here is what a cardiologist says about different kinds of chest pain like sharp, dull, persistent, intermittent. How can the different types of chest pain—constant, intermittent, sharp and dull/achy be distinguished from each other? “Chest [...]
Vomiting can definitely be related to a problem with the heart, including angina. “Angina can lead to vomiting, and it is one of the important signs of a heart attack,” says Donna P. Denier, MD, [...]
Straight from a cardiologist, here are the guidelines for bodybuilding after having heart bypass surgery, a.k.a. CABG. CABG stands for coronary arterial bypass grafting, and there are two kinds of patients when it comes to [...]
Just who should worry about soft plaque rupture every time they work out? “We define plaque in two ways,” begins Pilar Stevens-Cohen, MD, FACC, Department of Cardiology, South Nassau Communities Hospital. “Soft/unstable vs. stable/calcified plaque. [...]
If you have a mild heart attack but no surgical treatment, how long will you survive? “The short answer is we don't know,” says Pilar Stevens-Cohen, MD, FACC, Department of Cardiology, South Nassau Communities Hospital. [...]
A myocardial infarction is a heart attack. Troponins “leak” from damaged heart tissue and make their way to the bloodstream. Normally in the absence of a heart attack the levels are very low. A heart [...]
If you've been diagnosed with heart disease, does this mean that strenuous exercise is off-limits? Is intense exercise even POSSIBLE with blocked arteries? First of all, let’s define strenuous exercise. Some people think this is [...]
Find out a possible explanation for why your triglyceride level has jumped from last time you had it taken. You awaken at 7 a.m., knowing that at 10 a.m. you’ll be going to the medical [...]
Here’s what a cancer-gyn doctor says about ovarian cancer vs. IBS symptoms. There are many articles or forum postings online with titles like “ovarian cancer vs. IBS” or “Is it IBS or ovarian cancer.” I [...]
Is it possible for a CT scan to rule out angina? Angina is chest pain caused by blockages in the coronary arteries: coronary heart disease. It may also be accompanied by shortness of breath and/or [...]
Maybe you’ve read a few things about “picking off” a melanoma, but what about shaving it off—by accident? Are you wondering if melanoma can be picked off? “It is moles and nevus or seborrheic keratosis [...]
If you’re eager to buy Schiff’s “MegaRed” krill oil capsules, you may want to know that they contain sorbitol—a synthetic version. When I first saw the TV commercials for Schiff’s MegaRed krill oil capsules, I [...]
Have you found a breast lump but the mammogram is clear? Should you just let this go and put all your faith in the mammogram? […]
I was noticing a strange though mild soreness in the front of my neck soon after I awakened, and initially didn’t know what could have caused it. Then I soon realized that the day before, [...]
When colon cancer develops between routine colonoscopies, does this mean it was missed or is it usually a new fast growing tumor? We are advised to have a screening colonoscopy beginning at age 45 and [...]
It's not pretty finding out you have "extremely dense" breasts -- because this is a big risk factor for breast cancer; what makes this worse is that a tumor can pass as benign fibrous tissue [...]
Find out what a breast cancer surgeon has to say about the idea that a mammogram can compress a pre-existing tumor and make it spread. The compression from a mammogram can hurt quite a bit. [...]
Have you ever had menstrual pain or cramps but no period? If your only symptom is pelvic discomfort, a number of conditions can cause this. But the more locations of your body, that have the [...]
Don’t assume your throat issues can’t be acid reflux just because you have no heartburn, chest discomfort or abdominal pain. My father was recently coughing for no apparent reason, and I suggested it might be [...]
Though cancer can cause burping, this symptom can also be caused by psychological factors. Anxiety can cause a LOT of symptoms, including headache, backache, stomach ache, a knotty feeling in the stomach, diarrhea, a racing [...]
Is it possible for acid reflux disease to cause blood to be in one’s stools? “It is unlikely that acid reflux can cause blood on or in the stool,” says Dr. Jeffrey Fine, MD, chief [...]
Is that gurgling inside your stomach coming from acid reflux, cancer or what? Now, gurgling from your stomach can be either annoying, embarrassing or scary (if you read somewhere that it could be a sign [...]
Are you wondering if that discomfort in your chest or stomach while working out on an empty stomach might be from acid reflux? "Yes, exercising on an empty stomach can cause acid reflux," says Jeffrey Fine, [...]
Are you wondering if high intensity interval training can bring on acid reflux? “Yes. High intensity training can trigger acid reflux for some people, depending on what type of exercise the person is doing and [...]
You may know that chocolate can cause acid reflux, but how soon after eating it can it produce this symptom? Acid reflux, even when caused by eating chocolate, can result in a burning sensation in [...]
Find out what that tiny red speck on your toilet paper after wiping yourself might actually be. Recently after wiping myself after having a “number 2,” I noticed what appeared to be a very small, [...]