10 Reasons You Might Not Realize Your Child Is Autistic
Your child could be autistic without you realizing it. Here are reasons you may not have even considered that could be making you miss autism signs. […]
Your child could be autistic without you realizing it. Here are reasons you may not have even considered that could be making you miss autism signs. […]
You’re now retired or close to retirement age and want a personal trainer. […]
Permanent hearing loss from loud fitness class music is not a part of health. […]
Sensory issues can be quite varied among autistic people, even though only a handful of sensory issues get a lot of attention. […]
I was diagnosed with autism in middle age. Here’s how I felt the very moment I saw Autism Spectrum Disorder on the report. […]
How does an evaluator distinguish between the innate autistic brain and a neurotypical broken by childhood family dysfunction and lack of affection? […]
I’m a clinically diagnosed Autistic but don’t have several very common, well-publicized autistic traits. […]
As an autistic woman I will explain what it means to be mildly autistic. There is no known biomarker that proves there can’t be a such thing as mild autism. […]
Read this carefully: It’s NOT okay not to be okay. […]
Influencers need to stop using the iconic Venus figurine as “evidence” being fat was once a beauty standard. […]
Take it from an Autistic woman: Staying silent about your suspicion that a family member is autistic will do tremendous harm. […]
Here’s why you should concentrate on the “negative” or lowering portion (eccentric) in a set of lifting weights for muscle growth and strength. […]
Do you strive for up to 10,000 steps a day? Guess what: Walking slowly vs. quickly really DOES make a difference in health! A step is not a step is not a step. [...]
I initially thought it was a play on the word “artistic,” but there’s actually some truth to that. […]
How did I, as well as many other kids, get through elementary, junior high and high school without any teachers spotting the autism? […]
Do the majority of people who hold onto a treadmill when walking have a physical disability? Or is this merely a bad habit from ignorance? […]
Instagram shows many morbidly obese women lifting heavy weights, promoting them as healthy. How much healthier and fitter are fat women who lift heavy? […]
A morbidly obese influencer said that even doctors can’t tell a person’s health by looking at them. […]
If you lost weight on a sensible diet but regained it, the diet didn’t fail; you returned to the very eating that made you overweight in the first place. […]
Just how many fat Americans die every year from weight stigma and fatphobia vs. the illnesses caused by obesity? […]
Did your doctor order a “chest MRI” for something other than your heart, and you’re wondering if it’ll still show your heart and even cardiac function? […]
Has a psychologist or other related practitioner told you that you can’t be autistic because (fill in the blank)? […]
The simplest, no-nonsense approach is the best approach for parents when their child wonders what gender they are. […]
This isn’t about autistic people learning how to avoid a meltdown. […]
A woman with EDS, MCAS and dysautonomia suffered for years because one doctor after another kept telling her that her severe symptoms were all in her head. […]
A reader commented on my post that autism is the latest fad diagnosis, engineered by Big Pharma to make money, like ADHD is. […]
You’ve recently noticed that one foot is smaller than the other, and the same-size shoe is looser on that smaller foot. […]
Have you been told your toddler or preschooler can’t possibly be autistic because they have good eye contact? Are you aware that this is outdated thinking? It’s a thing: Parents being told that their young [...]
There’s plenty of joy in having two autistic children. […]
Mark’s autistic daughter is six and finds eye contact very uncomfortable. […]
The mole was 3 millimeters and, under magnification had a dark solid spot that was NOT there two years ago. […]
I’m an autistic woman who’s had jobs well-suited for my ASD. If you’re on the Autism Spectrum you’ll want to strongly consider these jobs! […]
Just because shoveling snow burns more calories than walking doesn’t mean it effectively replaces conventional exercise. […]
Or perhaps gym workouts mean you ARE comfortable in your skin. […]
Lidocaine injected into my face at multiple points caused a side effect of feeling lightheaded and faint, likely a vasovagal response. […]
Have you discovered a small hard lump just below your sternum and between the ribs in that area? Are you wondering why you never noticed this before? […]
If you can accommodate your sensory issues in the privacy of your home, are you less autistic than the Autist who struggles with sensory issues in public? […]
Yes, there is a such thing as “good” and “bad” food. Why wouldn’t ingesting toxins be a bad thing? […]
Feeling “old” because you’re retired? Here’s how to reverse that. This goes for those who’ve retired early as well. […]
It’s not a hernia, so what on earth IS that small, hard lump below your sternum that has no “give” when you press into it? […]