Why Does Sneezing Cause the Lower Abs to Twitch?
Do you sometimes get a twitch in your lower abdominal area right after sneezing? Sometimes it’s two or three twitches – a split second after a big sneeze. […]
Do you sometimes get a twitch in your lower abdominal area right after sneezing? Sometimes it’s two or three twitches – a split second after a big sneeze. […]
Have you seen both “colonoscopy” and “colposcopy” in the same information about one of these procedures? If you’re confused, here’s the difference. […]
If you’re a busy, harried parent struggling to keep your child’s asthma essentials organized, the Asthma KidCare Go-Bag is just what you need. […]
Do you have a young daughter who wants a braid on one side and a pigtail on the other? Here’s what you should know if you won’t allow this. […]
Esophageal cancer is associated with older men. But young women actually can develop esophageal cancer. […]
Do you have symptoms making you fear esophageal cancer and have recently begun tasting blood? A tumor in the esophagus is fairly close to the throat. […]
Esophageal cancer can be misdiagnosed especially in women. And why don’t more doctors promptly order an upper endoscopy when the patient reports suspicious symptoms? […]
Why is cancer more terrifying than heart disease if heart disease kills way more people than cancer? Why is “You have cancer” more frightening than “You have heart disease”? […]
Is it more likely a sign of a motor neuron disease if when your calf muscle twitches, your foot involuntarily moves with it? […]
For a very small number of children, relative to total number infected, COVID-19 has caused serious lung complications. What is different about these kids? “Overall children with SARS-CoV-2 infection causing COVID-19 illness have not had [...]
Being that some teens who smoke took up the habit when they were only 12, or even 10, how likely could they get lung cancer while still a teen? […]
Why is it the obstructive sleep apnea in kids is different than that of adults? […]
Some teens have died from vaping; others have permanent lung damage; but most are not affected. Why is this? […]
If you suspect your child has sleep apnea and are worried it can affect their lungs if not treated, you are correct. […]
Are you wondering if it’s possible a child could have sleep apnea but no daytime symptoms? […]
Obesity in adults is a risk factor for a blood clot that can cause a fatal pulmonary embolism. But what about childhood obesity? […]
Ever wonder how long a person can have a brain tumor before it’s finally diagnosed? […]
Have you recently had a normal MRI for your symptoms but are worried that it missed a brain tumor? […]
A mixed brain tumor is explained by a neurosurgeon who treats all kinds of brain tumors. […]
COVID-19 or the “novel coronavirus” is technically termed as SARS-CoV-2. Many know what these characters stand for except the “2.” […]
There is usually a delay in getting a child’s brain tumor diagnosed. […]
So just how harmful is excess back fat? There are five ways it can hurt you, including two ways it can lead to your death. […]
There’s outrage from fat-acceptance influencers and their followers when little girls start worrying about “getting fat.” They believe childhood obesity is nothing to worry about. […]
Are you very overweight, postmenopausal and having vaginal bleeding? Have doctors said you should just lose weight or that it’s stress? […]
The health dangers of obesity get much media coverage, but what of the mechanical difficulties that doctors have when performing exams hands-on in the office? Physicians rely heavily on the ability of their fingers to [...]
This is about diseases that cause the most symptoms at the same time in a single patient. There are quite a few medical conditions that cause so many symptoms that they can easily be misdiagnosed. [...]
“Strong isn’t healthy” is usually spoken by physically weak people, even though being weak is what’s truly bad for the body. But can an unhealthy person be strong? […]
There’s a growing movement of women refusing to get weighed at doctors’ offices. […]
There’s quite a few medical conditions that can kill you while you’re sleeping without ever waking you up. This includes young people. […]
Do you sometimes experience trouble breathing -- but only at rest and never during or soon after exercise? Like when you’re at a computer? The feeling may be described one of two ways: as a [...]
If your body hurts a lot lately, this could be depression. […]
It’s odd that someone who chooses retirement then becomes depressed. If this describes you, here’s how to regain your zest for life. […]
Does your preschooler seem “slow,” yet the test for intelligence was normal? […]
Your toddler cries every morning upon waking. How long should you wait before taking her out? Will waiting a really long time teach him not to bawl? […]
Thud! Your toddler did it again: Threw her big sippy cup to the floor. You pick it up, place it on her tray and she repeats. Here’s how to stop it. […]
This may seem like a fun harmless thing, but what if your child decides to stand outside among neighboring homes and repeatedly blow the whistle? […]
Obese model Tess Holliday once said in an interview that she was physically fit because she was able to take care of a toddler. […]
You don’t have to stuff yourself with whole fruit, beans and lentils to easily get 25 grams of fiber in your daily diet. […]
Have biceps curls burned you out? Tired of them already? Try curling with kettlebells. […]
Those who move furniture or other heavy items for a living need to do structured strength training workouts. This will help prevent injury. […]