Wearing a Bikini if You’re Fat Won’t Help Your Self-Esteem
Lately there’s a movement sweeping the nation: If you’re fat with poor self-esteem, you can cure this by wearing a bikini to the beach. Allison Kimmey […]
Lately there’s a movement sweeping the nation: If you’re fat with poor self-esteem, you can cure this by wearing a bikini to the beach. Allison Kimmey […]
If you’re about to have a prophylactic double mastectomy without reconstruction or just had it, here's a bunch of information that applies specifically to you. The Internet is filled with information about double mastectomies as [...]
I’m 21 days postop from a preventive double mastectomy without reconstruction and have pulled a number of tricks to keep it a secret from my family. Here’s how to keep family members from finding out [...]
What’s going on with the studies linking meat and protein to higher rates of cancer? One of the most startling reports to make rounds comes from Valter Longo, who was professor of biogerontology at the [...]
How much time can one spend walking on a treadmill before it starts becoming something bad for the body? Spending a lot of time walking on a treadmill can be defined as very prolonged periods [...]
If you’re plus size and want a slim body, there's nothing wrong with this. It's a myth that the only road to fat loss is to starve or develop an eating disorder. Now before I [...]
Are you afraid of what strangers will think if you put ear muffs on your young child at a loud sporting event to protect their hearing? If so shame on you over and over. For [...]
Diagnosing ALS can take a long time, with misdiagnoses occurring too often. The diagnosis of ALS “relies heavily on the physician’s clinical acuity,” says Professor Philip Van Damme from VIB-KU Leuven, UZ Leuven. [...]
The color blue is not a classic warning sign in medicine, and this applies to stools, whether in young kids and babies or adults. Blue usually is not a worrisome color to doctors. “While there [...]
Unfortunately, if you’ve been smelling metal when no metal is around, this could mean cancer. In fact, the phantom odor that you’re smelling might be described as slightly metallic or like rust, a chemical or [...]
Fat SHOULD be something to fear -- when there's too much of it in your body. This isn't phobia. It's medicine. It's facts. Do not be "Factphobic." Plus size women who campaign for body positivity [...]
Why do some people assume that when an overweight woman works out, it’s ONLY because she wants to lose weight? I’m a former personal trainer and group fitness instructor who was inspired to write this [...]
Have you noticed that the drainage from your mastectomy is warm enough to make the outside of the JP bulb feel warm? I noticed that right away after my preventive double mastectomy. […]
Melanoma can cause a mole to hurt in a way that can be described as pain. However, other factors can also cause pain to come from a mole. So how can you tell if the [...]
The answer to the question if skin cancer can come and go is rather tricky. Skin cancer coming and going would refer to malignant cells being there one day and then withering away shortly after [...]
Doctors tell us to check our moles every month, but is it possible to see melanoma changes over a faster time period? It seems that we should check our skin perhaps every two weeks, if [...]
There are benign and dangerous causes of a bump on the roof of your mouth. What makes this situation vexing is that often, you cannot see the bump but can only feel it. If you’re [...]
Just what exactly makes a woman skinny? Some say small bones, particularly the thin woman herself, while others would argue it has everything to do with calories in vs. calories out. Calories in vs. Calories [...]
When I had an elective double mastectomy without reconstruction, I prevented weight gain even though I was barred from gym workouts and restricted to light use of my arms. […]
Does the “Do Not Lift Weights” for six weeks apply also to the LEGS when you’ve had a double mastectomy? After all, why would training the legs impact recovery from breast removal? […]
There’s good news for yoga practitioners who are eager to get back into yoga after their double mastectomy. […]
Days after your mastectomy, you may feel a twitching where your breast used to be – a twitching in the chest wall. […]
I had a preventive double mastectomy, and at the follow-up the surgeon explained why I must wait six weeks before resuming lifting weights with my upper body. […]
Here’s what a visible, palpable lump immediately after your mastectomy is most likely to be … I recently underwent a preventive double mastectomy. Two and a half days later I removed the outer bandages and [...]
I underwent a double mastectomy and found a way, though morbid, to ease my anxiety during the recovery process. […]
"Skinny Fat" isn't a fad name that's caught on wildfire for nothing. Skinny-fat is actually a state of health -- a poor state of health that afflicts both women and men. When body positive obese [...]
Does the size of a woman’s bones have anything to do with whether she’s “scary skinny,” fashionably trim or overweight? Do small bones always mean thin body? Actress Tara Reid, whom many think is scary [...]
Don’t kid yourself; tears and strains of the deltoid muscle are hardly the only causes of pain in this area. You can also count in different cancers and heart problems. […]
Obese women who claim they’re healthy because they have normal blood pressure and blood sugar need to know that obesity impairs protection against the flu. Of course, this applies to men as well. Normal blood [...]
Some people are worried that a blood pressure reading of 110 over 60 is not safe and can lead to feeling dizzy, faint or actually passing out. […]
The cause of waking with stiff painless fingers in the morning isn’t always arthritis or disease. This is for people who awaken with stiff but painless fingers that, within half a minute of fist clenching, [...]
Here’s how to hide the JP drain bulbs from family members or anyone else whom you do not want to know of your double mastectomy. […]
The extent that breast cancer awareness is promoted may have you believing that this disease is a LOT deadlier than prostate cancer. […]
The symptom overlap from an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer are nearly identical as far as urine-related symptoms. […]
Yes it’s possible to see in the toilet the blood from a urinary tract infection, and it can appear in different ways to the naked eye. […]
If you’ve been wrestling for a long time on whether or not to have a preventive double mastectomy, here’s how to tell that you’re ready for this procedure. […]
If you’re planning on a preventive double mastectomy, your recovery will be made so much easier if you train your body with five specific exercises. These guidelines pertain specifically to a preventive (prophylactic) double mastectomy [...]
There are critical steps you must take if you’ll be alone in your home immediately after your double mastectomy. […]
I killed the initial recovery for my preventive double mastectomy. This is because my body “thought” the surgery was just another one of my strenuous gym workouts. […]
The way that a preventive double mastectomy feels the same day of the operation may be dependent upon the level of fitness you had going into the surgery. […]