Does Microscopic Colitis Increase Risk of a DVT ?
Do you have microscopic colitis and fear getting a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? A deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in a deep vein) is a serious situation -- because the blood clot in your leg or [...]
Do you have microscopic colitis and fear getting a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? A deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in a deep vein) is a serious situation -- because the blood clot in your leg or [...]
Wondering if the nutrients you eat go out with the diarrhea of microscopic colitis? I sure was, after I was diagnosed and would see what appeared to be a lot of produce intake in my [...]
Microscopic colitis can cause numerous problems including tons of diarrhea. Can it also cause food -- even healthy food -- to be malabsorbed, depriving you of nutrients? “Malabsorption is not a classic feature of microscopic [...]
Do symptoms of acid reflux, esophageal spasms and hiatal hernia really overlap that much? “There is a continuum of disorders that can affect the esophagus,” says gastroenterologist Larry Good, MD, who’s been in practice for 40+ [...]
If you suffer from heartburn that comes and goes without any apparent cause, you should keep track of what you eat. This tracking includes how much you eat and when, since food may very well [...]
Lexapro can trigger GERD, but just how does this happen? Lexapro is an antidepressant drug, but it can also help reduce anxiety. It belongs to a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). [...]
Here is a symptom comparison pitting GERD vs. costochondritis. […]
Uh oh, chest pain from heart attack vs. esophagitis can be “very difficult to distinguish,” says a gastroenterologist. “Esophagitis, inflammation of the esophagus, can cause severe chest pain,” says Gastroenterologist Larry Good, MD, in practice [...]
GERD breathing problems can lead to feelings of suffocation and serious lung issues. Ever feel that the breathing problems from GERD could suffocate you to death? Sorry to say, but the very medical condition that [...]
Lifting free weights CAN cause GERD, but wait till you learn which particular weightlifting exercises can especially do this! Lifting weights, of all things, can actually bring on GERD, which stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease, [...]
With all the advice out there on what to eat after strength training, what should diabetics eat? “Post-workout refueling wouldn't be much different from someone who doesn't have diabetes,” says Alison Massey, MS, RD, LDN, [...]
You may want hundreds of moles removed all at the same time, after reading that having hundreds of moles is a risk factor for melanoma. Or maybe you want hundreds of moles removed for cosmetic [...]
“Hormonal changes that occur in pregnancy can cause new moles to arise and moles to change” in the vaginal area or elsewhere, says Dr. Jennifer Gordon, who is board certified by the American Board of [...]
If you've noticed dozens of new moles over only a few months, you'll want to bring this to the attention of a dermatologist if you're worried about melanoma. Dozens of new moles in only a [...]
Have you discovered tiny moles growing in a cluster or groups on your skin and are fearing this could be a sign of melanoma? First off, one thing you need to make sure of is [...]
Whether you deliberately scratch an itchy mole or just happen to scratch it because it's in an itchy area, you may wonder if melanoma can be caused by this. Melanoma from scratching a mole is [...]
Whether or not moles can grow from a scab is a popular question. And it has a definitive answer. Composition of a scab vs. composition of a mole -- do you know the difference? A [...]
Unfortunately, excessive burping new in onset can be caused by cancer, but more likely it has perfectly harmless causes. Let’s look at this more closely. What are the benign causes of recent excessive burping? “People [...]
Have you ever heard that a diabetic must ALWAYS avoid sweets or else something really bad will happen? Some people still believe that if a diabetic eats candy, cake or a brownie with ice cream, [...]
If a patient’s diabetes is controlled, why would it still be considered a risk for heart disease? What if this person is a type II diabetic and controls the condition with exercise and diet? In [...]
That number you see in your glucose meter after eating is very important. The non-fasting value of blood sugar levels can indicate the possibility of prediabetes or diabetes. “The timing of non-fasting blood glucose levels [...]
Do you have diabetes and are wondering how long you can safely exercise after eating carbohydrates? “Any physical activity after eating is good;, there isn't a specific requirement,” says Alison Massey, MS, RD, LDN, registered [...]
Bodybuilding can have a protective effect against type II diabetes, but this doesn’t’ mean you must develop huge muscles. “Any type of regular physical activity (both cardio and strength training) are beneficial in reducing the [...]
What does it mean (melanoma?) when soon after mole removal, the area is itching? Any time you have a mole removed, it should be biopsied—even if the removal was purely for cosmetic reasons. A mole [...]
Many men who proudly sport their beards have noticed tiny white bumps under their beard. In fact, if you haven't noticed this with your beard, take a close look. You just might be surprised. This [...]
A dermatologist explains five causes of itchy red bumps on your feet. “Red itchy bumps on the feet can be from a differential of possibilities, and this can be distinguished based on how they look [...]
Common mole: very close-up view Think that a lentigo is the same as a mole (nevus)? I’ve been told they are, and aren’t, by two different dermatologists. “Lentigos are superficial tan to brown [...]
Is a loosened mole that looks like it can be flicked off melanoma or benign? “This could be a true ‘mole,’ which means it is made of melanocytes, or it could be a vascular growth [...]
There’s a simple reason why light eyebrow hairs that are plucked have dark roots. “The root or bulb of the follicular unit has the highest concentration of melanocytes,” says Kally Papantoniou, MD, FAAD, with Simply [...]
A flaky dry patch on your forehead might be a precursor to skin cancer, says Kally Papantoniou, MD, FAAD, with Simply Dermatology in NY. But it can also be a benign condition called seborrheic dermatitis. [...]
A sudden brief 10-second “head rush” has to have a reason! This is not to be confused with what many people refer to as dizziness. A head rush and dizziness are not one and the [...]
Excessive groin sweating doesn’t just affect overweight people. Even a thinner person could suffer from excessive groin sweating. But being overweight does bring with it unique factors that lead to a lot of perspiration in [...]
If you’re a “Because I said so!” parent, you’d better rethink this credibility-destroying approach with your kids. When you say “Because I said so!” to your grade school, adolescent or teen child, who asks “But [...]
“The classic butterfly rash of lupus is not something that comes and goes overnight,” says Kally Papantoniou, MD, FAAD, with Simply Dermatology in NY. “It tends to be persistent and will occur out of proportion [...]
If your seborrheic dermatitis has stopped responding to Nizoral, here are solutions. Or, to put it another way, has the Nizoral lost steam in treatment of your seborrheic dermatitis? “It is actually very common for [...]
If you’re skin itches like mad when you are tired, here’s the reason! It’s aggravating: Every time you get tired your skin itches and drives you batty. Just what is going on? “It is no [...]
Ewww, rotten egg smelling burps! There are some interesting reasons why a burp can stink like a rotten egg. “Rotten egg burps occur when gastric emptying is delayed and food in the stomach is partially [...]
Yes, the light brown vertical line on your big toenail CAN be melanoma, says a dermatologist. So let’s say that you just noticed a light brown vertical line on your big toenail (or any nail, [...]
The GERD and Candida connection is explained by a gastroenterologist. “Can GERD cause a Candida infection?” This was the question that I posed to Larry Good, MD, who has been a practicing gastroenterologist for 40+ years. [...]
GERD can cause chest pain but do you fear it can lead to heart problems? GERD causing heart problems is a common concern among the many sufferers of acid reflux disease, which is a prevalent [...]