Scary Symptoms: Your source for in-depth symptom information since 2012. Thousands of articles covering hundreds of medical, health and fitness topics including the scariest symptoms.

Why Some Breast Cancers Stop Responding to Targeted Therapy?

I't's very depressing to patients when they are told that their breast cancer has stopped responding to the targeted therapy. When it comes to breast cancer, “Failure to respond to targeted therapy can be multifactorial,” [...]

Percentage of Mole Biopsies that Come Back Melanoma?

If you’ve ever had a mole removed for biopsy, have you ever wondered what the mathematical odds were of it coming back as melanoma? It’s unimaginable how many moles every year in the U.S. or [...]

When a Skin Sample Is Sent for Biopsy: Handling the Anxiety

It’s just plain total anxiety when a skin sample is sent off for a biopsy, especially when you did not expect this to happen, and all you can think of is “What if it comes [...]

What Percentage of Actinic Keratoses Become Squamous Cancer?

There’s a percentage range of actinic keratoses turning into squamous cell carcinoma, which is why these seemingly harmless skin lesions should never be ignored. Furthermore, the appearance of very early squamous cell carcinoma can mimic [...]

Can Wisdom Teeth Removal Cause Nosebleeds?

You just had your wisdom teeth removed. You’re now having bloody noses. Is there a connection? “Some oozing after wisdom teeth (upper wisdom teeth) removal is to be expected for a few minutes to an [...]
