Strength Training Machines: Range of Motion only Two Inches?
Have you ever seen people moving the handles only two inches on strength training equipment and wonder, “What the heck are they hoping to achieve?” […]
Have you ever seen people moving the handles only two inches on strength training equipment and wonder, “What the heck are they hoping to achieve?” […]
A song you love is on a workplace radio or public speaker and someone starts singing to it, destroying your listening pleasure! […]
Can there be a delay between when you stop taking pills and when pill esophagitis begins? […]
Have you noticed that often when you get up after sitting for a while, you have to burp? […]
So it goes as follows: You chew, swallow without any problem and then right after there’s an odd pain in your right chest that lasts a few seconds. […]
Many women seem to start gaining abdominal weight within a few years of completing menopause and some will wonder if it could be ovarian cancer. […]
Periods are a pain, and many women want to know if they can be safely stopped, delayed or sped up. This is particularly true for women who travel frequently. “Women using hormonal forms of birth [...]
Untreated cervical cancer kills about 4,200 U.S. women every year. But can cervical cancer ever develop into uterine cancer? Uterine/endometrial cancer takes about 12,100 lives in the U.S. every year. […]
Cigarette smoke is strongly linked to several cancers including gynecological. […]
If you’re lying on your back and start pressing around your lower abdomen and pelvic area, is it possible to feel an ectopic pregnancy? […]
Fainting has many possible causes. Menopause causes many possible symptoms. Is there an overlap? With all the symptoms that menopause can trigger, one has to wonder if fainting – not just feeling faint or lightheaded [...]
A colposcopy enables a doctor to view the inside of the cervix. Would cancer be visible with this procedure? That’s what many women want to know who are scheduled for a colposcopy. This can make [...]
In many cases of a uterine biopsy, bleeding occurs afterwards. Is there a way to tell if this is from cancer or from the procedure itself? A uterine biopsy requires that an instrument be inserted [...]
The onset of abdominal or pelvic cramping after completing menopause can frighten a woman, and certainly, some causes are life-threatening. […]
If you think braces are only for preteens and high schoolers, you are wrong. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists estimates that more than one million of their patients who have come to fix [...]
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Every November, National Diabetes Awareness Month is recognized by organizations, charities and individuals in order to increase visibility of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, [...]
Watch enough ID Channel and you’ll know there’s a reason why the abuser in a relationship can be a woman physically weaker than the victim. […]
This incredible veiny forearm belongs to a 71-year-old woman! The vascular forearm in that top photo belongs to Sharon Smith of Denver, Colorado, who began training in her late 50s. A forearm like that doesn’t [...]
You may be promoting unhealthy eating habits and eventually obesity by teaching your overweight child that she’s perfect just the way she is. • This isn’t about body shaming. • This isn’t about demeaning a [...]
Every woman needs to work on getting big heavy curves. Trust me, once you have big heavy curves, you will have more confidence than you ever imagined possible. […]
The latest in the fact-denying movement is that “obesity” is an insulting word and should not even be used by doctors as a medical term. […]
What yo-yo dieting may do to a woman’s heart health should be incentive to stop this “weight cycling” and fight very hard to permanently maintain a healthy body weight. Yo-yo dieting, also called weight cycling, [...]
If you had to choose between napping or medications for lowering your high blood pressure, do you know which would be more effective? Hopefully, you know that napping and pharmaceuticals such as beta blockers aren’t [...]
If obese people can be fit and healthy, then why don’t doctors ever advise their normal-weight patients to pack on some pounds? […]
Men with buff physiques who preach that NEAT can help dad bods transform their body are feeding you nonsense. You’ve been doing NEAT since birth yet still have a dad bod. […]
How many times have you seen a headline like “Which Foods to Avoid to Lose Weight”? From a purely hormonal and physiological aspect, you do NOT need to avoid any particular food or type of [...]
Many obese women in the “healthy at any size” camp claim to be healthy and feel great. But is this actually an issue of being habituated to aches and pains and not really knowing what [...]
Do you know the first three things you should do if someone’s having a stroke? Even a middle aged person can be stricken by this very common condition. Time is truly of the essence when [...]
Heart problems can cause neck pain. But so many benign conditions can cause neck pain as well, such as TMJ disorder and a pinched nerve. […]
Why doesn’t body inclusivity in the modeling world extend to faces? White, black or Asian, runway models including plus-size have the same face. […]
Pay no attention to fitness headlines claiming that planks can burn belly fat – because they can’t. Never. Planks will not flatten your stomach, either. […]
Fibromyalgia can affect isolated body parts such as the shoulders and neck, but what about literally being on one side of the body, such as affecting only the left leg, left hip area, left shoulder [...]
Fibromyalgia can cause breast pain, and so can breast cancer. Is there a difference in the way a woman would feel these different sources of pain? Though pain in a breast from cancer isn’t a [...]
There are 3 serious conditions – OTHER than muscle or nerve problems, injury, poor posture, arthritis, infection and cancer that can cause upper back pain. […]
Are you wondering if running can lessen the density of your breasts and thus lower your breast cancer risk? Or maybe they’re mostly fat tissue and you’re afraid that running will bring density to them [...]
Is the top number of your blood pressure reading sometimes 89 and the bottom number 69? Does a blood pressure of 89 over 69 necessarily indicate a medical problem? […]
On one hand, a benign pink mark from trauma can resemble the pink or “red” of a blood clot. A harmless bruise can also be large and quite ugly, while a blood clot that looks [...]
Why can some people have uncontrolled high blood pressure for so long without any problems? Can it ever NOT harm the body (e.g., the person is fit and healthy otherwise in that they don’t smoke, [...]
“Fit Mom” Maria Kang apologizes for promoting an “unnatural body standard,” yet if anything’s unnatural, it’s obesity, and this IS being promoted by many body positive influencers. The human body was not meant to carry [...]
If you’re scared you might develop type 2 diabetes, then you should be working to increase your muscle mass. Bulking up is not necessary, but the more muscle tissue you have, the more protection you’ll [...]