Should People with Pneumonia Avoid Crowds?

How safe, or harmful, is it for someone with pneumonia to be around crowds, and just what constitutes a “crowd”? There are two kinds of pneumonia: community and hospital. Community is when the infection is [...]


How to Strengthen Your Wrists

You can have strong wrists and still sprain them, but stronger wrists are less likely to be severely sprained. Here's how to make your wrists stronger. Plus, a strong wrist will recover better from a [...]


Prevent Finger Pain from Climbing: 6 Ways

Follow these guidelines to help prevent finger pain related to climbing. Finger pain from climbing can be caused by more than one factor, says Joseph Ciccone, DPT, CSCS, a doctor of physical therapy and certified [...]


What Does “Inflammatory Lung Disease” Really Mean?

Have you or someone you know been told they have “inflammatory lung disease”? “Inflammatory lung diseases are clinically and histopathologically [under the microscope] a group of acute and chronic conditions,” begins Sashini Seeni, MD, a [...]


Does Rock Climbing Make Your Hands Bigger?

A study from the University of Tennessee investigated whether or not rock climbing put the athletes at a higher risk for developing osteoarthritis. “According to a 2006 study, rock climbers can develop increased bone thickness,” [...]


Workplace Bullying Leads to Depression

Workplace bullying is a serious problem that can lead to a depressing low mood and/or insomnia. The recipient depends on their job for income -- which throws a real huge kink in the chain. A [...]
