Beet Red Stools vs. Poop Stained with Menstrual Blood
Can a woman tell the difference between stools that have beet juice mixed in them and poop that has menstrual blood mixed in? I’ve got this down, having ingested my share of beets, and of [...]
Can a woman tell the difference between stools that have beet juice mixed in them and poop that has menstrual blood mixed in? I’ve got this down, having ingested my share of beets, and of [...]
If you had beets several days ago and are now wondering if the red in your stools is blood, there are some signs to look for that distinguish beet red from blood red in your [...]
A negative CT (CAT) scan after hitting your head doesn’t guarantee that bleeding in the brain won’t eventually result. It still might, and when it does, it’s called chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH). This happened to [...]
Burr hole drainage is a standard treatment for chronic subdural hematoma, but what if the patient then complains of frequent and/or really bad headaches, or even nasty neck pain? How common are headaches or neck pain after [...]
A chronic subdural hematoma is a very slow bleeding in the brain. Just when you thought you were in the clear for having a brain injury, this kind of bleeding could rear its ugly head. [...]
Burr hole drainage of a chronic subdural hematoma If a chronic subdural hematoma causes symptoms, does this mean it cannot resolve on its own, without medical treatment? After all, many elderly people (and [...]
The symptoms of a stroke and a chronic subdural hematoma are strikingly similar -- nearly identical -- and in some cases ARE dead-on identical, even though the causes of these conditions are quite different. For [...]
You may need to really be on the ball to catch the early symptoms or signs of a recurring chronic subdural hematoma. These new-onset symptoms won't necessarily be the same as the original ones. The [...]
Is it possible for a chronic subdural hematoma to be fatal, being that the bleeding in the brain is slow? Chronic subdural hematoma, unlike the acute (rapid bleeding) version, gives the patient plenty of time [...]
If a person vomits after coronary bypass surgery (CABG), is this significant? One must also consider how long after the coronary bypass surgery that the patient began vomiting. Has the vomiting been ongoing since immediately [...]
Abdominal pain after coronary bypass surgery can be mild or considerable, and make the patient think something is wrong. Pain can be frightening, especially after coronary bypass surgery (also known as CABG). “This is an [...]
Still having chest pain even after your coronary bypass surgery? It's understandable for a person, fresh from coronary bypass surgery, or even several weeks out, to think he's having a heart attack or something wrong with [...]
Of course you’ll have no appetite in the days right after coronary bypass surgery -- but what if the appetite suppression persists? Your appetite a few weeks after coronary bypass surgery may still be somewhat [...]
Chest pain is frightening and if you're in the ER, there's a test you'd better request. A test that research shows is very reliable for detecting a heart problem. The best test, shown to be [...]
One cause of depression can be a thyroid problem: more specifically, an underactive thyroid, also known as hypothyroidism. Yes, you read that right: hypothyroidism can lead to clinical depression. The disease of hypothyroidism, when the [...]
Medrol can cause very nasty side effects like psychosis -- called steroid psychosis. And it's not uncommon for ER physicians to see this. My mother’s neurosurgeon said “one percent,” and then “half of one percent,” [...]
What a shame that the drug companies can't make an antidepressant like Cymbalta that doesn't have a discontinuation syndrome, but there's hope if you want to get off this drug and similar ones. Antidepressants like Cymbalta, Effexor and [...]
Antidepressant weight gain happens, but there are ways to fight back. Here are solutions to weight gain from antidepressants. There are two types of weight gain from antidepressants. It’s the second type that can have [...]
If someone is on Dilaudid at the hospital, and not long after shows confusion or cognitive impairment, it may very well be the drug talking, which is an opioid narcotic painkiller. Every single time my [...]
A doctor explains how to best get off Effexor to minimize discontinuation syndrome side effects and withdrawal. Effexor can be difficult to get off of, due to discontinuation syndrome. Ask the many people who have [...]
If your child's been diagnosed with ADHD, consider a misdiagnosis; so many other conditions can masquerade as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. "I would say that many of the kids I see come in with that [...]
Does your child suffer night terrors about drowning, suffocating or choking? There may be a very definitive cause for your child’s night terrors of suffocation and drowning, and it will surprise you. It may very [...]
You can have celiac disease and not even know it; that's because half of people with this autoimmune disorder don't have any symptoms. So how do they learn they have it? Usually it's because they [...]
If you had a torn rotator cuff, would you necessarily be in enough pain to suspect this? Or might the pain--even severe--come and go, faking you out? According to Edmond Cleeman, MD, the pain of [...]
Dr. Bright explains, “Trochanteric bursitis is very common among runners. In order to understand trochanteric bursitis, it is important to have an understanding of what a bursa is." If you suffer bursitis hip pain from [...]
The Lamictal rash, a side effect of this drug, is well-known in the community of Lamictal users. And this rash isn't pretty at all. Is there a way to prevent this side effect? And what [...]
Seborrheic keratoses can look like melanoma, the deadly skin cancer. These benign lesions can come in a variety of colors, sizes and shapes, and can raise concern if you just happen to discover one or a [...]
Here's what a dermatologist says about itching moles. If you’re concerned about an itching mole (could it be melanoma?), first make sure that the itching is coming from the actual spot itself, rather than nearby [...]
We’ve been scared by the media about changes in moles, and skin cancer, a la, “If you notice any changes in a mole, see a doctor immediately, as this could mean skin cancer.” And you [...]
Lots of big moles on your child's back can be intimidating to look at. With all the heightened awareness over the past decade of moles, melanoma and skin cancer, it's only natural that you'd be [...]
A dermatologist speaks about strange or weird looking moles. Have you discovered a funny looking mole on your body and wonder if it’s melanoma? The aggravating thing about finding a strange looking spot is when [...]
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath after coronary bypass surgery? There are actually several causes for breathing difficulties following coronary bypass surgery (aka CABG). "Shortness of breath is very common after coronary artery bypass grafting," [...]
Ever had yellow, chalky, green or black stools? What about reddish stools? Do you ever even look at your BMs? Certain colors of BMs or stools can be a warning sign of cancer. “Brown, gray, [...]
"Change in bowel habits" is commonly listed as a symptom of colon cancer, but this doesn't mean that microscopic colitis can't also cause a change in poop habits and appearance. Your stools and bowel habits [...]
Are malabsorption syndrome and cancer necessarily in the same sentence? Do you fear you're suffering from a malabsorption malady? Is there a way you can tell at home if you have this gastrointestinal ailment? If you've [...]
You think you have acid reflux but you may have sinusitis; or, you're convinced you have sinusitis but it just might be GERD! The symptoms of GERD or acid reflux and sinusitis, do indeed overlap, [...]
Malabsorption that results in odd-looking stools can have a variety of causes, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can also cause stools to appear less-than-normal. You may be wondering if there was a way to distinguish [...]
Do narrow stools have you fearful of colon cancer, even though you've been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? If narrow or thin stools are common with IBS, then this may certainly provide more peace [...]
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can cause back pain. If you have back pain that has not responded to massage or other typical treatments, you may actually have IBS. First of all, how does IBS even [...]
Leg pain can have a ton of causes ranging from so very benign to life threatening--and one of those possible causes is irritable bowel syndrome. Having pain in your leg and wondering if this is [...]