Can Women with Very Small Breasts Get a Mammogram?
Is a mammogram possible for women with very small breasts? Very small breasts and the mammogram: If you’re a woman who’s approaching the age at which it would be a wise idea to start getting [...]
Is a mammogram possible for women with very small breasts? Very small breasts and the mammogram: If you’re a woman who’s approaching the age at which it would be a wise idea to start getting [...]
Does a woman need to be pregnant in order to benefit from prenatal vitamins, or is the "prenatal" just a marketing gimmick to get pregnant women to buy them? Well, I posed these questions to [...]
Is there a link between hoarding and obesity? Seems that most, if not all, hoarders are obese; you may have drawn this conclusion after seeing TLC’s “Hoarders: Buried Alive,” or even mere previews to this [...]
The link between anxiety and stress to gum (periodontal) disease is nothing to ignore. Watch that anxiety: It can cause bad gums. Even the stress of loneliness can cause gum (periodontal) disease, says a study. [...]
Some people know their depression will come back--or take that chance, anyways--if they stop taking their antidepressant. So why would they want to do this and take that risk? Many people are curious why someone [...]
Have plantar fasciitis? Which is better: stretching or shockwave therapy? “Both therapies can be very effective and often, it’s best to do them both in tandem,” says Dr. Velimir Petkov, DPM, surgeon and sports medicine [...]
You can have strong wrists and still sprain them, but stronger wrists are less likely to be severely sprained. Here's how to make your wrists stronger. Plus, a strong wrist will recover better from a [...]
Not only is there nothing positive about a body that falls prey to hip disease due to obesity, but very plus-size women who undergo hip replacement surgery fare worse than do overweight men. A very [...]
Bursitis doesn’t just strike old people; the young can get it too. Bursa are the small sacs of fluid that help muscles slide easily over other muscles and bones. Bursitis is when the bursa become [...]
If there’s only one exercise you could do to cure low back pain, I have it. There is one exercise for curing low back pain that stands out way beyond the rest. I had recommended it [...]
Diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff? Have you been told that the only solution for torn rotator cuff is surgery? When the rotator cuff is “torn,” this means that some tendon tissue has been separated, [...]
If you’re 65 years or older and have had total knee replacement surgery, you’ll need to know what the best exercises are for recuperation as well as maintenance. For older people, as well as younger, having [...]
Traditional carpal tunnel release requires up to three months of recovery, leaves scars and requires restrictive bandages up to two weeks following surgery. However, there is a shorter, less invasive carpal tunnel release surgery that [...]
After carpel tunnel syndrome surgery, it’s possible to experience lingering or residual pain that might shoot up the entire arm and affect the shoulder. Remember, the carpal tunnel compression has caused irritation to the median [...]
If you have carpal tunnel syndrome and planning on having the traditional, “open” surgical technique, you'll be required to wear thick bandages that cover the carpal area of your hand for up to a few [...]
After my mother had carpal tunnel syndrome surgery on both hands, she was left with weakness in both hands; weak fingers and a weak grip. This is because the carpal tunnel syndrome progressed from mild to severe [...]
Do freckles raise the risk of melanoma in a black person? Maybe you already know that melanoma risk in blacks, overall, is far lower than in whites or Hispanics, and perhaps you already know that [...]
Have you been experiencing something like an occasional hiccup, that your doctor has said is the result of acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)? This isn’t in reference to what we all know are [...]
Even a small weight gain in fat can raise your "bad" cholesterol (LDL), and I'm talking a very small weight gain. “Interestingly, a 10 percent weight loss has been shown to significantly decrease a broad variety [...]
Dumbbell curls vs. barbell curls: Which is better, and what are the pros and cons? Many of the great bodybuilding champs swear by barbell curls, yet many other bodybuilding legends swear by dumbbell curls. It's interesting [...]
The floor or 45 degree leg press is one of the best weightlifting routines you can do for shaping and strengthening legs, as well as burning up fat. Depending on how you use the 45 [...]
Your "angel" of a child may actually be a demon who's bullying his or her younger sibling, but crafty enough to keep this hidden from you, unless you know the signs to look for. Don’t [...]
Seeking a pull-up substitution if you are obese or overweight? There are several substitutes for pull-ups that overweight or clinically obese exercise enthusiasts can perform. Keep in mind that doing an actual pull-up is NOT [...]
Some kids never get bullied. Are their parents different than the ones of kids who DO get bullied? Do bully-proof children have different kinds of parents? Certainly it's not freak chance or luck that a [...]
Here are ways that a teacher can spot who the bully is in their classroom or beyond. Teachers can be a bullied child’s first line of defense, because they are in such a position to prevent, [...]
Lifting weights is the best thing an obese person can do to lose weight, to burn as much fat as possible; the beauty of weightlifting is that many fat-burning routines can be done while [...]
The deadlift is a divine way for women to "de-flab" their body and create firm muscle tone from head to toe; and it's an easy exercise to learn. First, you need to learn proper form [...]
Exercise may reduce the number of hot flashes a woman has in the 24 hours following the activity. This is great news for menopausal women who suffer from sudden waves of feeling overheated and sweating, [...]
Here is a cardio workout that will benefit people with migraine headaches. This cardio workout for migraine headaches is based on a study that showed that those with this condition can, indeed, tolerate certain types [...]
Chest pain from bar or bench dipping can be quite intense, or mild, or anything in between. Though chest pain, in general, can be frightening, since it calls to mind the idea of having a [...]
Why aren't you able to get rid of that belly fat? What's preventing this? You may not be the problem. Here are 5 shocking reasons the fat stays: Belly fat that won’t go away is frustrating to [...]
There’s some false beliefs out there about long femurs, short torsos and difficulty with squats that need to be cleared up fast. It’s bigger than I thought, all this talk about long femurs and short [...]
Just because you haven’t lost weight despite all the time you’ve spent walking on a treadmill doesn’t mean that you can’t change this outcome. I’ve worked with many heavy women who wanted to lose large [...]
Here’s what a dermatologist says about small moles growing together and the possibility of melanoma. “Sometimes a normal existing mole (round and regular in shape) may seem to morph into a larger, irregular lesion,” says [...]
Can a small dark spot inside a mole possibly mean melanoma? Unfortunately, the answer is YES -- it can be an early sign of this deadly skin cancer that can sneak up on people. “Any [...]
What does a dermatologist think about a punch biopsy for a mole that’s slightly atypical? An "atypical" mole means it's more likely to morph into melanoma than is a typical mole. “A suspicious mole can [...]
This can mean melanoma, but a mole oozing pus can also have a benign cause. “Pus or even infection in a mole is not in itself a sign of melanoma," says Dr. Rebecca Tung, MD, [...]
Do you have a mole that bled after you scratched it and are now fearing it’s melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer? “If a mole that is scratched bleeds, this may signify skin cancer," says Dr. Rebecca [...]
Over age 40 and noticing what appear to be new moles growing on your skin? “People in the 40-50 age bracket may begin to get scary looking pigmented growths called seborrheic keratoses — which are [...]
You’re not a hypochondriac if you fear that an itching, bleeding mole might be melanoma rather than benign. “While people are familiar with the ABCD’s of mole evaluation- - Asymmetry (one half of the mole [...]