Ankle Pain After Running: Causes and Solutions
Do you suffer from ankle pain after running but can't figure out what could be causing this? There can be a number of causes -- and each cause has a unique solution. Ligament Strain or [...]
Do you suffer from ankle pain after running but can't figure out what could be causing this? There can be a number of causes -- and each cause has a unique solution. Ligament Strain or [...]
The most agonizing pain in the calf comes at some point during your sleep, but calf cramps can also strike you during athletic training. They can instantly halt whatever it was you were doing. Calf cramps [...]
Atypical Mole Have you been told you have a precancerous or atypical mole? Perhaps you were too afraid to ask your physician to explain in more detail what a precancerous or atypical mole [...]
Do you have a purple mole? If so, are you worried that your mole has cancer because it's purple? "The color of a mole may vary within normal ranges, and purple color may not necessarily [...]
New moles in older age are cause for concern, according to many dermatologists. What if a newly discovered mole after age 40 looks normal? Should you have a new mole examined anyways? Dr. Monica Halem, MD, [...]
Is a fading mole, one that's getting lighter, worrying you about melanoma? Have you noticed a mole on your body has been fading or getting lighter? You've heard that melanoma skin cancer that develops in a [...]
Melanoma: What can cause a mole to change besides skin cancer? We've been alarmed by the media when it comes to changing moles -- to See your doctor immediately if you have a changing mole to [...]
Does a brown mole changing to red necessarily mean melanoma? How many times have you read that when a mole changes color, this can be a sign of melanoma and to immediately see a doctor? [...]
Elbow pain when you bench press DOES have definite causes and definite solutions. You'll want to get on board quickly before the injury becomes chronic. There are specific causes of elbow pain both while, or [...]
Ever had foamy urine? There are several causes of foamy urine. Is cancer one of them? If you've been noticing foamy urine and have been wondering if it might be a sign of cancer, worry [...]
Does your stomach make all sorts of gurgling, rumbling and other strange, weird sounds? "Has it reached a point where other people can actually hear your belly making these noises? I'm not talking about hunger [...]
Have you had orange diarrhea lately? That must have been a surprising sight, maybe even an alarming sight, since loose stools are supposed to be brown (though a little greenish is okay), not orange. Diarrhea can [...]
If your urine has a fishy smell, this isn't a hygiene problem and will not be solved with extra bathing or more showers. Fishy smelling urine is a common. "Sometimes it can be difficult to [...]
Orange urine is easy to spot at just a glance in the toilet bowl or as it's coming out. And orange urine means something. Urine should be an almost clear, or very light yellow color. [...]
Pheeuw, do you have really bad smelling gas? It's been said that really foul smelling gas means that the offender is very healthy. Of course, this is just a crazy myth. "Silent but deadly" has been [...]
Are you experiencing sudden diarrhea out of the blue for no apparent reason, and other than the diarrhea, you feel fine? Is the diarrhea particularly watery or "liquidy"? Perhaps between episodes of this mysterious diarrhea, [...]
Symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and colon cancer are nearly identical. In fact, they are so similar that I had to wonder if there was a way that a person, who is experiencing troubling [...]
If your thin or narrow stools have you fearing colon cancer, there are other causes of narrow thin stools besides cancer of the colon. A number of factors can determine bowel movement caliber (shape, texture, color, [...]
Ever have blue or green urine? Gee, what causes urine to be green or blue or blue-green? I asked Dr. Courtenay Moore, MD, urologist in the Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute at Cleveland Clinic, about what can [...]
Red Urine Has Many Causes: Some Life Threatening, Some Harmless Red urine sometimes means blood in the urine, but sometimes it doesn't. Either way, you need to find out the cause of red or rust colored [...]
Brain zaps from Effexor, Cymbalta and other antidepressants are as follows: “Electrical currents” or “shivers” that run through your brain when you try to get off Effexor, Cymbalta or Paxil, three commonly prescribed antidepressants, notorious [...]
Could a calf dent ever mean atrophy of ALS? If you have clicked on this article, then you are most likely already deep within the agony of ALS fear originating from twitching muscles. So [...]
Are your calf muscles twitching? Are you scared it’s ALS? How can you tell this isn’t ALS? Even if you had a negative EMG, you may still not be reassured and may be continuing to [...]
Muscle twitching is a terrifying topic for many people because twitching muscles is a symptom of a killer disease. Muscle twitching is very common, affecting millions of people, but ALS, the disease in which muscle [...]
So, your toe is twitching. Maybe it’s the big one only, or maybe it’s a few of the smaller ones, but nevertheless, the twitching is hard to ignore. Especially when you can actually see the [...]
Twitching muscles in the fingers can have some people fearing they have ALS, that incurable fatal disease that causes muscles to waste away. People with twitching muscles who think they have ALS are prone to [...]
Perceived weakness is an awful thing to have, and it originates from the mind, when someone starts believing he or she has ALS due to muscle twitching. Perceived weakness can disrupt a person’s life. Perceived [...]
ALS sites have scared the pants off of you since muscle twitching comes up on them, and this is what’s been going on in your quadriceps or thigh. You need loads of reassurance that you [...]
Relax, muscle twitching occurs to people all over the world, and until the invention of the World Wide Web, it didn’t seem to be much of a concern. Thanks to the Internet, masses of people [...]
Is your stomach twitching? "Twitching is the common term for fasciculations, an abnormal firing of muscles," says Daniel Kantor, MD, director of the Neurology Residency Program, Florida Atlantic University. When your stomach twitches, just what is [...]
If you're going nuts because of muscle twitching all throughout your entire body, stop fearing the worst, and don't even worry about something even a little bit serious. Muscle twitching isn't necessarily a sign of [...]
Telling multiple sclerosis from restless leg syndrome? Multiple sclerosis vs. restless leg syndrome: Is there really a way to know, without seeing a doctor, if what you're experiencing is restless leg syndrome, as opposed to [...]
Is your thumb twitching lately? Have you learned that muscle twitching is one of the symptoms of ALS? Does your thumb twitch and "jump" for no apparent reason? Can a twitching thumb mean something serious, [...]
Muscle twitching is quite a popular topic, but not one you’ll hear a lot about at the water cooler. In cyberspace, twitching muscles are discussed quite prominently, because muscle twitching, though extremely common, is also [...]
A twitching eyelid that just won’t stop can be anything from annoying to frightening. If your eyelid has been twitching incessantly lately, you can probably chalk it up to strain of the ocular muscles and [...]
Everyone experiences twitching muscles. Any voluntary muscle is capable of twitching. This includes the eyelid, right above the lip, behind the ears, and of course, the larger muscles, including those located in the back, abdomen [...]
Benign fasciculation syndrome is a fancy name that simply means harmless muscle twitching that’s accompanied by cramping and maybe exercise intolerance. Technically, everybody experiences benign fasciculation syndrome sooner or later. The variables are duration and [...]
Stinky smelly urine in the morning? Or does your urine smell bad or like burning rubber at other times of the day? Can anything be done about this bad smell in the morning or whenever [...]
A urologist explains the causes of a fish-like smell around the penis. That fishy smell from your penis is caused by certain problems that you can remedy. A fishy smell around your penis is not [...]
A urologist explains frequent urination and bladder cancer. Feeling of having to urinate, but nothing comes out, can be sign of bladder cancer, though urinary urgency as a symptom of this disease is relatively rare. [...]