Time It Takes for Liver and Pancreatic Cancer to Grow
It takes years for liver and pancreatic cells to develop into cancer, but only months to spread like a demon and become life-threatening once the mass reaches a certain size. […]
It takes years for liver and pancreatic cells to develop into cancer, but only months to spread like a demon and become life-threatening once the mass reaches a certain size. […]
Good and bad news if you think your digestive symptoms can no longer be pancreatic cancer because you’re still alive after three or so years. […]
Symptoms of oral cancer can mimic that of TMJ disorder; examination of the patient’s mouth is crucial to rule out oral cancers. Tongue cancer can cause jaw pain that mimics that of TMJ disorder. [...]
Here’s how to convince your elderly parent, whom you suspect has obstructive sleep apnea, to agree to a sleep study or an overnight oxygen level test. I was finally able to convince my advanced-elderly father [...]
Are you elderly and have just been told you have obstructive sleep apnea? Can you still benefit from CPAP therapy? Or should you just use supplemental oxygen? If your primary care doctor believes you're too [...]
Prinzmetal angina chest pain not only usually occurs at rest, but it can be severe. The severity of chest pain from Prinzmetal angina can be enough to awaken one from sleep. […]
Don’t think for a second that the typical patient with sleep apnea is a fat man with a thick neck. Skinny young women can be diagnosed with this often misdiagnosed and very common condition. In [...]
If anxiety truly causes nocturia (waking to urinate several times overnight), certainly there has to be a logical reason for this. You may have read somewhere that stress can increase the urge to void. [...]
Have you been convincing yourself that you can't possibly have sleep apnea because you don't have daytime symptoms? There is a possibility that you have sleep apnea even if you're not sleepy during the day [...]
Don’t let the diagnosis of “mild” fool you; untreated though mild obstructive sleep apnea can lead to adverse cardiovascular events in your body. […]
All sorts of things can go wrong with the feet from diabetes and this includes peeling of the skin. You probably already know that diabetes often causes neuropathy (nerve damage), which results in the inability [...]
Don’t count yourself out from having sleep apnea just because you don’t have daytime symptoms and are lean, buff and young. Sleep apnea is one of those conditions for which millions of people could be [...]
You’ll be surprised to learn that the gum debris or “gunk” where the tooth was pulled isn’t really black—but dark red because it’s blood. […]
Don’t get your hopes up if your first sleep study is negative for sleep apnea. Better have a second sleep study done because the first one may have missed it. […]
There’s a sure-fire way to stay on your side during sleep: no sewn-in tennis balls, bumper wraps or alarms that awaken you every time you roll over. […]
Ever wonder if your endometriosis will spontaneously go away before you reach menopause? “Without any medical intervention? It’s quite rare for endometriosis to go away on its own before menopause except during pregnancy,” says Mylaine [...]
You know as hot flash is coming in about 20 seconds because you just felt a feeling of doom and depression sweep through your body. Suddenly, existence feels like an arduous chore that can barely [...]
What’s going on? There’s a sticky clear fluid leaking out of one of your breasts — but you’re not pregnant. “About 20 to 25 percent of women experience nipple discharge at some point in their [...]
A woman who’s had LEEP done a few times for CIN will naturally be worried there’s a limit to how many times the loop electrical excision procedure can be done. […]
There are many causes of benign nosebleeds, but when they really start up during menopause, a woman may wonder if this means cancer or just the hormonal fluctuations during this transition. […]
A certain type of tumor in the pituitary gland can cause nipple discharge by increasing the secretion of prolactin, a hormone. […]
Is the mildness of sleep apnea determined by the patient’s daytime symptoms such as severity? Is it frequency of these symptoms? Or is it something else? […]
At some point after a root canal, a smoker is going to want to smoke. And at some point following a root canal, it will be okay to smoke. “Let’s be honest – you’d be [...]
Molars are subjected to the most biting force and thus can end up broken pretty badly, but at what point should they be pulled when this happens? “Broken teeth are probably one of the most [...]
There’s a general rule for how long after a molar is removed that active bleeding should last and how long seeping should last, plus how to treat and what to expect. A lot of bleeding [...]
Just how dangerous is untreated but mild obstructive sleep apnea? Can mild OSA cut your life short? Moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea is defined as having equal to or greater than 15 respiratory disturbances [...]
CPAP treatment of sleep apnea lowers cardiovascular risk – significantly, when compared to what it potentially could be if sleep apnea goes untreated on a chronic level. […]
You’d be shocked to know just all the ways that sleep apnea can harm the heart. If you’ve ever wondered why periods of stopped breathing can be so dangerous to the cardiovascular system even though [...]
Okay, so which is it: sleep apnea or laryngospasm, being that both can cause you to abruptly wake in the middle of the night gasping for breath? […]
Being that sleep apnea causes frequent low oxygen levels overnight, could a finger pulse oximeter by itself detect sleep apnea? When sleep apnea is suspected, the patient is encouraged to undergo a “sleep study” (polysomnography) [...]
Being that it’s not acute and can be caught in time, how is it that sometimes people die from a chronic subdural hematoma? After all, this condition is relatively very easy to treat. Now in [...]
Sleep apnea may not always occur every single night and in fact may be sporadic in some cases. This can be referred to as intermittent sleep apnea, in which the intermittency is measured in days [...]
Diabetes can lead to dangerous conditions that cause pain in the calves and overall legs when walking. Those with type 2 diabetes are particularly vulnerable to an arterial condition, though the risk is still increased [...]
Asymptomatic people with sleep apnea should use a CPAP—and they shouldn’t, too; the answer depends on more specific data as well as the doctor treating the patient. […]
If you wait for nodular melanoma to go from flat to pencil eraser height before seeing a doctor, you could be dead a short time later. Nodular melanoma goes from zero to metastasis in zip [...]
“Extragenital endometriosis” refers to endometriosis that affects areas beyond the genitals, such as various nerves. “Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that lines the uterine cavity -- glandular tissue -- is misplaced and studs [...]
It’s unsettling: Even a young woman who doesn’t drink can get cirrhosis of the liver. The risk of non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis does not equally apply to men. […]
Low back pain can definitely radiate or “spread” to the groin, even though the source of the pain is only in the back rather than the groin. Can Low Back Pain Spread to the Groin? [...]
Endometriosis not only can cause damage to the kidneys, but it can cause kidney loss. The type of endometriosis that damages kidneys is called ureteral endometriosis. […]
The so-called pinched nerve, which for many people requires surgery to correct, can actually heal without any surgery and go away on its own. In fact, there are people who’ve had a minor degree of [...]