Is It OK to Give a Young Child a Whistle to Play With?
This may seem like a fun harmless thing, but what if your child decides to stand outside among neighboring homes and repeatedly blow the whistle? […]
This may seem like a fun harmless thing, but what if your child decides to stand outside among neighboring homes and repeatedly blow the whistle? […]
Obese model Tess Holliday once said in an interview that she was physically fit because she was able to take care of a toddler. […]
You don’t have to stuff yourself with whole fruit, beans and lentils to easily get 25 grams of fiber in your daily diet. […]
Have biceps curls burned you out? Tired of them already? Try curling with kettlebells. […]
Those who move furniture or other heavy items for a living need to do structured strength training workouts. This will help prevent injury. […]
This is more than breakthrough bleeding. It’s an occasional heavy flow while on the Pill. […]
A 34-year-old woman’s esophageal cancer was missed by two separate barium swallows. […]
Just what does it mean when “heartburn” is listed as a symptom of esophageal cancer? […]
If you’ve been hiccupping lately from esophageal cancer, would they be different from normal hiccups? […]
Is there a way you could tell if your trouble swallowing food may be esophageal cancer rather than anxiety? […]
Morbid and even moderate obesity is a major risk factor for GERD. […]
Did you have a Nissen fundoplication for hiatal hernia and are confused about weightlifting guidelines? Strength training, bodybuilding & powerlifting require clear, concise guidelines that should not leave the patient wondering, guessing or interpreting the [...]
Do you get hiccups while eating and they seem to be coming from your hiatal hernia? […]
You had an upper endoscopy earlier in the day yet still have right chest pain or chest pain in general. […]
A morbidly obese COVID survivor has accused frontline heroes of fat shaming when she was in the ER and then COVID unit. […]
Cindy on “My 600 Pound Life” shows serious Seana vibes and an even bleaker future. Remember Seana from Season 2020? […]
If you think upright kettlebell rows are safer for your rotator cuff than are upright barbell rows, you’re very mistaken. […]
Is it possible for esophageal cancer to still be local – not having spread – by the time a person begins feeling the first symptom? […]
Stage 1 esophageal cancer has a poor five-year survival rate, while that for other cancers (e.g., breast, prostate, melanoma) have a high survival rate. […]
The overall 10-year survival rate of esophageal cancer is one of the bleakest of all cancers. […]
The 5-year survival rate for esophageal cancer is alarmingly low. It’s essentially a death sentence. Just HOW does esophageal cancer cause death? […]
If a symptom that’s suspicious for esophageal cancer has now been gone for a few weeks, does this mean you don’t have cancer after all? […]
Does food seem to feel stuck in your chest lately? Esophageal cancer causes food to get stuck or feel like it’s “sticking” in the esophagus. […]
Every so often, the teen or adult child of a patient on “My 600 Pound Life” is nearly as big as the parent. […]
Is it your understanding that when a single benign hyperplastic polyp is found, that your next colonoscopy should be sooner than 10 years, perhaps “seven to 10”? […]
Bad posture when jogging can lead to back discomfort. Here’s how to improve your posture while enjoying your jogging sessions. […]
If you seem to have a weak core (low back and abdominal area), you’ll want to try the plank exercise. […]
There’s a reason why marathon runners are so thin but you’re not despite tons of long running sessions. […]
Do you feel as though your bones are weak? It’s never too late to build more strength in your bones. Bone health is often overlooked, but it’s very important. […]
Pain or trouble swallowing, food getting stuck in your throat or chest, can be esophageal cancer. […]
Are you in college and feel pressure to drink and smoke? Perhaps the pressure is your own stress, or maybe it’s new friends or just the general atmosphere. […]
Do you have a roommate or husband who regularly pees in cups or bottles, and worse yet, lets them accumulate? Is this laziness or mental illness? […]
If you’ve been diagnosed with IBS due to daily explosive, watery smelly diarrhea that comes with little warning, you might not have IBS after all. […]
You have no problem swallowing food but two seconds later, you feel a very brief pain or pressure in your chest. […]
Pain in the upper right abdomen can be from GERD, though this isn’t one of the more likely causes of discomfort in this area. […]
GERD can lead to esophageal cancer. But how long does it take for the chronic acid reflux to turn into this very deadly cancer? […]
If colonoscopies are recommended for routine colon cancer screening, why aren’t upper endoscopies advised for routine esophageal cancer screening? […]
You’re a chocoholic and will never give up this heavenly food to prevent acid reflux. So maybe you’re wondering how long it takes chocolate to trigger it. […]
Do you have GERD symptoms, and were you diagnosed with GERD, but your upper endoscopy was normal? […]
Enough already about the “toxic” diet industry, because the junk food industry is far more toxic and is a $200 billion a year industry, far more than the diet culture which comes in at a [...]