Can Getting Lightheaded when Standing Harm Your Brain?
Ever rise from a chair after sitting for a while and feel lightheaded or that the room is blacking out? Could this eventually harm your brain? You then must pause in your tracks with your [...]
Ever rise from a chair after sitting for a while and feel lightheaded or that the room is blacking out? Could this eventually harm your brain? You then must pause in your tracks with your [...]
You will kick yourself for not having thought of this brilliant solution to reducing LASIK starbursts when you drive at night. I had a Eureka! moment when I was staring out my kitchen window at [...]
Yes, there are cases in which an acoustic neuroma, a normally benign brain tumor, starts out as malignant. […]
Tinnitus and hearing loss that are caused by an acoustic neuroma don’t always come on at the same time, even though this symptom duo is rather common among those with an acoustic neuroma. [...]
Why suffer the ongoing anxiety of watchful waiting for a small acoustic neuroma when you can just have it be done and over with via transcanal removal? Watchful waiting may sound like a brilliantly conservative [...]
Tinnitus is a common symptom of an acoustic neuroma. So is hearing loss. And in fact, when both tinnitus and hearing loss occur in only one ear, this is highly suspicious for an acoustic neuroma. [...]
An acoustic neuroma is a benign brain tumor that frequently leads to hearing loss before it’s diagnosed. In some cases of acoustic neuroma — which is a benign brain tumor — the first symptom to [...]
Acoustic neuroma is diagnosed at the rate of one out of about every thousand cases of unilateral (one-sided) tinnitus. But the causes of the remaining 999 cases are not as varied as you may believe. [...]
If your tinnitus is barely noticeable and quite subtle, can this rule out the possibility of an acoustic neuroma? […]
If you’re experiencing a fullness or pressure in one ear that comes and goes and you fear that this might be an acoustic neuroma, the chances that this symptom is being caused by this benign [...]
An acoustic neuroma and heart palpitations can be associated with each other, but if your heart palpitations are really beginning to worry you, you should be examined by a cardiologist. […]
If you’ve been diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma or think you have one in one ear, and then you start developing symptoms in the opposite ear, this may be a situation in which you assume [...]
Yoga can provide an immediate boost to someone who feels depressed, whereas an antidepressant drug can take weeks to kick in -- if at all. The 2017 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association [...]
When you see someone with apparent chronic venous insufficiency (swollen red or purple portion on their lower legs), what seems to be the leading causes of this condition? […]
Venous insufficiency can lead to noticeable varicose veins and sometimes only discoloration and swelling. Being overweight and under-exercised, according to my lifelong observation of the red/purple and swollen legs of venous insufficiency, seem to be [...]
Ever wonder if intense exercise is protective against the development of gnarly varicose veins? This does NOT refer to the “vascularity” that bodybuilders and physique athletes work so hard to achieve. […]
This isn’t new news: People with multiple sclerosis should take up weightlifting or strength training. “Exercise is very important to overall health for MS and other chronic diseases,” says Mitzi J. Williams, MD, clinical neurologist [...]
A study has determined that the IsoPSA blood test is more accurate at predicting prostate cancer than is the traditional PSA test. […]
Over seven million Americans have NO idea they have diabetes! Is it really so difficult to know you probably have diabetes without having blood tests? Many people actually do worry they “might” have diabetes despite [...]
It’s strange that blood sugar in a diabetic can rise despite not having eaten anything, since typically, eating causes blood sugar to go up. But it’s not an uncommon occurrence that in diabetes, glucose or [...]
Want to know how likely you’ll suffer a hip fracture in the future? See how long you can stand on one leg before toppling over. How long a person can stand on one leg without [...]
Ever wonder why, if the body has a natural clot-dissolving mechanism, DVT patients must continue with blood thinners for many months even after the blood clot is dissolved? […]
If you were deadlifting a good amount of weight prior to your elective double mastectomy, you’ll be wondering how the surgery will affect your ability to get back to the weignt you were lifting at. [...]
“A traditional prostate biopsy, which is a random sampling of the prostate, can miss prostate cancers,” says Michael Herman, MD, Director of Urologic Oncology at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, NY. […]
Do you live in fear of prostate cancer every time your hip bone area begins aching, as you imagine that this is a metastasis from a tumor in your prostate? “Every prostate cancer is unique,” [...]
Many men with prostate cancer fear becoming impotent after being treated with the da Vinci robot procedure. […]
Cloudy urine has many potential causes. Many men just cannot get the idea of prostate cancer — which has a lifetime risk of one in six U.S. men—out of their mind, and obsessively check their [...]
Here is a description by a nurse how “shortness of breath” is really supposed to feel. “Shortness of breath” is a common symptom in symptom lists of various medical conditions, particularly those involving the heart [...]
The bruises from a catheter angiogram will certainly heal; the question is just how long does this normally take and is this something that the patient should worry about? It’s actually more out of the [...]
Causes of blue fingernails don’t always mean that something’s wrong with your heart, but in some cases, a heart problem can cause fingernails to turn a bluish color. […]
Here are 10 things an insulin dependent bodybuilder with diabetes should never do. If you want to build your best muscle and not worry about your blood sugar levels, here is your training guide. [...]
There is one single exercise that mimics pushing a wheelchair. This fun exercise will train your back to better handle pushing against a wheelchair – even up inclined walkways. […]
Using an ab wheel (roller) once your strength training restriction has been lifted after your double mastectomy will be more difficult than bench pressing. […]
If you’re suffering from sciatic butt pain, especially if it’s accompanied by tingling or numbness, this is probably caused by the sciatic nerve getting compressed by the piriformis muscle. […]
Pain in your butt and hip that’s especially accompanied by tingling or numbness is usually a condition called piriformis syndrome; here’s treatment that will bring you relief. […]
You’ve probably seen venous insufficiency in adults with its classic signs of purplish or red swollen lower legs, but why don’t kids get this? […]
A CT scan of one’s lungs can motivate smokers to finally kick their cancer causing habit. Perhaps this is because what you can finally see (your lungs) will kick you into high gear to throw [...]
Did your child hit their head during play yesterday, felt fine all day but in the middle of the night vomited? Are you still wondering if an ER visit is necessary? “With a head injury, [...]
Just what does “No. 1 Recommended by Doctors” mean in those Ensure ads? Is it really true that doctors and nurses sincerely believe that Ensure is good for their patients? “Ensure is definitely not conducive [...]
If you’re diabetic and you run for exercise, you may have noticed that during or soon after running your hands feel like pins and needles are going through them. And in fact, people who are [...]