Best Strength Training Exercises for People over 90
Even if you’re 90 years old, even in the mid-90s, it’s not too late to gain amazing benefits from strength training, even if you’ve never picked up a piece of metal in your entire life. [...]
Even if you’re 90 years old, even in the mid-90s, it’s not too late to gain amazing benefits from strength training, even if you’ve never picked up a piece of metal in your entire life. [...]
A study shows that the fewer sit-ups one can do, the higher the all-cause mortality risk; here’s how to get a strong core which will then help lengthen your lifespan. […]
Should a young adult undergo weight loss surgery or should he or she keep working at diet and exercise to lose the weight naturally? […]
Is it just a matter of word choice when it comes to a concussion vs. a mild traumatic brain injury? Or are these two distinct conditions with medical differences? According to a report in Neurosurgery, [...]
The gym is not a place for feeling self-conscious and even embarrassed of your body, but that seems to be exactly what many overweight women use it for. Some of women get so distracted by [...]
Childhood obesity is overwhelmingly the result of bad diet and lack of exercise, rather than genetics or heredity. “The CDC estimates that 18.5% of U.S. children are obese, and approximately one of every three children [...]
Is one particular spot of your body a hot area for muscle twitching? In other words, you keep getting muscle twitches in that same spot all the time? • Every day but only a few [...]
Do you find that your pectoralis muscles twitch after a set of bench presses, either right after or a few hours after? Twitching can mean a neurological disease—but only in very rare instances, and the [...]
Suffering from pre-retirement jitters & anxiety? Beat it out by training to lift heavy things; hit the gym! A barbell will make the jitters vanish because nothing beats anxiety like knowing you’re training your body [...]
There’s no need for alarm if your quad muscles twitch up a storm after thrashing them with your squat routine. Though muscle twitching can signal disease in very rare instances, this should be the furthest [...]
Haven’t you suffered enough with constant anxiety over ALS because of your twitching muscles and perceived atrophy? Get ready to beat your fears! End the Agony "Fasciculations can appear in almost any muscle," points out Daniel [...]
All that walking you do at work does not count as aerobic exercise; stop kidding yourself and learn why you need to do “real” cardio despite aching feet after work. Aching feet at the end [...]
There’s a very logical reason why it’s impossible to build muscle mass in your arms or biceps simply from running with hand weights. Don’t think for a moment, if you’re wanting to build bigger muscles [...]
An older woman need not fear high intensity interval training. In fact, HIIT is one of the best things an aging woman can do for her body, even if she’s always been sedentary. [...]
You’d better believe a man can reach his goals with a woman personal trainer; one man called me “es muy brutal,” Spanish for brutal! […]
Don’t give up hope; it’s a matter of working out correctly, not “fat genes.” Let me show you how to melt the fat safely and get super fit. When I was a personal trainer at [...]
Perhaps your muscle twitching started in one spot and then “spread” so that it’s now all over your body and you’re fearing the worst—like ALS? Yes, muscle twitching is listed on medical sites like [...]
It’s cardiologist vs. personal trainer when it comes to how to properly use a treadmill and aerobic exercise in general. Who wins? I pointed out to a personal-training client that holding onto a treadmill was [...]
If you have Parkinson’s disease, you’ll be interested in a study that looked at low intensity and high intensity exercise for people with this condition. […]
Are you very plus size and wondering if lifting weights can harm your joints, due to your obesity? There are various exercises that plus size women and men do that are more threatening than lifting [...]
Ready for some HIIT? Okay, but which type of cardio equipment is best? There are many things to consider like impact, comfort and boredom! I vote for the treadmill. If you dread a particular piece of [...]
“Intuitive eating” is an approach pushed by the health-at-all-sizes movement, but this flawed approach can really make you gain unhealthy fat weight. If you’ve taken any pledges or have simply visited a website that promotes [...]
There are clear signs that indicate your child was misdiagnosed with ADHD. ADHD is an acronym that describes a large group of features in an individual. There is no diagnostic test known that definitively confirms [...]
What is squamous cell carcinoma? It’s the second deadliest skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma, which is directly tied to sun exposure, kills about 3,500 Americans yearly. […]
People should NOT come in all sizes. Though height variation doesn't cause bad health, obesity does. Size variety is no excuse for accepting fat prevalence. Science does not support the mantra that "people should come [...]
It’s normal for eyes to tear during facial extractions. I’ve had quite a few facial extractions, and after every one, my eyes were very watery. […]
No WONDER the fat won’t come off your stomach; you’re spending too much time working your stabilizer muscles and not the force production ones. […]
Sick of being skinny-fat? Don’t worry, no amount of treadmill walking will make this condition worse. However, there IS something that WILL make it worse. […]
A woman does not have an eating disorder just because her hip bones show; visible bones should not be the gold standard for malnourishment. Though the hip bones on all women with anorexia nervosa are [...]
If you think you’re fit because you use a staircase in your house, keep reading. Because you are being deceived into thinking that simply climbing the stairs every day will automatically make you fit and [...]
Can obstructive sleep apnea ever be diagnosed without a sleep study in which someone sleeps through the night with wires attached to their head and other devices recording their vitals? Diagnosis of OSA is not [...]
Migraine headaches can interfere with sleep, but there are numerous things you can do to finally get a good night’s sleep, without the interruption of the migraine headache pain. “Migraine headaches can happen at any [...]
If your behind is huge and mushy, you need exercises for a fat butt that will shrink and tighten your rear-end. The majority of a big rear-end is fat, not muscle. […]
Do you hold onto the treadmill? Are you aware this may ruin your posture & eventually cause hip problems? It’s bad for the hips & spine, especially for older people. […]
This is about the TIP of your pinkie being numb, rather than the entire finger. Are you freaking over sudden numbness in the tip of your pinkie? […]
We really can't be putting all the blame on "scary skinny" celebrities on the rash of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa. A teen girl with anorexia nervosa, and more so her alarmed family, may blame the so-called [...]
Many cancers, some you’d never even think of, cause chest pain, soreness or aching. Does this mean that next time your chest hurts, you should fear it’s cancer? […]
Have you ever wondered why some gyms have only rubber coated weight plates? Why not just use the cheaper metal-surfaced plates? There are very logical reasons for this. So why do some gyms use rubber [...]
Any reason women don’t grunt, at least loudly, during their gym workouts? Is this an alpha male thing or what? Sure, some hardcore women do make vocal sounds when pushing out those last few heavy [...]
Just what does “low body fat” mean, if there’s a such thing as “skinny fat,” and is a person with low body fat necessarily what we’d consider as thin or skinny? […]